Questões de Concurso
Comentadas para professor - inglês
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Em relação ao que estabelece a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional atualmente vigente (Lei n° 9.394/1996), assinale a alternativa correta.
Leia o excerto a seguir.
“O _________ é um instrumento que estabelece as diretrizes administrativas e as orientações para a vida escolar em conformidade com a legislação nacional vigente. Ele estabelece as normas que deverão ser seguidas, como os direitos e deveres de todos que convivem no ambiente escolar. [...]
O ___________ materializa o PPP [Projeto Político-Pedagógico] na forma de registros de procedimentos, funções, atribuições e composição de cada um dos diferentes segmentos e setores da unidade.” (CEDAC. Projeto Político-Pedagógico: orientações para o gestor escolar entender, criar e revisar o PPP. São Paulo: Fundação Santillana, 2016).
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente ambas as lacunas do excerto.
Choose the alternative which contains the single most decisive factor that contributes to students' real achievement and long-term progress.
Concerning disjuncts, choose which one of the following sentences is correct.
Concerning verb tenses, choose which one of the following sentences is correct.
Choose which one of the following sentence illustrates the case of apposition.
Choose which one of the following sentences can be classified as complex sentences.
Choose which one of the following sentences can be correctly classified as a simple sentence.
Concerning the characteristics, skills and attitudes that make a good language teacher, choose which one of the following sentences is correct.
Concerning textbooks, choose which one of the following sentences is correct.
As far as the correction of errors is concerned, choose which of the following sentences is correct.
Choose which one of the following ideas expressed bellow describes the grammar translation method.
Choose which one of the following sentences can be correctly described as a feature of the audiolingual method.
In terms of methodologies and approaches of the teaching of English and a second or foreign language, choose which one at the following sentences that best illustrates cognitive learning.
Concerning the fundamental concepts in the field of the teaching and learning of a foreign language, choose the statement that most specifically refers to interlanguage.
Concerning the process of word formation, choose the alternative which contains borrowed words.
Concerning the process of word formation, choose the alternative which contains abbreviated words.
Concerning the process of word formation, analyse the word unfortunately and decide which is the only correct following statement.
As far as semantics is concerned, choose which one of the following sentences below contains an underlined word or expression that is used correctly.
As far as semantics is concerned, choose which one of the following sentences contains an underlined word or expression that is used correctly.