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Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Bibliotecário |
Q1027952 Inglês

                                         Knowledge and the library

      It was not until the development of monastic libraries in Europe around 1200 that humanity amassed in a single place what approached the collective wisdom and knowledge of the age. Libraries may be exchanges of information and market places for ideas but they are also the buildings which contain the bulk of human knowledge. Or, at least they were until the electronic digitally stored information revolution of the 1980s.

      Now knowledge is virtually everywhere; it has broken free of the constraint of buildings. Today if you were today to destroy all the world’s libraries, it is unlikely that more than 20% of human knowledge would be lost. Certainly, a large amount of archival material would disappear forever, but a substantial volume of knowledge would survive. If a library is a repository of knowledge, this is now just one of its functions. The library’s prime function is now making that knowledge available and encouraging exchange and reflection upon it.

      Electronic knowledge is nowadays available to everybody – in the home, workplace, airport terminal, school, and so on. The Internet has liberated the library; nevertheless, it has not removed the justification for library facilities.

                 ( Adaptado)

De acordo com o texto, a Internet
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Bibliotecário |
Q1027951 Inglês

                                         Knowledge and the library

      It was not until the development of monastic libraries in Europe around 1200 that humanity amassed in a single place what approached the collective wisdom and knowledge of the age. Libraries may be exchanges of information and market places for ideas but they are also the buildings which contain the bulk of human knowledge. Or, at least they were until the electronic digitally stored information revolution of the 1980s.

      Now knowledge is virtually everywhere; it has broken free of the constraint of buildings. Today if you were today to destroy all the world’s libraries, it is unlikely that more than 20% of human knowledge would be lost. Certainly, a large amount of archival material would disappear forever, but a substantial volume of knowledge would survive. If a library is a repository of knowledge, this is now just one of its functions. The library’s prime function is now making that knowledge available and encouraging exchange and reflection upon it.

      Electronic knowledge is nowadays available to everybody – in the home, workplace, airport terminal, school, and so on. The Internet has liberated the library; nevertheless, it has not removed the justification for library facilities.

                 ( Adaptado)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – it is unlikely that more than 20% of human knowledge would be lost – o termo em destaque pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Bibliotecário |
Q1027950 Inglês

                                         Knowledge and the library

      It was not until the development of monastic libraries in Europe around 1200 that humanity amassed in a single place what approached the collective wisdom and knowledge of the age. Libraries may be exchanges of information and market places for ideas but they are also the buildings which contain the bulk of human knowledge. Or, at least they were until the electronic digitally stored information revolution of the 1980s.

      Now knowledge is virtually everywhere; it has broken free of the constraint of buildings. Today if you were today to destroy all the world’s libraries, it is unlikely that more than 20% of human knowledge would be lost. Certainly, a large amount of archival material would disappear forever, but a substantial volume of knowledge would survive. If a library is a repository of knowledge, this is now just one of its functions. The library’s prime function is now making that knowledge available and encouraging exchange and reflection upon it.

      Electronic knowledge is nowadays available to everybody – in the home, workplace, airport terminal, school, and so on. The Internet has liberated the library; nevertheless, it has not removed the justification for library facilities.

                 ( Adaptado)

According to the first and second paragraph, nowadays, the main function of a library is to
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Bibliotecário |
Q1027949 Inglês

                                         Knowledge and the library

      It was not until the development of monastic libraries in Europe around 1200 that humanity amassed in a single place what approached the collective wisdom and knowledge of the age. Libraries may be exchanges of information and market places for ideas but they are also the buildings which contain the bulk of human knowledge. Or, at least they were until the electronic digitally stored information revolution of the 1980s.

      Now knowledge is virtually everywhere; it has broken free of the constraint of buildings. Today if you were today to destroy all the world’s libraries, it is unlikely that more than 20% of human knowledge would be lost. Certainly, a large amount of archival material would disappear forever, but a substantial volume of knowledge would survive. If a library is a repository of knowledge, this is now just one of its functions. The library’s prime function is now making that knowledge available and encouraging exchange and reflection upon it.

      Electronic knowledge is nowadays available to everybody – in the home, workplace, airport terminal, school, and so on. The Internet has liberated the library; nevertheless, it has not removed the justification for library facilities.

                 ( Adaptado)

De acordo com o primeiro e o segundo parágrafo, a partir da década de 1980,
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Bibliotecário |
Q1027942 Conhecimentos Gerais

Nos últimos anos, diversos casos bárbaros de execução de jornalistas foram registrados. Entre as vítimas, além de Claude e Ghislaine, estão o repórter Mohamed al-Absi, envenenado no Iêmen, os mexicanos Miroslava Breach e Javier Valdez, mortos em 2017 a tiros no México, e Ján Kuciak e sua noiva, na Eslováquia.

No ato, realizado em Paris, foi lembrado o assassinato do jornalista Jamal Khashoggi.

(Acesso em 02.11.18 – disponível em: Adaptado)

O chocante caso de desaparecimento e assassinato do jornalista Jamal Khashoggi acreditava-se inicialmente ter sido ordenado pelo príncipe herdeiro

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