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Ano: 2011 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: CREMERS
Q1187676 Administração de Recursos Materiais
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2011 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: CREMERS
Q1187674 Marketing
Construir relacionamentos lucrativos com o cliente e conquistar vantagem competitiva requer entregar mais valor e satisfação para os consumidores-alvo do que os concorrentes (KOTLER, ARMSTRONG, 2007). Para poder entregar mais valor e satisfação, é importante fazer a análise da concorrência. As etapas da análise da concorrência, conforme os autores, são as seguintes:
I. Identificação dos concorrentes da empresa.
II. Seleção dos concorrentes a atacar e evitar.
III. Expansão do mercado.
Quais estão corretas?
Ano: 2011 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: CREMERS
Q1187662 Sistemas de Informação
A finalidade dos sistemas de informação é transformar economicamente os dados em informações ou conhecimento (TURBAN, RAINER e POTTER, 2007). Analise as assertivas a seguir à luz dos autores citados.
I. Dados: descrição elementar de coisas, eventos, atividades e transações que são registrados, classificados e armazenados.
II. Informação: dados que foram organizados de modo a terem significado e valor para o receptor.
III. Conhecimento: consiste em dados e/ou informações que foram organizadas e processadas para transmitir entendimento, experiência, aprendizagem acumulada e prática a um problema ou atividade empresarial atual.
Quais estão corretas?
Ano: 2011 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: CREMERS
Q1187594 Marketing
As redes sociais estão sendo cada vez mais utilizadas pelas empresas para melhorar o relacionamento com seus parceiros comerciais. Para Kotler e Armstrong (2007), o modelo de comportamento do comprador organizacional contempla, entre outros estímulos, o tecnológico e o cultural, onde se enquadram as redes sociais. Conforme os autores, são participantes do processo de compra organizacional, à EXCEÇÃO dos
Ano: 2011 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: CREMERS
Q1187475 Marketing
A pesquisa de marketing fornece valiosas informações à empresa, as quais guiam todas as atividades de marketing (MALHOTRA et al., 2005). Conforme os autores, os modelos básicos de pesquisa são:
I. Exploratória.
II. Descritiva.
III. Causal.
Quais estão corretas?
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: BHTRANS
Q1186389 Noções de Informática
Analise as seguintes afirmativas referentes à Internet.
I. O TCP/IP é o protocolo de comunicação que mantém os dispositivos interligados.
II. A internet oferece uma ampla variedade de recursos e serviços, inclusive os documentos interligados por meio hiperligações da World Wide Web.
III. A internet tem uma infraestrutura que suporta serviços como o de correio eletrônico, serviços de comunicação instantâneo e compartilhamento de arquivos.
A partir dessa análise, conclui-se que estão CORRETAS:
Ano: 2010 Banca: IPAD Órgão: SESC-PE
Q1186280 Gestão de Pessoas
No contexto da nova economia verifica-se que a área de Recursos Humanos vem passando por uma fase de transição...
1. ao assumir um papel mais administrativo. 2. ao migrar para modelos orgânicos de gestão pessoas. 3. ao se preocupar cada vez mais com questões operacionais. 4. ao dar maior importância aos mecanismos de circulação de conhecimento.
Está(ão) correta(s)as proposições:
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: BHTRANS
Q1186255 Noções de Informática
Analise o seguinte texto redigido no MS Word.
O Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) é a medida, em valor monetário, do total dos bens e serviços finais produzidos para o mercado durante determinado período de tempo dentro de um país.
Qual o estilo da fonte utilizado para destacar Produto Interno Bruto?
Ano: 2016 Banca: IADES Órgão: MCTI
Q1185168 Arquitetura de Software
Nas últimas décadas, as organizações têm investido em sistemas de informação com o objetivo de integrar informações e processos visando a melhorar o próprio gerenciamento. Um sistema tem o objetivo maior de suportar todas as necessidades de informações contidas em uma única base de dados, automatizar processos, possibilitando a execução de várias atividades de forma conectada e facilitando a tomada de decisão gerencial.
As informações fazem referência a um sistema denominado
Ano: 2006 Banca: FCC Órgão: ARCE
Q1184889 Inglês
After nearly a decade of trying, Wal-Mart never cracked the country – failing to become the all-in-one shopping destination for Germans that it is for so many millions of Americans. Wal-Mart's problems are not limited to Germany. The retail giant has struggled in countries like South Korea and Japan as it discovered that its formula for success – low prices, zealous inventory control and a large array of merchandise – did not translate to markets with their own discount chains and shoppers with different habits.
Some of Wal-Mart's problems stem from being a uniquely powerful American enterprise trying to impose its values around the world. At Wal-Mart's headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., however, the message from these missteps is now registering loud and clear.
Among other things, Wal-Mart now cares (.....) whether its foreign stores carry the name derived from its founder, Sam Walton, as the German Wal-Marts do. Seventy percent of WalMart's international sales come from outlets with names like Asda in Britain, Seiyu in Japan or Bompreço in Brazil. Far from being chastened by its setbacks, Wal-Mart is forging ahead with an aggressive program of foreign acquisitions. In a single week last fall, Wal-Mart completed the purchase of the Sonae chain in Brazil, bought a controlling stake in Seiyu of Japan, and became a partner in the Carcho chain in Central America.
Starting from scratch 14 years ago, Wal-Mart International [TO GROW] into a $63 billion business. It is the fastest-growing part of Wal-Mart, with nearly 30 percent sales growth in June, compared with the same month last year. Even subtracting one-time gains from acquisitions, it grew at nearly 12 percent, about double the rate of Wal-Mart's American stores. 
Sustaining that pace is critical for Wal-Mart, because high fuel prices have helped sap the buying power of Americans. In June, store traffic in its home market declined. Wal-Mart estimated that its sales in the United States in stores open at least one year would increase only 1 percent to 3 percent in July.
Another problem that has afflicted Wal-Mart in several countries is its inability to compete with established discounters. The obvious lesson is to try to bulk up. In Brazil, Wal-Mart opened only 25 stores in its first decade there and struggled to compete against bigger local rivals. Then, in 2004, it bought Bompreço, giving it a presence in the country's poor, but fastgrowing, northeast.
Wal-Mart did not change the names of the stores, which range from neighborhood grocers to large American-style hypermarkets. But with 295 stores in Brazil, Wal-Mart now ranks third in the market, after Carrefour of France and the market leader, Companhia Brasileira de Distribução.
(Adapted from an article by Mark Landler and Michael Barbaro published in the New York Times, August 2, 2006)
Do trecho the message from these missteps is now registering loud and clear, no 2° parágrafo, infere-se que a Wal-Mart
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: SCPar Porto de Imbituba - SC
Q1184809 Logística
A exploração dos portos organizados e instalações portuárias deve seguir as seguintes diretrizes: 1. promoção da segurança da navegação na entrada e na saída das embarcações dos portos.  2. estímulo à concorrência que assegure o amplo acesso aos portos organizados e suas instalações, vedada a participação do setor privado nas atividades portuárias.  3. garantia da modicidade e da publicidade das tarifas e preços praticados no setor, da qualidade da atividade prestada e da efetividade dos direitos dos usuários. Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: SEPLAG-MG
Q1184239 Comunicação Social
Sobre a audiência e o IBOPE, assinale a alternativa CORRETA. 
Ano: 2016 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: CFESS
Q1183921 Noções de Informática
Analise as afirmativas sobre a ferramenta Microsoft Office Word 2007 (configuração padrão).
I. O recurso de espaçamento entre linhas está localizado no grupo Estilo da guia Início.
II. O recurso caixa de texto está localizado no grupo Texto da guia Inserir.
III. O recurso ortografia e gramática está localizado no grupo Revisão de Texto da guia Revisão.
Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s)
Ano: 2004 Banca: ESAF Órgão: ANEEL
Q1183825 Auditoria
No processo de consolidação deverão ser objeto de exame e parecer de auditoria
Ano: 2006 Banca: IPAD Órgão: LAFEPE
Q1183725 Farmácia
O eixo do Ciclo da Assistência Farmacêutica é uma interrelação sistêmica que envolve
Ano: 2013 Banca: IADES Órgão: CAU-BR
Q1183651 Turismo
É correto afirmar que, entre os objetivos da Política Nacional de Turismo, está o de 
Ano: 2010 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: MPU
Q1183527 Geologia
Quanto às rochas metamórficas que ocorrem na Terra, julgue o item subsequente.
Os silicatos são os minerais mais abundantes das rochas metamórficas, pois as rochas parentais também são ricas nesses minerais. 
Ano: 2010 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: MPU
Q1183505 Geologia
Quanto às rochas metamórficas que ocorrem na Terra, julgue o item subsequente.
O xisto azul é uma rocha metamórfica formada sob alta pressão e baixa temperatura, que ocorre onde há subducção de crosta oceânica, na borda principal de uma placa continental. 
Ano: 2015 Banca: FGV Órgão: CODEMIG
Q1183277 Inglês
Innovation is the new key to survival […] At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while simultaneously driving up productivity. Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity. Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity. Capturing the learnings The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies. Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges, redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and constituencies. To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result, innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an adoption problem. By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly reduce miners’ reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators, however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other industries to realize more rapid results. Re-imagining the future At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy technologies to maximize value. […] Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks, strengthen business models and foster more effective community and government relations. It can help mining services companies enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility, environmental performance and sustainability. ( s/energy-resources/ru_er_tracking_the_trends_2015_eng.pdf) The fragment “To reap these rewards” (l. 17) means to:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FGV Órgão: CODEMIG
Q1183114 Inglês
Innovation is the new key to survival […] At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for controlling costs. Companies that have invested in such technologies as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless trucks and trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while simultaneously driving up productivity. Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that innovation can do much more than reduce capital intensity. Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people and energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity. Capturing the learnings The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and development (R&D) around particular processes or technologies. Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such as leveraging supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges, redefining their participation in the energy value chain or finding new ways to engage and partner with major stakeholders and constituencies. To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome their traditionally conservative tendencies. In many cases, miners struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at other mining companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result, innovation becomes less of a technology problem and more of an adoption problem. By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit their current needs. For instance, the tunnel boring machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly reduce miners’ reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines were too large to apply in a mining setting. Some innovators, however, are now incorporating the underlying technology to build smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other industries to realize more rapid results. Re-imagining the future At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in entirely new ways. Traditionally, for instance, miners have focused on extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput by optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly innovative mindset, however, will see them adopt an entirely new design paradigm that leverages new information, mining and energy technologies to maximize value. […] Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost reduction. It can help mining companies mitigate and manage risks, strengthen business models and foster more effective community and government relations. It can help mining services companies enhance their value to the industry by developing new products and services. Longer-term, it can even position organizations to move the needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility, environmental performance and sustainability. ( s/energy-resources/ru_er_tracking_the_trends_2015_eng.pdf) The verb “reduce” in “reduce capital intensity” (l. 7) has the same meaning as:
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