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Q2383975 Pedagogia
No livro “Educação e Tecnologias”, de Vani Kenski, a autora afirma que educação e tecnologia são indissociáveis. Isso significa que as tecnologias
Q2383973 Inglês

Observe a imagem a seguir.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

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teacher.png>Acesso em: 19 dez. 2023.

Among the characteristics of the Audiolingual Method listed below, which one can be linked to the image?

Q2383972 Pedagogia
Texto 6


1. Empty your brain!

Tell your students the title of the piece: “What I've learnt from football”. Tell them to put their pens and pencils down and to focus on thinking. Tell them to think about the topic for two minutes. Tell them not to write anything but think of as many ideas as they can.

2. Put it on paper!

Tell your students to write down their ideas. At this point, there are no bad ideas, anything goes! Tell them to work silently – not to discuss their ideas with their partners. Tell them they have five minutes (and tell them how long they have left at regular intervals). Tell them to try to continue writing until the five minute time limit is up, but stop writing immediately when five minutes have passed.

Disponível em: <
br/teachers/activities/writing- >
Acesso em: 19 dez. 2023. [Adaptado].
As duas etapas na descrição do procedimento estão associadas 
Q2383971 Pedagogia
Texto 6


1. Empty your brain!

Tell your students the title of the piece: “What I've learnt from football”. Tell them to put their pens and pencils down and to focus on thinking. Tell them to think about the topic for two minutes. Tell them not to write anything but think of as many ideas as they can.

2. Put it on paper!

Tell your students to write down their ideas. At this point, there are no bad ideas, anything goes! Tell them to work silently – not to discuss their ideas with their partners. Tell them they have five minutes (and tell them how long they have left at regular intervals). Tell them to try to continue writing until the five minute time limit is up, but stop writing immediately when five minutes have passed.

Disponível em: <
br/teachers/activities/writing- >
Acesso em: 19 dez. 2023. [Adaptado].
Qual habilidade, presente na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) de Língua Inglesa para o Ensino Fundamental – Anos Finais, pode ser inferida do excerto? 
Q2383937 Pedagogia
Uma das manifestações do currículo é aquela que de fato acontece na sala de aula em decorrência de um projeto pedagógico e dos planos de ensino. É tanto o que sai das ideias e da prática dos professores, da percepção e do uso que eles fazem do projeto pedagógico, como o que fica na percepção dos alunos. Esta definição corresponde ao currículo 
171: B
172: D
173: A
174: A
175: D