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Q381145 Noções de Informática
Uma das atribuições da BIOS em um computador do tipo IBM-PC é
Q381144 Arquitetura de Computadores
A Arquitetura Harvard de computadores tem como uma de suas características marcantes o fato de
Q381142 Direito Administrativo
Prosérpina Sila, ocupante de cargo público em comissão regido pela Lei n.º 8.112/90, valeu-se do cargo para lograr proveito pessoal, em detrimento da dignidade da sua função pública. Por isso, Prosérpina foi destituída do respectivo cargo. Nessa situação, se pretender assumir novo cargo público, a Lei n.º 8.112/90 dispõe que Prosérpina
Q381137 Inglês
Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Dow Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

            Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0% recorded last year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In December, unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous record monthly low of 4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE said
            The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists polled by the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment rate at 4.4%.
            Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic activity. Salaries have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation - a key area of concern for the Brazilian Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest rates to record lows last year. Inflation ended 2012 at 5.84%.
            The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1,805.00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in December, down from the record high BRL1,809.60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages trended higher in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to increase wages and benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain workers because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment rate, however, is not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of the population is either underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition, workers not actively seeking a job in the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also doesn’t take into account farm workers.

                                    ( Adaptado)

No trecho do quarto parágrafo – Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain workers because of the country’s low unemployment. – because introduz uma
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: DCTA Prova: VUNESP - 2013 - CTA - Técnico em Informática |
Q331298 Inglês
Two of the greatest technologies of our age are telecommunications and computer engineering. Telecommunications is concerned with moving information from one point to another point or from one point to many other points. I think it is no exaggeration to say that the telecommunications industry is largely taken for granted by the vast majority of people. If you were to ask the average person what the greatest technological feat of 1969 was, they would probably reply ‘The first manned landing on the moon’. A much more magnificent achievement was the ability of millions of people half a million kilometres away to watch what was taking place on the moon in their own homes. However, if most people are not aware of the great developments in the telecommunications industry, they will not have missed the microprocessor revolution. In the last few years powerful computers have become even more powerful and minicomputers and microprocessors have spread to industry, education, research, and the home.

(Extraído de: The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements,
International Student Edition, 2nd, 1991)

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41: E
42: A
43: C
44: B
45: D