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Q2877370 Noções de Informática

Sobre conceitos básicos em informática, assinale a alternativa correta.

Q2877368 Noções de Informática

Considerando os conceitos de segurança (proteção de informação, vírus e assemelhados), o vírus que tem a habilidade de se alterar a cada infecção, o que torna sua identificação mais difícil, é um vírus do tipo

Q2877365 Noções de Informática

Preencha as lacunas abaixo e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta.

Software _________ ou ___________ é aquele cuja cópia, redistribuição ou modificação é em alguma medida _________ pelo seu criador ou distribuidor.

Q2877362 Noções de Informática

Considere a figura a seguir, que ilustra parte de uma planilha eletrônica Microsoft Excel 2010 (instalação padrão português – Brasil). Nesta planilha, foi inserida, na célula C12, uma fórmula conforme mostrado na imagem. O valor obtido na referida célula será

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2876743 Redes de Computadores

Analise as seguintes afirmativas referentes à Internet.

I. O TCP/IP é o protocolo de comunicação que mantém os dispositivos interligados.

II. A internet oferece uma ampla variedade de recursos e serviços, inclusive os documentos interligados por meio hiperligações da World Wide Web.

III. A internet tem uma infraestrutura que suporta serviços como o de correio eletrônico, serviços de comunicação instantâneo e compartilhamento de arquivos.

A partir dessa análise, conclui-se que estão CORRETAS:

Q2790101 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

O texto ainda precisa passar pela aprovação do(a):

Q2790098 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

Segundo o texto, a lei obriga empresas como Google e Facebook a

Q2790096 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

O texto levou __________ para ser aprovado.

Q2790093 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

O texto refere-se a(o) (s):

Q2755251 Noções de Informática

Atenção! Para responder às questões de Informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considerar que os programas mencionados encontram-se na versão Português-BR e em sua configuração padrão de instalação, possuem licença de uso, o mouse está configurado para destros, um clique ou duplo clique correspondem ao botão esquerdo do mouse e teclar corresponde à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá-la, acionando-a apenas uma vez. Dessa forma, as teclas de atalho, menus, submenus, barras, ícones e os demais itens que compõem os programas abordados nesta prova encontram-se na configuração padrão, conforme exposto anteriormente.

O documento que é aberto no Microsoft Word 2007 sempre que o usuário inicia o programa, permitindo a inclusão de personalizações e estilos padrão que determinam a aparência básica de um documento, chama-se:

Q2755250 Noções de Informática

Atenção! Para responder às questões de Informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considerar que os programas mencionados encontram-se na versão Português-BR e em sua configuração padrão de instalação, possuem licença de uso, o mouse está configurado para destros, um clique ou duplo clique correspondem ao botão esquerdo do mouse e teclar corresponde à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá-la, acionando-a apenas uma vez. Dessa forma, as teclas de atalho, menus, submenus, barras, ícones e os demais itens que compõem os programas abordados nesta prova encontram-se na configuração padrão, conforme exposto anteriormente.

O recurso utilizado no Microsoft Excel 2007 para que o usuário controle o tipo de dados que insere na célula de uma planilha, podendo limitar opções utilizando uma lista feita pelo usuário e fazer restrição à entrada de alguns dados, por exemplo, é chamado de:

Q2755249 Noções de Informática

Atenção! Para responder às questões de Informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considerar que os programas mencionados encontram-se na versão Português-BR e em sua configuração padrão de instalação, possuem licença de uso, o mouse está configurado para destros, um clique ou duplo clique correspondem ao botão esquerdo do mouse e teclar corresponde à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá-la, acionando-a apenas uma vez. Dessa forma, as teclas de atalho, menus, submenus, barras, ícones e os demais itens que compõem os programas abordados nesta prova encontram-se na configuração padrão, conforme exposto anteriormente.

É a conta do Windows XP Professional responsável pela configuração e pelo gerenciamento dos controladores de domínio ou dos computadores locais e de suas contas de grupos e de usuários. Tem a autoridade de atribuir senhas e permissões aos usuários do computador. Com ela obtêm-se o total controle sobre o domínio ou o computador. Essa conta é conhecida como:

Q2755247 Noções de Informática

Atenção! Para responder às questões de Informática, a menos que seja explicitamente informado o contrário, considerar que os programas mencionados encontram-se na versão Português-BR e em sua configuração padrão de instalação, possuem licença de uso, o mouse está configurado para destros, um clique ou duplo clique correspondem ao botão esquerdo do mouse e teclar corresponde à operação de pressionar uma tecla e, rapidamente, liberá-la, acionando-a apenas uma vez. Dessa forma, as teclas de atalho, menus, submenus, barras, ícones e os demais itens que compõem os programas abordados nesta prova encontram-se na configuração padrão, conforme exposto anteriormente.

Opção criada no Internet Explorer 8.0, para que o usuário guarde os sites preferidos sem a necessidade de digitar o endereço do site no navegador novamente. Pode ser atribuído um nome da preferência do usuário para cada site, tornando assim a localização nessa lista mais fácil e ágil. Essa opção é conhecida como:

Q2750483 Noções de Informática

A área de notificação do Windows é uma parte da barra de tarefas que mostra o relógio do sistema, o volume do som e outros ícones que trazem mensagens a respeito do estado do sistema. A propósito desse assunto, a presença do íconeImagem associada para resolução da questão (escudo vermelho com um “X” no centro) nessa área tem por objetivo alertar o usuário do computador acerca de

Q2734436 Noções de Informática

O comando para listar o conteúdo de um diretório no Linux, ordenado por tamanho, do maior para o menor, via prompt de comando, é:

Q2734434 Noções de Informática

Com relação a correio eletrônico de uso corporativo, em um cenário onde os usuários que necessitam visualizar suas mensagens em múltiplos dispositivos, incluindo smartphones, simultaneamente, recomenda-se utilizar:

Q2734433 Noções de Informática

Cavalo de troia, em computação, refere-se a:

Q2734432 Noções de Informática

Quantas funções SE aninhadas é possível declarar simultaneamente e na mesma fórmula, utilizando o MS Excel 2010 em português?

41: D
42: B
43: C
44: C
45: C
46: C
47: D
48: B
49: A
50: D
51: C
52: A
53: A
54: C
55: A
56: C
57: D
58: B
59: A
60: B