Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1039155 Pedagogia
De acordo com o artigo 13 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases Educação Nacional (1996), os docentes incumbir-se-ão de:
1. Participar da elaboração da proposta pedagógica do estabelecimento de ensino. 2. Elaborar e cumprir plano de trabalho, segundo a proposta pedagógica do estabelecimento de ensino. 3. Zelar pela aprendizagem dos alunos. 4. Estabelecer estratégias para disciplinar e conformar os alunos. 5. Ministrar os dias letivos e horas-aula estabelecidos, além de participar integralmente dos períodos dedicados ao planejamento, à avaliação e ao desenvolvimento profissional. 6. Colaborar com as atividades de articulação da escola, com as famílias e a comunidade.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q1039154 Pedagogia
Analise o texto abaixo:
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é referência nacional para os sistemas de ensino e para as instituições ou redes escolares públicas e privadas .............................., dos sistemas federal, estaduais, distrital e municipais, para construírem ou revisarem os seus currículos.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.

Q1039153 Pedagogia
A Resolução CNE/CP no 2, de 22 de dezembro de 2017, institui a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), como documento de caráter:
Q1039152 Pedagogia
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) a respeito dos Temas Transvesais.
( ) Por tratarem de questões sociais, os Temas Transversais têm natureza diferente das áreas convencionais. ( ) Qualquer área do conhecimento é suficiente para abordar os temas transversais de maneira isolada. ( ) Os Temas Transversais se ocupam do campo de conhecimento das ciências sociais, somente. ( ) Os Temas Transversais são trabalhados somente nos anos finais do ensino médio.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q1039151 Pedagogia
Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais apresentam os seguintes Temas Transversais:
Q1039150 Pedagogia

O artigo 4o da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), em atendimento à LDB e ao Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE), aplica-se à Educação Básica, e fundamenta-se nas seguintes competências gerais, expressão dos direitos e objetivos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, a serem desenvolvidas pelos estudantes:

1. Valorizar e utilizar os conhecimentos historicamente construídos sobre o mundo físico, social, cultural e digital para entender e explicar a realidade, continuar aprendendo e colaborar para a construção de uma sociedade justa, democrática e inclusiva.

2. Exercitar a curiosidade intelectual e recorrer à abordagem própria das ciências, incluindo a investigação, a reflexão, a análise crítica, a imaginação e a criatividade para investigar causas, elaborar e testar hipóteses, formular e resolver problemas e criar soluções (inclusive tecnológicas) com base nos conhecimentos exclusivos da área de Ciências da Natureza.

3. Utilizar diferentes linguagens –verbal (oral ou visual-motora, como Libras, e escrita), corporal, visual, sonora e digital –, bem como conhecimentos das linguagens artística, matemática e científica para se expressar e partilhar informações, experiências, ideias e sentimentos, em diferentes contextos, e produzir sentidos que levem ao entendimento mútuo.

4. Compreender, utilizar e criar tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação, de forma crítica, significativa, reflexiva e ética nas diversas práticas sociais (incluindo as escolares) para se comunicar, acessar e disseminar informações, produzir conhecimentos, resolver problemas e exercer protagonismo e autoria na vida pessoal e coletiva.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q1039149 Português
Leia as frases a seguir.
1. Nada é mais deprimente do que a verdade irretocável. 2. Autorizo a construção do muro contanto que não seja com mais de dois metros de altura. 3. A anfitriã estava tão cansada que mal conseguia dar atenção aos convidados. 4. Ninguém ficou plenamente satisfeito apesar de ter vencido mais de vinte por cento das provas de atletismo.
Os termos destacados nas frases indicam, de cima para baixo, relações sintáticas de:
Q1029483 Inglês
While I was listening to music, my sister …...... a book.
Q1029482 Inglês
Leandro: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the shopping mall?

Man on the street: ..........
Q1029481 Inglês
Gabriel: Have you seen the film Wonder Woman?

Juliana: No ..........
Q1029480 Inglês
No ensino da língua inglesa na rede pública, o elemento cultural dessa língua serve para
Q1029479 Inglês
Why I Became an English Teacher

More than one person has told me that becoming an English teacher was a bad career choice. There are too many English teachers looking for work today, they explained. However, my decision to become an English teacher was not based on the job market, but on where I think I best fit in the grand scheme of things. If language is at the heart of everything we do, then I want to be in the middle of the action, helping others learn to use language well.

That brings me to a series of current events in which language has played an extremely important part: The Presidential campaign of 2012. It is at times like these, when we are bombarded with information, that we need our language skills to be first class. We not only need to understand what the candidates are saying, but we need to evaluate each statement’s veracity. We need to analyze and evaluate the information using strategic and extended thinking; this leads to creating a point of view on a topic. My goal as a teacher is to ensure my students have the skills they’ll need to make informed and logical decisions that benefit themselves and their community.

(Adapted from:
De acordo com o texto, o interesse do narrador em se tornar professor se deveu a ajudar os outros/os alunos a aprender o bom uso da língua. Esse interesse pode ser exemplificado pela seguinte frase em inglês:
Q1029478 Inglês
Why I Became an English Teacher

More than one person has told me that becoming an English teacher was a bad career choice. There are too many English teachers looking for work today, they explained. However, my decision to become an English teacher was not based on the job market, but on where I think I best fit in the grand scheme of things. If language is at the heart of everything we do, then I want to be in the middle of the action, helping others learn to use language well.

That brings me to a series of current events in which language has played an extremely important part: The Presidential campaign of 2012. It is at times like these, when we are bombarded with information, that we need our language skills to be first class. We not only need to understand what the candidates are saying, but we need to evaluate each statement’s veracity. We need to analyze and evaluate the information using strategic and extended thinking; this leads to creating a point of view on a topic. My goal as a teacher is to ensure my students have the skills they’ll need to make informed and logical decisions that benefit themselves and their community.

(Adapted from:
Segundo o narrador, o uso crítico da língua implica em
Q1029477 Inglês
Why I Became an English Teacher

More than one person has told me that becoming an English teacher was a bad career choice. There are too many English teachers looking for work today, they explained. However, my decision to become an English teacher was not based on the job market, but on where I think I best fit in the grand scheme of things. If language is at the heart of everything we do, then I want to be in the middle of the action, helping others learn to use language well.

That brings me to a series of current events in which language has played an extremely important part: The Presidential campaign of 2012. It is at times like these, when we are bombarded with information, that we need our language skills to be first class. We not only need to understand what the candidates are saying, but we need to evaluate each statement’s veracity. We need to analyze and evaluate the information using strategic and extended thinking; this leads to creating a point of view on a topic. My goal as a teacher is to ensure my students have the skills they’ll need to make informed and logical decisions that benefit themselves and their community.

(Adapted from:
De acordo com o texto, a decisão do narrador em se tornar professor de língua baseia-se
Q1029476 Inglês
Want to travel? Be careful! Two countries with high risks for tourists

Chad: This African country has had some bad incidents with its political temperatures from its past. It has a high insecurity classification. It also has a high prevalence of armed bandits and groups; in fact its armed forces have to control the nation. Because of this, it is probable that travelers will encounter armed vehicles, attack helicopters and armed forces. The capital, Kinshasa, is particularly notorious for its crime at any time of the day. If you are in the country, don’t take photographs, don’t trust anyone who offers assistance, and don’t go to areas that the natives classify as high risk.

Bangladesh: In south-east Asia, Bangladesh experiences regular terrorist attacks. In addition to this, extreme weather conditions put this nation as having a high risk of natural calamities such as earth tremors, flooding and cyclones. In contrast, the Bangladeshi people are very friendly and hospitable. Even though this is the case, be careful because incidences can happen.

(Adapted from:
Segundo o texto acima,
Q1029475 Inglês
Want to travel? Be careful! Two countries with high risks for tourists

Chad: This African country has had some bad incidents with its political temperatures from its past. It has a high insecurity classification. It also has a high prevalence of armed bandits and groups; in fact its armed forces have to control the nation. Because of this, it is probable that travelers will encounter armed vehicles, attack helicopters and armed forces. The capital, Kinshasa, is particularly notorious for its crime at any time of the day. If you are in the country, don’t take photographs, don’t trust anyone who offers assistance, and don’t go to areas that the natives classify as high risk.

Bangladesh: In south-east Asia, Bangladesh experiences regular terrorist attacks. In addition to this, extreme weather conditions put this nation as having a high risk of natural calamities such as earth tremors, flooding and cyclones. In contrast, the Bangladeshi people are very friendly and hospitable. Even though this is the case, be careful because incidences can happen.

(Adapted from:
Segundo o texto acima,
Q1029474 Inglês
Want to travel? Be careful! Two countries with high risks for tourists

Chad: This African country has had some bad incidents with its political temperatures from its past. It has a high insecurity classification. It also has a high prevalence of armed bandits and groups; in fact its armed forces have to control the nation. Because of this, it is probable that travelers will encounter armed vehicles, attack helicopters and armed forces. The capital, Kinshasa, is particularly notorious for its crime at any time of the day. If you are in the country, don’t take photographs, don’t trust anyone who offers assistance, and don’t go to areas that the natives classify as high risk.

Bangladesh: In south-east Asia, Bangladesh experiences regular terrorist attacks. In addition to this, extreme weather conditions put this nation as having a high risk of natural calamities such as earth tremors, flooding and cyclones. In contrast, the Bangladeshi people are very friendly and hospitable. Even though this is the case, be careful because incidences can happen.

(Adapted from:
Segundo o texto acima,
Q1028902 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei nº 9.394/96, assinale a alternativa incorreta:
Q1027020 Conhecimentos Gerais

O Dia do Folclore Brasileiro é comemorado em agosto. A data foi criada com o intuito de alertar para a importância e valorização das manifestações folclóricas no país. Levando em conta que folclore é o conjunto de conhecimentos de um povo, e integra os costumes, crenças, parlendas, contos, mitos, lendas, adivinhas, músicas, danças e festas populares de uma cultura e região.

Em que dia do mês de agosto é comemorado o dia do Folclore Brasileiro?

Q1027019 História

O período denominado Era Vargas é a época em que o chefe do governo brasileiro era o gaúcho Getúlio Vargas. Essa fase é subdividida em:

( ) Governo Provisório.

( ) Governo Constitucional ou Presidencial.

( ) Governo Regencial.

( ) Estado Novo .

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

11361: D
11362: E
11363: B
11364: C
11365: A
11366: C
11367: A
11368: A
11369: B
11370: C
11371: B
11372: D
11373: E
11374: E
11375: D
11376: A
11377: C
11378: B
11379: B
11380: B