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Q2189333 Inglês
HOLY GRAIL I'm a dermatologist - here's how you get can get rid of forehead wrinkles without Botox and for under £10

(1º§)EACH passing day brings many moments that cause you to furrow your brow. And the more face scrunching you do, the more dreaded lines are likely to emerge __ your forehead. But before you devote time (and a decent amount of money) to fading those pesky wrinkles, it's good idea to try and figure out what's really causing your lines. If you're under 30, chances are your forehead 'wrinkles' are in fact just dehydrated skin, according to one medic.

(2º§)Dr Ivy Lee, a board-certified dermatologist practicing in southern California, US, said dehydration lines can be easily improved without splashing the cash on Botox. She told Insider that unlike wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle movement dehydration lines are finer and have a "crepe paper-like texture when the affected skin is not well hydrated." And while we may associate dehydration with drinking water, the expert said drinking more water does not have any added skin benefits. Instead, she urges young people to use topical skin treatments.

What product should I use?

(3º§)Dr Ivy said you should look for moisturisers that contain the following three ingredients:

Humectants, which attract water into the skin (eg: hyaluronic acid)

Emollients, which repair the skin barrier and soften the skin (ex: squalene and plant-derived oils).

Occlusives, which "trap moisture into the skin by creating a seal," the expert said (ex: hydrated petroleum or mineral oil).

(4º§) She recommended using CeraVe Moisturising Cream - a 177ml tube from Boots costs will set up back just £10.

Other cheap skincare products under £10

(5º§) There's no denying that luxury products contain some premium ingredients and look pretty aesthetic, but given the cost __ living crisis, affordable skincare is just as important, especially when the products work just as well. Some dermatologists have shared their favourite skincare swaps for luxury products that they say work as effectively as expensive versions.

(6º§)Vaseline vs La Mer lip balm

La Mer lip balm is touted __ many celebs as a bit of a handbag necessity. But according to Mia, nothing beats a pot of good-old Vaseline. And while La Mer balm can set you back £58 ($75), Vaseline can be as cheap as a couple of pounds.

(7º§)The INKEY List Vitamin C serum vs SkinCeuticals 

Vitamin C creams and serums can brighten your skin and, according to some studies, can reduce the signs of ageing. But these products can be expensive, because they can be tricky to make, Rebecca explained. SkinCeuticals' C E ferulic vitamin C antioxidant serum is an excellent product, she said - but it will set you back a whopping £165 ($182). Instead, why not give the INKEY List's own vitamin C a whirl, Mia suggested, which only costs £9.99 ($15.99).

Choose the alternative that presents the correct translation of the word according to the context of the text.
Q2189332 Inglês
HOLY GRAIL I'm a dermatologist - here's how you get can get rid of forehead wrinkles without Botox and for under £10

(1º§)EACH passing day brings many moments that cause you to furrow your brow. And the more face scrunching you do, the more dreaded lines are likely to emerge __ your forehead. But before you devote time (and a decent amount of money) to fading those pesky wrinkles, it's good idea to try and figure out what's really causing your lines. If you're under 30, chances are your forehead 'wrinkles' are in fact just dehydrated skin, according to one medic.

(2º§)Dr Ivy Lee, a board-certified dermatologist practicing in southern California, US, said dehydration lines can be easily improved without splashing the cash on Botox. She told Insider that unlike wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle movement dehydration lines are finer and have a "crepe paper-like texture when the affected skin is not well hydrated." And while we may associate dehydration with drinking water, the expert said drinking more water does not have any added skin benefits. Instead, she urges young people to use topical skin treatments.

What product should I use?

(3º§)Dr Ivy said you should look for moisturisers that contain the following three ingredients:

Humectants, which attract water into the skin (eg: hyaluronic acid)

Emollients, which repair the skin barrier and soften the skin (ex: squalene and plant-derived oils).

Occlusives, which "trap moisture into the skin by creating a seal," the expert said (ex: hydrated petroleum or mineral oil).

(4º§) She recommended using CeraVe Moisturising Cream - a 177ml tube from Boots costs will set up back just £10.

Other cheap skincare products under £10

(5º§) There's no denying that luxury products contain some premium ingredients and look pretty aesthetic, but given the cost __ living crisis, affordable skincare is just as important, especially when the products work just as well. Some dermatologists have shared their favourite skincare swaps for luxury products that they say work as effectively as expensive versions.

(6º§)Vaseline vs La Mer lip balm

La Mer lip balm is touted __ many celebs as a bit of a handbag necessity. But according to Mia, nothing beats a pot of good-old Vaseline. And while La Mer balm can set you back £58 ($75), Vaseline can be as cheap as a couple of pounds.

(7º§)The INKEY List Vitamin C serum vs SkinCeuticals 

Vitamin C creams and serums can brighten your skin and, according to some studies, can reduce the signs of ageing. But these products can be expensive, because they can be tricky to make, Rebecca explained. SkinCeuticals' C E ferulic vitamin C antioxidant serum is an excellent product, she said - but it will set you back a whopping £165 ($182). Instead, why not give the INKEY List's own vitamin C a whirl, Mia suggested, which only costs £9.99 ($15.99).

According to the text, the products that are expensive because they are hard to make would be: 
Q2189331 Conhecimentos Gerais
"Na última sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2023, o Ministério da Saúde decretou emergência de saúde pública na Terra Indígena, na Amazônia, a maior do país." 
Acesso em: (Adptado)
A crise humanitária que foi notícia em todos os meios de comunicação em janeiro de 2023, ocorreu com a tribo: 
Q2189316 Noções de Informática
Fundamentalmente, computadores são máquinas cuja unidade elementar é o processador ou microprocessador, o qual é responsável pela coordenação e execução de todas as tarefas da máquina. Sobre microprocessadores, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I.O microprocessador é um dispositivo lógico programável digital, baseado em registradores, encapsulado em um único chip de silício, concebido sob a tecnologia VLSI (circuito integrado em alta escala).
II.O microprocessador atua sob o controle de um programa armazenado em memória o Sistema operacional, e um relógio, ou clock, executando operações aritméticas, lógica booleana, tomada de decisão, além de entrada e saída, e permitindo a comunicação com outros dispositivos periféricos.
III.A origem dos microprocessadores data de 1971, quando a Intel Corporation lançou no mercado o microprocessador 4004 que possuía em torno de 3.000 transistores e foi denominado originalmente como "calculadora em um único chip". A partir desta nova tecnologia surgiriam as calculadoras mais modernas, os computadores pessoais (PC), as "workstations", e "mainframes".
IV.Até vinte anos atrás, fabricantes de chips como Intel, AMD, IBM e Motorola já fabricavam microprocessadores com três núcleos (core), composto de milhões de transistores. Atualmente já temos no mercado o microprocessador Intel Core i9-13900KS (nove núcleos) com velocidades que chegam na casa do 6 GHz.
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Q2189315 Noções de Informática
Um sistema operacional é o software que gerencia diretamente os recursos e o hardware de um sistema, como CPU, memória e armazenamento. O Linux é um dos sistemas operacionais mais conhecido, foi desenvolvido para ser semelhante ao UNIX, mas acabou evoluindo e, hoje, é executado em uma ampla variedade de hardwares, de smartphones a supercomputadores. Sobre o Linux, analise as seguintes afirmativas:
I.Todo sistema operacional baseado no Linux inclui o kernel do Linux, que gerencia recursos de hardware e um conjunto de pacotes de software que compõe o resto do sistema operacional.
II.O Linux é um sistema operacional open source e gratuito, disponibilizado sob a Licença Pública Geral (GPL) GNU. Qualquer pessoa pode executar, estudar, modificar e redistribuir o código-fonte, ou até mesmo vender cópias do código modificado sem a obrigatoriedade do uso da mesma licença.
III.Uma das coisas que diferenciam muito o Linux de outros sistemas é a possibilidade de usar várias interfaces gráficas (ou simplesmente GUI) diferentes nas várias diferentes distribuições que existem. O Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, são exemplos de GUI.
IV.Um comando Linux é um programa ou utilitário que roda na linha de comando. Uma linha de comando é uma interface que aceita linhas de texto e as processa em instruções para o computador. O comando trk é utilizado para mover (ou renomear) arquivos e diretórios. Para usar este comando o usuário deve digitar o comando com os arquivos de origem e destino. Ex: trk source_file destination_folder/ 
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