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No envio de e‐mail, o campo utilizado para o envio de cópias de mensagens para pessoas além do destinatário, de modo que o destinatário não tenha conhecimento de para quem a cópia foi enviada, é o campo
A dimensão do bom atendimento que diz respeito à capacidade de se prestar os serviços conforme prometido é a de
Em relação ao atendimento ao público, assinale a alternativa correta.
A comunicação que possui o intuito de vender ou melhorar a imagem de produtos e serviços no âmbito de uma organização é a
No que se refere às técnicas de seleção, assinale a alternativa correta.
Acerca dos tipos de entrevista, assinale a alternativa correta.
Quanto ao modelo de seleção, assinale a alternativa correta.
O modelo de escolha de candidatos em que há vários candidatos para cada vaga e existem várias vagas para cada candidato é denominado de modelo de
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma vantagem do recrutamento externo.
Em relação ao recrutamento de pessoal, assinale a alternativa correta.
Nas questões que avaliem conhecimentos de informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considere que: todos os programas mencionados estejam em configuração‐padrão, em português; o mouse esteja configurado para pessoas destras; expressões como clicar, clique simples e clique duplo refiram‐se a cliques com o botão esquerdo do mouse; e teclar corresponda à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá‐la, acionando‐a apenas uma vez. Considere também que não haja restrições de proteção, de funcionamento e de uso em relação aos programas, arquivos, diretórios, recursos e equipamentos mencionados.
A respeito do programa de navegação Internet Explorer 11, assinale a alternativa correta.
Nas questões que avaliem conhecimentos de informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considere que: todos os programas mencionados estejam em configuração‐padrão, em português; o mouse esteja configurado para pessoas destras; expressões como clicar, clique simples e clique duplo refiram‐se a cliques com o botão esquerdo do mouse; e teclar corresponda à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá‐la, acionando‐a apenas uma vez. Considere também que não haja restrições de proteção, de funcionamento e de uso em relação aos programas, arquivos, diretórios, recursos e equipamentos mencionados.
Acerca do sistema operacional Windows 10, assinale a alternativa correta.
Nas questões que avaliem conhecimentos de informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considere que: todos os programas mencionados estejam em configuração‐padrão, em português; o mouse esteja configurado para pessoas destras; expressões como clicar, clique simples e clique duplo refiram‐se a cliques com o botão esquerdo do mouse; e teclar corresponda à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá‐la, acionando‐a apenas uma vez. Considere também que não haja restrições de proteção, de funcionamento e de uso em relação aos programas, arquivos, diretórios, recursos e equipamentos mencionados.
O recurso do Microsoft Word 2016 que permite ao usuário utilizar tabelas que estão armazenadas em galerias de blocos modulares e ainda poder guardar cópias das tabelas usadas com maior frequência nessas galerias, com o objetivo de aproveitá‐las para uso futuro, é conhecido como
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
The adjective “Sound” in the title means
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
In “I should have chosen a regular course” (line 17), we have an example of past modal with “should”. Identify the sentence which is not correct according to this pattern.
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
In “a good piece of advice” (line 19), the expression “a piece of” is used to make the noun “advice” countable. With which word from the options below, “a piece of” can also be used?
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
The verb “attempted” (line 13) means
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
Which statement about Sue Miller is correct according to paragraph 2?
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
The words “necessarily” (line 11), “quickly” (line 12), “certainly” (line 19) are adverbs. Which word from the options below is not?
Text for the questions from 38 to 50.
Sound Advice for Language Learners
1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has
consulted a number of experts in the field of second
language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for
4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some
basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying
languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the
7 time to learn a language?
First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your
goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give
10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive
courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in
mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly
13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to
teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.
Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making
16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers
anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to
have more time for practice and consolidation.”
19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.
Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).
“have to” in “you have to be realistic in your goals” (lines 8 and 9) is used to express