Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1750019 Inglês

Analyze the sentences below.

I - I think he was more mad than brave;

II - Some residents were madder than a wet hen loathing the idea of the bylaw;

III - Is there anything more fun than a Trump rally?

Observing the underlined items, choose the correct option.

Q1750018 Inglês
“Carl Uris ___________________________ really fast, but he gets very annoyed at distracted drivers when he's off the track.” Choose the option which expresses correctly that the subject is accustomed to something.
Q1750017 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below and identify the wrong verb tense.
Q1750016 Inglês
“(…) she ________________ nobody ______________ be scared of her baseball bat.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
Q1750015 Inglês
Analyze the items below. I - I recall telling him clearly that he had won; II - I clearly recall telling him that he had won; III - In fact, she clearly is the one to deny. Observing the position of the underlined adverb, choose the correct option.
Q1750014 Inglês
“Photographer captures bittersweet spirit of a dog who has been living in a park for 13 years.” The underlined verb tense expresses:
Q1750013 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below. I - Just as I got into the bath all the lights went off; II - Tiffany was reading concentrated while Ken was cooking; III - They were trembling with anger as they left the hotel. Observing the underlined verb tenses, identify the correct option:
Q1750012 Inglês
“This is an entirely novel type of intervention which could be added to community-wide campaigns with antimalarial drugs, such as mass drug administration and seasonal malaria chemoprevention, to kill both mosquitoes and parasites.” Identify the best option that can replace the underlined expression.
Q1750011 Inglês
“Throughout history, the story of women _____________ one of exclusion, stillness, absence, and prejudice.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
Q1750010 Inglês
Read the paragraph below. “(…) points learners beyond form to real world contexts; ______________________________ contributes specifically to communicative goals; objectives organized carefully in succession; those engage learners; problem solving.” (Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S.) Analyze the context above and choose the correct teaching method that completes the paragraph.
Q1750009 Inglês
Read the fragment below: “The objective of the PNLD is to present public education institutions with the option of a series of textbook collections that have undergone a rigorous evaluation by selected specialists. Since its initial launch for foreign language textbooks, the PNLD presented in 2014 a new selection of textbooks based on nationwide feedback and updated research. Considering the importance of sociocultural and political factors in the public education guidelines, we can see how they are reflected in the criteria for evaluating foreign language textbooks, both at the primary and secondary levels of education.” (Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S.) According to the context, choose the wrong option about reading comprehension in secondary education:
Q1750008 Inglês
Read the following fragment from the PCNs: I - (…) the Foreign Languages teaching-learning process has taken on new contours: it does not need to require actual putting into practice of some fundamental principles that have long remained nothing but ink on paper because they were regarded either as utopian or hardly feasible; II - Although it is true that the practical objectives, namely, to understand, speak, read and write a foreign language - as referred to in the legislation and by experts -, are indeed important ones, it would seem that the development-oriented approach that is inherent to the learning of Foreign Languages cannot be neglected; III - It is therefore essential to approach the school-based teaching of Foreign Languages in such a way as to enable students to understand and produce correct sentences in a foreign language, and to allow learners to attain a level of linguistic competence that allows them to have access to several types of information while contributing to their overall development as citizens. Choose the best option according to the context.
Q1750005 Conhecimentos Gerais
A Guerra do Paraguai foi um conflito militar que ocorreu na América do Sul, entre os anos de 1864 e 1870. Nesta guerra o Paraguai lutou conta a Tríplice Aliança formada por:
Q1747922 Inglês

What’s the meaning of the modal verb “ought to”:

Q1747921 Inglês

How many modal verbs are there in the text bellow?

“After leaving Southampton on 10 April 1912, Titanic called at Cherbourg in France and Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland before heading west to New York On 14 April, four days into the crossing and about 375 miles (600 km) south of Newfoundland, she hit an iceberg at 11:40p.m. ship's time. The collision caused the hull plates to buckle inwards along her starboard (right) side and opened five of her sixteen watertight compartments to the sea; she could only survive four flooding. Meanwhile, passengers and some crew members were evacuated in lifeboats, many of which were launched only partially loaded. A disproportionate number of men were left aboard because of a "women and children first" protocol for loading lifeboats. At 2:20 a.m., she broke apart and foundered with well over one thousand people still aboard. Just under two hours after Titanic sank, the Cunard liner RMS Carpathia arrived and brought aboard an estimated 705 survivors.”


Q1747920 Pedagogia

De acordo com os PCN, em uma maior abordagem sobre a aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira, analise os itens abaixo:

I. A aprendizagem é, então, percebida como ocorrendo no que se denomina de Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal.

II. A aprendizagem em sala de aula é uma extensão de um desafio diário: a necessidade de se interagir a partir de percepções comuns do mundo ou da criação de perspectivas comuns.

III. Tradicionalmente, a interação em sala de aula não tem sido explicada por uma organização discursiva considerada típica: iniciação, resposta e avaliação.

IV. O papel mediador da linguagem na aprendizagem é central, tanto que é praxe referir-se a essa mediação como uma força catalisadora.

V. O discurso oferece meios de aprendizagem mais adequados do que a aprendizagem solitária.

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Q1747919 Pedagogia

Quanto a avaliação da produção, tanto escrita quanto oral, dependerá naturalmente da ênfase com que essas habilidades serão enfocadas no programa de ensino. Segundo os PCN, o aluno deverá ser capaz de:

I.Demonstrar consciência crítica em relação aos objetivos do texto, em relação ao modo como escritores e leitores estão posicionados no mundo social;

II.Demonstrar adequação na produção, no que diz respeito, particularmente, a aspectos que afetam o significado no nível da sintaxe, da morfologia, do léxico e da fonologia;

III.Demonstrar conhecimento dos padrões interacionais e de tipos de textos orais e escritos pertinentes a contextos específicos de uso da língua estrangeira;

IV.Demonstrar conhecimento de que escritores/falantes têm em mente leitores e ouvintes posicionados de modo específico na sociedade.

V.Demonstrar conhecimento sistêmico necessário para o nível de conhecimento fixado para o texto.

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

Q1747918 Pedagogia

De acordo com os PCN em Língua Estrangeira, os conteúdos atitudinais envolvem:

Coloque (V) para Verdadeiro e (F) para Falso:

( ) A preocupação em ser compreendido e compreender outros, tanto na fala quanto na escrita;

( ) A valorização do conhecimento de outras culturas como forma de compreensão do mundo em que vive;

( )O reconhecimento de que as línguas estrangeiras aumentam as possibilidades de compreensão dos valores e interesses de outras culturas;

( )O reconhecimento de que as línguas estrangeiras possibilitam compreender-se melhor;

( ) O interesse por apreciar produções escritas e orais em outras línguas.

Marque a sequência CORRETA:

Q1745229 Inglês
Read the sentence below. A fondness of reviving old brands is happening with tech as well. The underlined item should be corrected as:
Q1745228 Inglês
Read the paragraph below. Haufiku says management and staff could not agreed by the increase as Unam management offering nothing, while the workers was adamant on the 6% raise. ( The context above should be corrected as:
6901: C
6902: D
6903: A
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