Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1831391 Direito Constitucional
Em conformidade com a Constituição Federal, sobre a associação profissional ou sindical, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1830834 Pedagogia
De acordo com BOYNTON e BOYNTON, sobre disciplina, assinalar a alternativa INCORRETA:
Q1828798 Português
Instrução: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Em etapa de captação de recursos, obras da Estátua do Laçador voltam a ficar sem prazo 

(Disponível em: - texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova.)
Nos vocábulos arquiteta e comissões aparecem os seguintes fenômenos fonéticos, respectivamente:
Q1828795 Português
Instrução: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Em etapa de captação de recursos, obras da Estátua do Laçador voltam a ficar sem prazo 

(Disponível em: - texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova.)
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA quanto às possibilidades de alterações nos verbos do seguinte trecho do texto:  Outro tema que envolve a estátua do Laçador trata da localização do monumento. Uma mudança chegou a ser discutida em 2019, mas, segundo Manuela, “por enquanto a mudança está mais no campo de especulação”.
Q1828794 Português
Instrução: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Em etapa de captação de recursos, obras da Estátua do Laçador voltam a ficar sem prazo 

(Disponível em: - texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova.)

Considere as seguintes possibilidades de inserção de vírgulas em certos trechos do texto:

I. Antes e após no momento (l. 09).

II. Após Laçador (l. 14).

III. Após por enquanto (l. 15).

IV. Antes e após aquele (l. 19).

Quais preservam a correção do texto?

Q1825378 Pedagogia
De acordo com o Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos, sobre o desenvolvimento das linguagens, analisar a sentença abaixo:
Em contato com diferentes formas de representação e sendo desafiada a delas fazer uso, a criança vai descobrindo e, progressivamente, aprendendo a usar as múltiplas linguagens: gestual, corporal, plástica, oral, escrita, musical e, sobretudo, aquela que lhe é mais peculiar e específica, a linguagem do faz de conta, ou seja, do brincar (1ª parte). O desenvolvimento das linguagens ocorre apenas no interior de uma instituição educativa. Contudo, no que se refere ao aprendizado da linguagem escrita, a escola não possui um papel fundamental e decisivo (2ª parte). Do ponto de vista pedagógico, é fundamental que a alfabetização seja adequadamente trabalhada na faixa etária dos seis anos, considerando-se que esse processo se inicia somente nessa idade (3ª parte).
A sentença está:
Q1825376 Pedagogia
Sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana, analisar a sentença abaixo:
As diretrizes são dimensões normativas, reguladoras de caminhos, embora não fechadas a que historicamente possam, a partir das determinações iniciais, tomar novos rumos (1ª parte). Diretrizes visam desencadear ações uniformes (2ª parte). Na medida em que procedem de ditames constitucionais e de marcos legais nacionais, na medida em que se referem ao resgate de uma comunidade que povoou e construiu a nação brasileira, as diretrizes atingem o âmago do pacto federativo (3ª parte).
A sentença está:
Q1820855 Inglês

Modern and convenient — or are they?
history, people have felt that they are the most modern generation. Ever since the invention of the wheel or the building of the first bridge, people have said that the things now are more advanced, more efficient than ever before.
This has never been truer than in the early twenty first century. We love — and sometimes hate – our computers and related technologies. But do we use them well? 
Take mobile phones, for example. They started as an expensive luxury, used by the very rich, and have become a necessary item of business equipment. We can’t image without one. But many of those calls are not half assurgent as we think.
Most people talking on the phone on the train could easily wait until they in the office – and they should remember that the other passengers can hear what they are saying: what if one of your competitors is sitting on the train, too?
Then take email. It hasn't always been here.
Business worked with letters and phones for a very long time before email, but these days everybody seems to use it — but do they use it well? People think it’s quick, and that it makes everything quicker, and that quicker is good. But we need to be careful as well as quick. So, before you click to send the reply to that very urgent message, check it through carefully. People often just use the spell-check, but make sure the facts are correct, too, and that your message is polite.
Or take online ordering. This Has been with us for a very short time, but already there are businesses that run only online. What some companies forget is that older customers often have a lot of money to spend. But this type of customer wants to talk to a person, not a machine.
what problem does the writer describe about online ordering?
Q1820854 Inglês

Modern and convenient — or are they?
history, people have felt that they are the most modern generation. Ever since the invention of the wheel or the building of the first bridge, people have said that the things now are more advanced, more efficient than ever before.
This has never been truer than in the early twenty first century. We love — and sometimes hate – our computers and related technologies. But do we use them well? 
Take mobile phones, for example. They started as an expensive luxury, used by the very rich, and have become a necessary item of business equipment. We can’t image without one. But many of those calls are not half assurgent as we think.
Most people talking on the phone on the train could easily wait until they in the office – and they should remember that the other passengers can hear what they are saying: what if one of your competitors is sitting on the train, too?
Then take email. It hasn't always been here.
Business worked with letters and phones for a very long time before email, but these days everybody seems to use it — but do they use it well? People think it’s quick, and that it makes everything quicker, and that quicker is good. But we need to be careful as well as quick. So, before you click to send the reply to that very urgent message, check it through carefully. People often just use the spell-check, but make sure the facts are correct, too, and that your message is polite.
Or take online ordering. This Has been with us for a very short time, but already there are businesses that run only online. What some companies forget is that older customers often have a lot of money to spend. But this type of customer wants to talk to a person, not a machine.
What does writer give about the emailing?
Q1820853 Inglês

Modern and convenient — or are they?
history, people have felt that they are the most modern generation. Ever since the invention of the wheel or the building of the first bridge, people have said that the things now are more advanced, more efficient than ever before.
This has never been truer than in the early twenty first century. We love — and sometimes hate – our computers and related technologies. But do we use them well? 
Take mobile phones, for example. They started as an expensive luxury, used by the very rich, and have become a necessary item of business equipment. We can’t image without one. But many of those calls are not half assurgent as we think.
Most people talking on the phone on the train could easily wait until they in the office – and they should remember that the other passengers can hear what they are saying: what if one of your competitors is sitting on the train, too?
Then take email. It hasn't always been here.
Business worked with letters and phones for a very long time before email, but these days everybody seems to use it — but do they use it well? People think it’s quick, and that it makes everything quicker, and that quicker is good. But we need to be careful as well as quick. So, before you click to send the reply to that very urgent message, check it through carefully. People often just use the spell-check, but make sure the facts are correct, too, and that your message is polite.
Or take online ordering. This Has been with us for a very short time, but already there are businesses that run only online. What some companies forget is that older customers often have a lot of money to spend. But this type of customer wants to talk to a person, not a machine.
What does the writer say about using mobile phone?
Q1820852 Inglês
Qual das frases abaixo se encontra no passado simples?
Q1820851 Inglês
O que significa o phrasal veb da frase a seguir? “we had to call off the meeting”.
Q1820850 Inglês
Em qual sentença abaixo, o pronome foi corretamente utilizado?
Q1820849 Inglês
Que palavra abaixo não contém sufixo?
Q1820848 Inglês
Identifique a melhor tradução para a frase “we first met in 2004”.
Q1820847 Inglês
Leia o texto e responda a questão. 

The Christmas Anti-drink drive campaign is in full swing, but there will always be those who think they can get away with it. Beyond the points, the driving ban and the criminal record, how do those caught handle the shame? Another Christmas, another warning about getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol.
The theme of the 2019 campaign is that a conviction can ruin a driver´s life. “That is could come between you and Christmas” is the slogan. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic and for those who rely on their cars that can be punishment enough. But what about the stigma and the shame?
Mary, a 27-year-old care co-ordinator from Torquay in Devon, found that being convicted even affected her relationship whit her mother. “She made me feel really, really bad. She didn’t want to see me and shut the door in my face and told me to go away. That was the worst feeling ever.”
Mary, which is not her real name, says the incident that changed her life came at the end of a “rubbish” day at work last year, close to the anniversary of her grandmother’s death. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home and then went into town to continue drinking, but on the way she hit a parked car, failed a breath test and spent a night in a police cell. “That was lonely and horrendous. You feel very bad about yourself,” she says.
“It gives you time to things over and how you could have killed someone. You feel embarrassed because you don’t think you could even end up in a cell.”
She was given a £300 fine and a 16-month driving ban. The ban was reduced to a year because she signed up a course with the Devon Driving Course lrun by Devon County Council, which aims to educate drink-drivers about their crime.
The court meant she had to tell her parents the truth and endure her mother’s cold shoulder, having previously told her the accident had not been fault.
I don´t want people to make the same mistake as I did. People’s silence and looks on the faces says it all. It makes you never want to do anything so stupid again”.
She learnt many things from the £145 course but among them was the fact her shame, criminal record and costs could have been avoided had she paid £ 20 for a taxi.
Text adapted whttp://news/ Acesso em abril 2021.
As palavras em negrito apresentam diversas funções na Língua Inglesa. Classifique-as conforme o contexto em (G) Gerúndio, (S) Substantivo, (I) Infinitivo, (A) Adjetivo, (P) Passado, (PP) Particípio Passado.
I. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic… II. That was the worst feeling ever. III. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home… IV. …she hit a parked car… V. …and how you could have killed someone.
Q1820846 Inglês
Leia o texto e responda a questão. 

The Christmas Anti-drink drive campaign is in full swing, but there will always be those who think they can get away with it. Beyond the points, the driving ban and the criminal record, how do those caught handle the shame? Another Christmas, another warning about getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol.
The theme of the 2019 campaign is that a conviction can ruin a driver´s life. “That is could come between you and Christmas” is the slogan. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic and for those who rely on their cars that can be punishment enough. But what about the stigma and the shame?
Mary, a 27-year-old care co-ordinator from Torquay in Devon, found that being convicted even affected her relationship whit her mother. “She made me feel really, really bad. She didn’t want to see me and shut the door in my face and told me to go away. That was the worst feeling ever.”
Mary, which is not her real name, says the incident that changed her life came at the end of a “rubbish” day at work last year, close to the anniversary of her grandmother’s death. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home and then went into town to continue drinking, but on the way she hit a parked car, failed a breath test and spent a night in a police cell. “That was lonely and horrendous. You feel very bad about yourself,” she says.
“It gives you time to things over and how you could have killed someone. You feel embarrassed because you don’t think you could even end up in a cell.”
She was given a £300 fine and a 16-month driving ban. The ban was reduced to a year because she signed up a course with the Devon Driving Course lrun by Devon County Council, which aims to educate drink-drivers about their crime.
The court meant she had to tell her parents the truth and endure her mother’s cold shoulder, having previously told her the accident had not been fault.
I don´t want people to make the same mistake as I did. People’s silence and looks on the faces says it all. It makes you never want to do anything so stupid again”.
She learnt many things from the £145 course but among them was the fact her shame, criminal record and costs could have been avoided had she paid £ 20 for a taxi.
Text adapted whttp://news/ Acesso em abril 2021.
O autor trata de qual assunto no texto:
Q1819130 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente gêneros textuais.
Q1819129 Pedagogia
Leia o excerto retirado dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino de Língua Estrangeira: “O uso da linguagem (tanto verbal quanto visual) é essencialmente determinado pela sua natureza sociointeracional, pois quem a usa considera aquele a quem se dirige ou quem produziu um enunciado. Todo significado é dialógico, isto é, é construído pelos participantes do discurso.”
Qual das frases abaixo vai ao encontro da citação?
Q1819128 Inglês
Em relação aos países que têm a língua inglesa como oficial, e levando em consideração o ensino desta língua na escola, é correto afirmar que:
6401: B
6402: E
6403: B
6404: D
6405: A
6406: B
6407: C
6408: A
6409: B
6410: C
6411: D
6412: D
6413: B
6414: C
6415: D
6416: A
6417: C
6418: D
6419: A
6420: D