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Q394238 Inglês
Financial and Market Conditions
Source: Jan/2006 (Adapted)

Many forces affect the price, availability and security of the insurance product. Some are external, such as changes in interest rates and the stock market, regulatory activity, the number and severity of natural disasters, growth in litigation and rising medical costs. Others are internal, such as the level of competition

The insurance industry is cyclical. Rates and profits fluctuate depending on the phase of the cycle, particularly in commercial coverages. The profitability cycle may be somewhat different for different types of insurance. While the industy as a whole experienced one of its best years in recent history in 2004 and in the first half of 2005, losses associated with Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma may wipe out the profits of many insurers and force some to raise additional capital. None of the major companies are likely to become insolvent, however.

In paragraph 1, the author
Q394237 Inglês
Your answers to questions 41-43 must be based on the text below, which is entitled “Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds”:

Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds Source: Feb/ 2006 (Adapted)

The regulation of insurance company solvency is a function of the state. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which allowed banks, securities firms, insurance companies and other financial services entities to affiliate and sell one another’s products, continues this practice. State regulators monitor the financial health of companies licensed to provide insurance in their state through analysis of the detailed annual fi nancial statements that insurers are required to file and periodic on-site examinations. When a company is found to be in poor financial condition, regulators can take various actions to try to save it. Insolvencies do occur, however, despite the best efforts of regulators.  

In relation to the monitoring of the ?nancial health of companies licensed to provide insurance, the state regulators
Q394236 Inglês
Your answers to questions 41-43 must be based on the text below, which is entitled “Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds”:

  Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds Source: Feb/ 2006 (Adapted)

The regulation of insurance company solvency is a function of the state. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which allowed banks, securities firms, insurance companies and other financial services entities to affiliate and sell one another’s products, continues this practice. State regulators monitor the financial health of companies licensed to provide insurance in their state through analysis of the detailed annual fi nancial statements that insurers are required to file and periodic on-site examinations. When a company is found to be in poor financial condition, regulators can take various actions to try to save it. Insolvencies do occur, however, despite the best efforts of regulators.

According to the text, “insolvencies do occur”, which means they

Q394235 Inglês
Your answers to questions 41-43 must be based on the text below, which is entitled “Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds”:

Insolvencies/Guaranty Funds Source: Feb/ 2006 (Adapted)

The regulation of insurance company solvency is a function of the state. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, which allowed banks, securities firms, insurance companies and other financial services entities to affiliate and sell one another’s products, continues this practice. State regulators monitor the financial health of companies licensed to provide insurance in their state through analysis of the detailed annual fi nancial statements that insurers are required to file and periodic on-site examinations. When a company is found to be in poor financial condition, regulators can take various actions to try to save it. Insolvencies do occur, however, despite the best efforts of regulators.

According to the text, the regulation of insurance company solvency
Q394219 Direito Penal
Conforme a lei que define os crimes de “lavagem” de dinheiro, a realização de seguro, por corretora conivente com segurado, que deseja por meio de um seguro de valor vultoso e comissionamento superior às práticas de mercado, dá licitude a tais recursos. Procedimentos como esses sujeitam:
156: C
157: B
158: A
159: E
160: C