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Q1719601 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão

Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

      Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.

     The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.

     In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse. 

     The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope. 

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O plural da palavra dish é:
Q1719600 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão

Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

      Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.

     The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.

     In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse. 

     The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope. 

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O telescópio era famoso porque:
Q1719599 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão

Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

      Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.

     The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.

     In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse. 

     The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope. 

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De acordo com o texto:
Q1719598 Pedagogia
Com relação ao ensino da leitura, é importante priorizar
Q1719597 Pedagogia
Os princípios que formam a base do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de ensino que envolve como ensinar determinados conteúdos, pelo uso de diferentes procedimentos metodológicos, conforme os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais têm característica:
(__) Sociointeracional da aprendizagem em sala de aula. (__) Cognitiva, em relação a como o conhecimento linguístico é construído por meio do envolvimento na negociação do significado. (__) Afetiva, tendo em vista a experiência de vir a se constituir como ser culturalmente imerso no idioma estrangeiro. (__) Pedagógica, em relação ao fato de que o escrita é parte central do que o aluno tem de aprender.
Considerando-se (V) como verdadeiro e (F) como falso, a sequência correta das proposições acima é:
Q1719596 Pedagogia
Com relação à progressão geral dos conteúdos a serem trabalhados no Ensino Fundamental, de acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, deve-se priorizar:
Q1719595 Pedagogia
De acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, relacione as afirmações abaixo com os usos do conhecimento sistêmico (S), de mundo (M) e de organização textual (T) na construção do significado no processo de aprendizagem:
(__) Projeção do pré-conhecimento adequado para construir o significado na busca da coerência do texto. (__) O aluno sabe que ao ler, por exemplo, uma carta na coluna de carta dos leitores de um jornal, vai encontrar leitores se dirigindo ao editor reclamando ou apoiando alguma matéria publicada. (__) Ao encontrar um conectivo, o aluno já sabe que ele indica como uma sequência deve ser interpretada em relação à sequência que veio antes.
A sequência correta para as afirmações acima é:
Q1719594 Pedagogia
Sobre o que a aprendizagem de uma Língua Estrangeira promove, considere os itens abaixo:
I. Redução do conhecimento construído sobre sua linguagem materna. II. Melhora no conhecimento da língua materna, por meio de comparações com a língua estrangeira em vários níveis. III. Possibilita a formação do aluno como um ser discursivo no uso de um idioma.
Está correto o que se afirma apenas em:
Q1719593 Pedagogia
Na aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, de acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais:
Q1719255 Pedagogia
O documento normativo denominado Base Nacional Comum Curricular aplica-se exclusivamente à educação escolar e está orientado pelos princípios éticos, políticos e estéticos que visam à:
Q1719254 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei nº 9.394/96, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, assinale a alternativa cujo conteúdo apresenta corretamente um item que deve ser assegurado aos profissionais da educação pelos sistemas de ensino.
Q1719253 Pedagogia
Segundo a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, são consideradas funções determinadas aos estabelecimentos de ensino, respeitadas as normas comuns e as do seu sistema de ensino, exceto:
Q1719252 Direito Constitucional
De acordo com a Constituição Federal de 1988. a educação, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família, será promovida e incentivada com a colaboração da sociedade, visando:
Q1719251 Inglês
According to the sentence below, what does lenient mean?
“The teacher was far too lenient with her.”
Q1719250 Inglês
Read the article and choose the correct alternative.

     ALBANY — New York State lawmakers have agreed to impose a statewide ban on most types of single-use plastic bags from retail sales, changing a way of life for millions of New Yorkers as legislators seek to curb an unsightly and omnipresent source of litter.
     The plan, proposed a year ago by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, would be the second statewide ban, after California, which banned bags in 2016. Hawaii also effectively has a ban in place, since all the state’s counties bar such single-use bags.
     New York’s ban, which would begin next March, would forbid stores to provide customers with single-use plastic bags, which are nonbiodegradable and have been blamed for everything from causing gruesome wildlife deaths to thwarting recycling efforts.
     The ban, which is expected to be part of the state’s budget bills that are slated to be passed by Monday, would have a number of carveouts, including food takeout bags used by restaurants, bags used to wrap deli or meat counter products and bags for bulk items. Newspaper bags would also be exempted, as would garment bags and bags sold in bulk, such as trash or recycling bags. (…)
     “There was a real understanding that there should be a ban on plastic,” said Todd Kaminsky, a Democratic state senator from Nassau County, who is the chairman of the environmental conservation committee. “And that if people go to paper rather than reusables, we are not that better off.”

Fonte: JESSE, M. Plastic Bags to Be Banned in New York; Second Statewide Ban, After California. The New York Times, 2019. Disponível em:
According to the article in exercise 32, which of the following is a phrasal verb.
Q1719249 Inglês
Read the article and choose the correct alternative.

     ALBANY — New York State lawmakers have agreed to impose a statewide ban on most types of single-use plastic bags from retail sales, changing a way of life for millions of New Yorkers as legislators seek to curb an unsightly and omnipresent source of litter.
     The plan, proposed a year ago by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, would be the second statewide ban, after California, which banned bags in 2016. Hawaii also effectively has a ban in place, since all the state’s counties bar such single-use bags.
     New York’s ban, which would begin next March, would forbid stores to provide customers with single-use plastic bags, which are nonbiodegradable and have been blamed for everything from causing gruesome wildlife deaths to thwarting recycling efforts.
     The ban, which is expected to be part of the state’s budget bills that are slated to be passed by Monday, would have a number of carveouts, including food takeout bags used by restaurants, bags used to wrap deli or meat counter products and bags for bulk items. Newspaper bags would also be exempted, as would garment bags and bags sold in bulk, such as trash or recycling bags. (…)
     “There was a real understanding that there should be a ban on plastic,” said Todd Kaminsky, a Democratic state senator from Nassau County, who is the chairman of the environmental conservation committee. “And that if people go to paper rather than reusables, we are not that better off.”

Fonte: JESSE, M. Plastic Bags to Be Banned in New York; Second Statewide Ban, After California. The New York Times, 2019. Disponível em:
According to the article the State of New York wants to…
Q1719248 Inglês
Choose the sentence that correctly rewrites into the passive voice.
“Joana told John to give up smoking.”
Q1719247 Inglês
Look at the sentences and check the one that has the same meaning as the example.
“This is the most expensive holiday I’ve ever had.”
Q1719246 Inglês
Identify the correct (C) sentences and the incorrect ones (I). Then choose the best alternative.
1 - Is that car faster than this one? 2 - I´ve never being so confused in my life. 3 - She is the most brighter girl in the class. 4 - We bought a new house yesterday.
Q1719245 Inglês
Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
7361: A
7362: B
7363: D
7364: C
7365: A
7366: B
7367: A
7368: D
7369: C
7370: B
7371: A
7372: D
7373: C
7374: A
7375: B
7376: C
7377: A
7378: B
7379: D
7380: B