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Julgue o próximo item, a respeito de sistemas operacionais.
O algoritmo de escalonamento round-robin distribui o tempo
de CPU igualmente entre todos os processos na fila de
prontos, usando uma quantidade de tempo fixo para cada
um, independentemente de suas prioridades.
Julgue o próximo item, a respeito de sistemas operacionais.
Threads dentro de um mesmo processo compartilham o
mesmo espaço de memória.
No que se refere a microprocessadores, julgue o item a seguir.
Interrupções são eventos gerados exclusivamente por
software e têm a função de interromper o fluxo normal de
execução do microprocessador.
No que se refere a microprocessadores, julgue o item a seguir.
O barramento de dados é usado para transmitir dados entre o
microprocessador e os dispositivos de entrada/saída.
Julgue o item seguinte, a respeito de eletrônica digital.
As memórias EPROM são escritas eletricamente e apagadas
com a utilização de luz ultravioleta.
Figura CB1A5
No que se refere a banco de dados, julgue o item a seguir, tendo o modelo apresentado na figura CB1A5 como referência.
Considerando que as tabelas do modelo apresentado na figura CB1A5 possuam os registros precedentes, é correto afirmar que a execução do seguinte comando
SELECT o.Deoperadora, COUNT(r.idreclamacao) AS Quantidade
FROM Reclamacoes r
INNER JOIN Operadora o ON o.idoperadora = r.IdOperadora
GROUP BY o.Deoperadora
terá como resultado a tabela a seguir.
Figura CB1A5
No que se refere a banco de dados, julgue o item a seguir, tendo o modelo apresentado na figura CB1A5 como referência.
CREATE TABLE Operadora (
IdOperadora INT NOT NULL,
DeOperadora VARCHAR(45) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (IdOperadora));
CREATE TABLE Reclamacoes (
DeReclamacao VARCHAR(45) NULL,
IdOperadora INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (IdReclamacao),
FOREIGN KEY (IdOperadora)
REFERENCES Operadora (IdOperadora));
A execução dos comandos SQL precedentes resulta na
criação de duas tabelas e no relacionamento descrito no
modelo apresentado na figura CB1A5.
Julgue o próximo item, relativos a Linux, MS Excel, firewalls e Google Chrome.
Caso se digite a fórmula =CONT.VALORES(B2:C4) na
célula B5 da planilha da figura precedente, desenvolvida no
MS Excel, o resultado a ser apresentado nesta célula será 22.
Julgue o próximo item, relativos a Linux, MS Excel, firewalls e Google Chrome.
Considere que os comandos a seguir tenham sido executados em um terminal do sistema operacional Linux, um após o outro.
comando 1: echo “ANAC” >> a.txt
comando 2: echo “Agencia” >> a.txt
comando 3: cp a.txt b.txt
comando 4: echo “Nacional” >> b.txt
comando 5: diff a.txt b.txt
Com base nessas informações, é correto afirmar que o resultado da execução do comando 5 será o seguinte.
> Agencia
Julgue o próximo item, relativos a Linux, MS Excel, firewalls e Google Chrome.
O Google Chrome, em sua versão mais recente para
Windows, permite que senhas reutilizadas ou senhas que
podem ser facilmente adivinhadas — como aquelas com
frases óbvias ou padrões de teclado simples — sejam
automaticamente canceladas, caso a função
Gerenciador de Senhas esteja habilitada.
Julgue o próximo item, relativos a Linux, MS Excel, firewalls e Google Chrome.
Os firewalls são dispositivos constituídos pela combinação
de software e hardware, utilizados para controlar o acesso
entre redes de computadores; alguns programas de firewall
permitem analisar continuamente o conteúdo das conexões,
filtrando vírus de email, cavalos de troia e outros tipos de
malware, antes mesmo que os antivírus entrem em ação.
Segundo a Lei n.º 8.112/1990, a penalidade aplicada ao servidor que, injustificadamente, se recusar a ser submetido à inspeção médica determinada pela autoridade competente terá seu registro cancelado, com efeitos retroativos, após o decurso de três anos de efetivo exercício, se o servidor não houver, nesse período, praticado nova infração disciplinar.
Helena, agindo na condição de servidora ocupante de cargo público de determinada agência reguladora, praticou ato administrativo que causou dano a terceiro, o qual ajuizou ação de indenização contra a agência.
Considerando a situação hipotética precedente, julgue o item seguinte.
As regras constitucionais dos servidores públicos são
aplicáveis aos ocupantes de cargo público de agência
reguladora, como Helena.
A autoridade máxima de determinada agência reguladora federal negou requerimento administrativo apresentado por Caio, que, diante da decisão denegatória, interpôs recurso perante o ministério supervisor ao qual a agência se vincula.
Tendo como referência a situação hipotética precedente, julgue o item que se segue.
Os recursos administrativos decorrem do exercício do poder
de polícia.
A autoridade máxima de determinada agência reguladora federal negou requerimento administrativo apresentado por Caio, que, diante da decisão denegatória, interpôs recurso perante o ministério supervisor ao qual a agência se vincula.
Tendo como referência a situação hipotética precedente, julgue o item que se segue.
Agência reguladora é entidade da administração pública
indireta constituída sob a forma de autarquia especial.
Drones are an integral part of the defense and supply-chain industry. However, their prowess and versatility extend beyond these sectors. As the demand for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) continues to increase, the drone market is now estimated to be valued at over 127 billion dollars.
These uncrewed aircrafts can potentially develop numerous sectors, including transport and travel, exponentially. This is primarily due to their remarkable evolution of collision-avoidance technologies through computer vision and artificial intelligence, allowing them to operate autonomously.
The dynamic innovation of drone transportation can positively impact emergency services by decreasing emergency response time, offering valuable data from inaccessible regions, and identifying victims via thermal imaging.
Though the concept of a UAV emerges from being “unmanned,” its autonomous power can be used to create functional, personal transportation. Well-known companies like Uber, Airbus, and Boeing are constantly working on developing self-flying drones that can take people from one place to another.
In conclusion, drone transportation has a lot of untapped potential beyond supply chain and security surveillance. Whether it is for emergencies, luxury, or space exploration, the future is optimistic for the travel industry.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
The word “their” (second sentence of the second paragraph)
refers back to “sectors” (first sentence of the second
Drones are an integral part of the defense and supply-chain industry. However, their prowess and versatility extend beyond these sectors. As the demand for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) continues to increase, the drone market is now estimated to be valued at over 127 billion dollars.
These uncrewed aircrafts can potentially develop numerous sectors, including transport and travel, exponentially. This is primarily due to their remarkable evolution of collision-avoidance technologies through computer vision and artificial intelligence, allowing them to operate autonomously.
The dynamic innovation of drone transportation can positively impact emergency services by decreasing emergency response time, offering valuable data from inaccessible regions, and identifying victims via thermal imaging.
Though the concept of a UAV emerges from being “unmanned,” its autonomous power can be used to create functional, personal transportation. Well-known companies like Uber, Airbus, and Boeing are constantly working on developing self-flying drones that can take people from one place to another.
In conclusion, drone transportation has a lot of untapped potential beyond supply chain and security surveillance. Whether it is for emergencies, luxury, or space exploration, the future is optimistic for the travel industry.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
In the context of drones, as presented in the text, the words
“uncrewed” (first sentence of the second paragraph) and
‘unmanned’ (first sentence of the fourth paragraph) convey
the same idea.
Drones are an integral part of the defense and supply-chain industry. However, their prowess and versatility extend beyond these sectors. As the demand for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) continues to increase, the drone market is now estimated to be valued at over 127 billion dollars.
These uncrewed aircrafts can potentially develop numerous sectors, including transport and travel, exponentially. This is primarily due to their remarkable evolution of collision-avoidance technologies through computer vision and artificial intelligence, allowing them to operate autonomously.
The dynamic innovation of drone transportation can positively impact emergency services by decreasing emergency response time, offering valuable data from inaccessible regions, and identifying victims via thermal imaging.
Though the concept of a UAV emerges from being “unmanned,” its autonomous power can be used to create functional, personal transportation. Well-known companies like Uber, Airbus, and Boeing are constantly working on developing self-flying drones that can take people from one place to another.
In conclusion, drone transportation has a lot of untapped potential beyond supply chain and security surveillance. Whether it is for emergencies, luxury, or space exploration, the future is optimistic for the travel industry.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
The article foresees a possible use of drones to identify
victims of accidents by detecting temperature emitted by
their bodies.
Drones are an integral part of the defense and supply-chain industry. However, their prowess and versatility extend beyond these sectors. As the demand for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) continues to increase, the drone market is now estimated to be valued at over 127 billion dollars.
These uncrewed aircrafts can potentially develop numerous sectors, including transport and travel, exponentially. This is primarily due to their remarkable evolution of collision-avoidance technologies through computer vision and artificial intelligence, allowing them to operate autonomously.
The dynamic innovation of drone transportation can positively impact emergency services by decreasing emergency response time, offering valuable data from inaccessible regions, and identifying victims via thermal imaging.
Though the concept of a UAV emerges from being “unmanned,” its autonomous power can be used to create functional, personal transportation. Well-known companies like Uber, Airbus, and Boeing are constantly working on developing self-flying drones that can take people from one place to another.
In conclusion, drone transportation has a lot of untapped potential beyond supply chain and security surveillance. Whether it is for emergencies, luxury, or space exploration, the future is optimistic for the travel industry.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
It can be concluded from the text that the potential of drones
for the transportation of people is still an overlooked and
unexplored matter.
According to researchers in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University, hummingbirds have extreme aerial agility and flight forms, which is why many drones and other aerial vehicles are designed to mimic hummingbird movement. Using a novel modeling method, Professor Bo Cheng and his team of researchers gained new insights into how hummingbirds produce wing movement, which could lead to design improvements in flying robots.
“We essentially reverse-engineered the inner working of the wing musculoskeletal system — how the muscles and skeleton work in hummingbirds to flap the wings,” said first author and Penn State mechanical engineering graduate student Suyash Agrawal. “The traditional methods have mostly focused on measuring activity of a bird or insect when they are in natural flight or in an artificial environment where flight-like conditions are simulated. But most insects and, among birds specifically, hummingbirds are very small. The data that we can get from those measurements are limited.”
Penn State researchers used muscle anatomy literature, computational fluid dynamics simulation data and wing-skeletal movement information captured using micro-CT and X-ray methods to inform their model. They also used an optimization algorithm based on evolutionary strategies, known as the genetic algorithm, to calibrate the parameters of the model. According to the researchers, their approach is the first to integrate these disparate parts for biological fliers.
With this model, the researchers uncovered previously unknown principles of hummingbird wing actuation. While Cheng emphasized that the results from the optimized model are predictions that will need validation, he said that it has implications for technological development of aerial vehicles.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Judge the following item according to the previous text.
Traditional measuring techniques offered restricted input
about the flight of insects.