Questões de Concurso Comentadas para analista de tecnologia da informação - ambiente operacional

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Ano: 2017 Banca: IBFC Órgão: EBSERH Provas: IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Advogado (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Enfermeiro - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Médico - Cirurgia Geral (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Engenheiro Civil (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Psicólogo - Área Hospitalar (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Nutricionista - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Médico - Psiquiatria - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Biólogo - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Assistente Social - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Analista Administrativo - Administração - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Processos - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Pedagogo - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Suporte de Redes - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Jornalista - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Fisioterapeuta - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Enfermeiro - Auditoria e Pesquisa - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Analista Administrativo - Contabilidade (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Sistemas Operacionais - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Engenheiro Eletricista (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Farmacêutico - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Analista Administrativo - Estatística - HUGG-UNIRIO | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Terapeuta Ocupacional - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Arquiteto - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Biomédico - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Profissional da Educação Física (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Fonoaudiólogo - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Cirurgião Dentista - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Enfermeiro - Saúde do Trabalhador - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Engenheiro Clínico - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Psicólogo Organizacional (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Médico - Medicina do Trabalho - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Médico - Neurologia - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Fisioterapeuta - Terapia Intensiva Neonatal - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Médico - Geriatria - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Médico - Acupuntura - (HUGG-UNIRIO) | IBFC - 2017 - EBSERH - Fisioterapeuta - Respiratória (HUGG-UNIRIO) |
Q766868 Raciocínio Lógico
Dentre os moradores de certa vila de casas, sabe-se que 36 deles gostam de assistir à TV, 47 gostam de ir à academia e 23 gostam dos dois. Se 92 moradores opinaram, então o total deles que não gostam nem de TV e nem de ir à academia é:
Q113188 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

In the sentence: “But as they shrink, these gadgets with problems mammals face too, such as dissipating heat.” First paragraph, the author of the text believes that…
Q112905 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

He was very precise about the proper procedure and the material to be used, he said he didn't want anything especial, only the regular, _____ one.
36: A
37: C
38: E
39: B
40: B