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Arecibo Observatory will be demolished
Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.
The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.
In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse.
The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope.
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Arecibo Observatory will be demolished
Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.
The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.
In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse.
The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope.
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Arecibo Observatory will be demolished
Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.
The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.
In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse.
The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope.
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(__) Sociointeracional da aprendizagem em sala de aula. (__) Cognitiva, em relação a como o conhecimento linguístico é construído por meio do envolvimento na negociação do significado. (__) Afetiva, tendo em vista a experiência de vir a se constituir como ser culturalmente imerso no idioma estrangeiro. (__) Pedagógica, em relação ao fato de que o escrita é parte central do que o aluno tem de aprender.
Considerando-se (V) como verdadeiro e (F) como falso, a sequência correta das proposições acima é:
(__) Projeção do pré-conhecimento adequado para construir o significado na busca da coerência do texto. (__) O aluno sabe que ao ler, por exemplo, uma carta na coluna de carta dos leitores de um jornal, vai encontrar leitores se dirigindo ao editor reclamando ou apoiando alguma matéria publicada. (__) Ao encontrar um conectivo, o aluno já sabe que ele indica como uma sequência deve ser interpretada em relação à sequência que veio antes.
A sequência correta para as afirmações acima é:
I. Redução do conhecimento construído sobre sua linguagem materna. II. Melhora no conhecimento da língua materna, por meio de comparações com a língua estrangeira em vários níveis. III. Possibilita a formação do aluno como um ser discursivo no uso de um idioma.
Está correto o que se afirma apenas em:
“The teacher was far too lenient with her.”
“Joana told John to give up smoking.”
“This is the most expensive holiday I’ve ever had.”
1 - Is that car faster than this one? 2 - I´ve never being so confused in my life. 3 - She is the most brighter girl in the class. 4 - We bought a new house yesterday.