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Q1959354 Inglês

Global Perspectives of Public Administration

        From a global perspective, public administration still raises passionate debates. Many of us presume to know the virtues of a globalized world, where commerce flourishes without barriers, cultures intertwine with each other, communication and technologies connect distant places to local villages and even to one’s living room. We probably agree that globalization creates a sense of togetherness, a feeling that events on one side of the world concern people living on the other side and that democracy and good governance are globalized aspirations to which people of all nations are prime subscribers. We soon realize however that globalization carries within it an insatiable spirit of competition and greed. The idea that the fittest, the strongest ultimately destroys the weakest, is straight from the jungle. The notion that globalization facilitates the overhauling of established norms and values, for better or for worse, is very much practicable.

        What are public administrators to do when globalization seems to threaten the very customs and values that glue their society together? […]

        The notion that public administration is a global phenomenon, subject to universal principles of moralities and values is tantalizing but questionable. A particular form of governance seems to work well for societies with common cores principles and traditional heritage, while another form of practice seems to facilitate better the development and aspirations of citizens in other corners of the world. Public administrators are first and foremost responsible for the management of their constituent’s affairs. They should dedicate their time and energy to respond to the aspirations and desiderata of their people and within the established boundaries of their societies. Public administrators seem to be more effective when they are inspired by concrete societal goals and objectives rather than when they are driven by a subjective sense of universal morality and goodness toward mankind. Too often, we have witnessed senseless wars and targeted killings in the name of subjective greater goods and selfish interests. […]

        Nevertheless, the world is interconnected and public administrators have to deal with internal as well as external issues outside of their national borders. International laws and regulations require that countries’ citizens behave in a certain manner toward fellow neighbors that certain principles of coexistence such as respect for diversity and basic understanding of human rights and dignity are undeniable. Public administrators in a globalized world have to focus on these ideas and create structures that essentially characterize these viewpoints.

(Adapted from Retrieved June 28th, 2022.)

The author concludes that public administrators must
Q1959353 Inglês

Global Perspectives of Public Administration

        From a global perspective, public administration still raises passionate debates. Many of us presume to know the virtues of a globalized world, where commerce flourishes without barriers, cultures intertwine with each other, communication and technologies connect distant places to local villages and even to one’s living room. We probably agree that globalization creates a sense of togetherness, a feeling that events on one side of the world concern people living on the other side and that democracy and good governance are globalized aspirations to which people of all nations are prime subscribers. We soon realize however that globalization carries within it an insatiable spirit of competition and greed. The idea that the fittest, the strongest ultimately destroys the weakest, is straight from the jungle. The notion that globalization facilitates the overhauling of established norms and values, for better or for worse, is very much practicable.

        What are public administrators to do when globalization seems to threaten the very customs and values that glue their society together? […]

        The notion that public administration is a global phenomenon, subject to universal principles of moralities and values is tantalizing but questionable. A particular form of governance seems to work well for societies with common cores principles and traditional heritage, while another form of practice seems to facilitate better the development and aspirations of citizens in other corners of the world. Public administrators are first and foremost responsible for the management of their constituent’s affairs. They should dedicate their time and energy to respond to the aspirations and desiderata of their people and within the established boundaries of their societies. Public administrators seem to be more effective when they are inspired by concrete societal goals and objectives rather than when they are driven by a subjective sense of universal morality and goodness toward mankind. Too often, we have witnessed senseless wars and targeted killings in the name of subjective greater goods and selfish interests. […]

        Nevertheless, the world is interconnected and public administrators have to deal with internal as well as external issues outside of their national borders. International laws and regulations require that countries’ citizens behave in a certain manner toward fellow neighbors that certain principles of coexistence such as respect for diversity and basic understanding of human rights and dignity are undeniable. Public administrators in a globalized world have to focus on these ideas and create structures that essentially characterize these viewpoints.

(Adapted from Retrieved June 28th, 2022.)

The word ”threaten” in ”when globalization seems to threaten the very customs and values that glue their society together” (2nd paragraph) can be replaced, without change of meaning, by
Q1959352 Inglês

Global Perspectives of Public Administration

        From a global perspective, public administration still raises passionate debates. Many of us presume to know the virtues of a globalized world, where commerce flourishes without barriers, cultures intertwine with each other, communication and technologies connect distant places to local villages and even to one’s living room. We probably agree that globalization creates a sense of togetherness, a feeling that events on one side of the world concern people living on the other side and that democracy and good governance are globalized aspirations to which people of all nations are prime subscribers. We soon realize however that globalization carries within it an insatiable spirit of competition and greed. The idea that the fittest, the strongest ultimately destroys the weakest, is straight from the jungle. The notion that globalization facilitates the overhauling of established norms and values, for better or for worse, is very much practicable.

        What are public administrators to do when globalization seems to threaten the very customs and values that glue their society together? […]

        The notion that public administration is a global phenomenon, subject to universal principles of moralities and values is tantalizing but questionable. A particular form of governance seems to work well for societies with common cores principles and traditional heritage, while another form of practice seems to facilitate better the development and aspirations of citizens in other corners of the world. Public administrators are first and foremost responsible for the management of their constituent’s affairs. They should dedicate their time and energy to respond to the aspirations and desiderata of their people and within the established boundaries of their societies. Public administrators seem to be more effective when they are inspired by concrete societal goals and objectives rather than when they are driven by a subjective sense of universal morality and goodness toward mankind. Too often, we have witnessed senseless wars and targeted killings in the name of subjective greater goods and selfish interests. […]

        Nevertheless, the world is interconnected and public administrators have to deal with internal as well as external issues outside of their national borders. International laws and regulations require that countries’ citizens behave in a certain manner toward fellow neighbors that certain principles of coexistence such as respect for diversity and basic understanding of human rights and dignity are undeniable. Public administrators in a globalized world have to focus on these ideas and create structures that essentially characterize these viewpoints.

(Adapted from Retrieved June 28th, 2022.)

In the first paragraph, the author
Q1959351 Inglês

Global Perspectives of Public Administration

        From a global perspective, public administration still raises passionate debates. Many of us presume to know the virtues of a globalized world, where commerce flourishes without barriers, cultures intertwine with each other, communication and technologies connect distant places to local villages and even to one’s living room. We probably agree that globalization creates a sense of togetherness, a feeling that events on one side of the world concern people living on the other side and that democracy and good governance are globalized aspirations to which people of all nations are prime subscribers. We soon realize however that globalization carries within it an insatiable spirit of competition and greed. The idea that the fittest, the strongest ultimately destroys the weakest, is straight from the jungle. The notion that globalization facilitates the overhauling of established norms and values, for better or for worse, is very much practicable.

        What are public administrators to do when globalization seems to threaten the very customs and values that glue their society together? […]

        The notion that public administration is a global phenomenon, subject to universal principles of moralities and values is tantalizing but questionable. A particular form of governance seems to work well for societies with common cores principles and traditional heritage, while another form of practice seems to facilitate better the development and aspirations of citizens in other corners of the world. Public administrators are first and foremost responsible for the management of their constituent’s affairs. They should dedicate their time and energy to respond to the aspirations and desiderata of their people and within the established boundaries of their societies. Public administrators seem to be more effective when they are inspired by concrete societal goals and objectives rather than when they are driven by a subjective sense of universal morality and goodness toward mankind. Too often, we have witnessed senseless wars and targeted killings in the name of subjective greater goods and selfish interests. […]

        Nevertheless, the world is interconnected and public administrators have to deal with internal as well as external issues outside of their national borders. International laws and regulations require that countries’ citizens behave in a certain manner toward fellow neighbors that certain principles of coexistence such as respect for diversity and basic understanding of human rights and dignity are undeniable. Public administrators in a globalized world have to focus on these ideas and create structures that essentially characterize these viewpoints.

(Adapted from Retrieved June 28th, 2022.)

Based on the information provided by the text, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) Globalization has both pleasant and objectionable consequences.

( ) Viewed globally, forms of administration are alike.

( ) Public administrators must be aware of national and international laws.

The statements are, respectively,

Q1959350 Português

Texto 1


        Uma das consequências das Cruzadas (séculos XI a XIII) foi a descoberta das riquezas do Oriente: tecidos, pedras e metais preciosos, especiarias.

        Tudo isso passou a ter um valor extraordinário para os europeus do século XV (a canela chegou a valer mais do que o ouro!). E assim as grandes navegações para a Ásia se tornaram financeiramente atrativas.

        O genovês Cristóvão Colombo, o que botou o ovo em pé (como se fosse uma grande coisa: as galinhas já faziam isso muito antes dele), consegue, na Espanha, em 1492, o patrocínio dos reis Fernando II e Isabel I para uma viagem à Índia.

        Para chegar lá, os portugueses desciam até o final da África e dobravam à esquerda. Colombo, que sempre adorou viver na contramão da História, sai da Espanha, no dia 3 de agosto, e dobra à direita, convencido de que a Terra era redonda.

        Acertou na forma, mas errou no cálculo do diâmetro. Colombo chega às Bahamas, em 12 de outubro, e acha que alcançou a Índia. Por isso, ao ver uns selvagens locais, Colombo os chama de índios. Pronto, o nome ficou e o erro se consagrou: a partir daí, todo selvagem, nu ou seminu, passou a ser chamado de índio.

(PIMENTA, R. Casa da Mãe Joana, curiosidade na origem das palavras, frases e marcas. Ed. Campus. Rio de Janeiro-RJ. 2002)

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