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Q2452365 Pedagogia
De acordo com a LDB, Lei nº 9.394/96, “Art. 18. “Os sistemas municipais de ensino compreendem”:

I. As instituições do ensino fundamental, médio e de educação infantil mantidas pelo Poder Público municipal.

II. As instituições de educação infantil criadas e mantidas pela iniciativa privada.

III. Os órgãos municipais de educação.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Q2452360 Inglês
Read the excerpt that follows from Khalid and Husnin’s (2019) paper “CHALLENGES AND SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NOVICE TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL IDENTITIES”.

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“In order to become effective, teachers have to be professionally prepared. Teachers therefore need to experience continuing professional development so as to become more effective (Harris, 2002). For pre-service teachers, teaching practice is one of the key elements in their training (Haigh and Tuck, 1999; Hill and Brodin, 2004). Through pre-service training, student teachers are provided with experience in teaching and learning in and outside the classroom, as well as opportunities to enhance the development of their characters so as to become ethical and professional (Kennedy, 2006). Some past studies have proven that teaching practice helps pre-service teachers to have better discussions with lecturers and mentors, and thus helps pre-service teachers to determine the approaches to use and their implications in teaching (Botha and Reddy, 2011; Agbo, 2003). In addition, teaching practice has been found to help pre-service teachers to enhance those skills related to problem identification, decision making, and the selection of approaches to overcome problems in classroom situations, and has also been found to be incredibly significant in developing pre-service teachers’ confidence in themselves (Khalid, 2014). Nevertheless, teachers’ professional development is not merely limited to preservice training. Berliner (1995) views the initial stage of new teachers’ professionalism as the critical stage in which novice teachers will face numerous conflicts, responsibilities and tasks”.

That being said, relying on linguistic skills and reading techniques, check the answer which is associated with the global meaning of the excerpt of the paper provided. 
Q2452352 Inglês
“Language is a communicative tool manipulated by speakers within social networks, for communities and societies vary. Thus, language and its functions are changed”. Based on the statement provided, check the answer that better explains the picture below.

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Q2452348 Pedagogia
De acordo com Lei Federal nº 9.795/1999 (Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental), Art. 8o As atividades vinculadas à Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental devem ser desenvolvidas na educação em geral e na educação escolar, por meio das seguintes linhas de atuação inter-relacionadas, EXCETO:
Q2452300 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC, são consideradas Unidades Temáticas para o componente curricular de Geografia:

I. O sujeito e seu lugar no mundo.
II. Conexões e escalas.
III. Mundo do trabalho.
IV. Formas de representação e pensamento espacial.
V. Natureza, ambientes e qualidade de vida.

391: A
392: C
393: C
394: D
395: E