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Q589457 Português

                                Arquimedes, o bom repórter

      Faz parte do meu ofício inventar. Mentir, sem qualquer consideração teológica. Preencher as páginas em branco, esforçando-me por criar heróis mesquinhos e sublimes. Um ofício que se funde com as adversidades do cotidiano e que, pautado por uma estética insubordinada, comporta todas as escalas morais, afugenta os ideários uniformizadores.

      A literatura brota de todos os homens, de todas as épocas. Sua ambígua natureza determina que os escritores integrem uma raça fadada a exceder-se. Seus membros, como uma seita, vivem na franja e no âmago da realidade, que constrange e ilumina ao mesmo tempo. E sem a qual a criação fenece. A arte dos escritores arregimenta a sucata e o sublime, o que se oxida em meio aos horrores, o que se regenera sob o impulso dos suspiros de amor. Apalpa a matéria secreta que sangra e aloja-se nos porões da alma.

      Há muito sei que a escrita não poupa o escritor. E que, ao ser um martírio diário, coloca-o a serviço do real. E enquanto este mero exercício de acumular palavras, de dar-lhes sentido, for um ato de fé no humano, a literatura seguirá sendo protagonista do enigma que envolve vida e morte. Uma arte que geme, emite sinais, desenha signos, e que constitui uma salvaguarda civilizadora perante a barbárie. Em cujas páginas batalha-se pelo provável entendimento entre seres e situações intoleráveis. Como se por meio de certos recursos estéticos fosse possível conciliar antagonismos, praticar a tolerância, ativar sentimentos, testar os limites da linguagem e da ambiguidade da solidão humana. Salvar, enfim, os seres trágicos que somos.

    Não sei ser outra coisa que escritora. Já pelas manhãs, enquanto crio, apalpo emoções benfazejas, sentimentos instáveis, a substância sob o abrigo do sinistro e da esperança. Tudo o que a realidade abusiva refuta. É mister, contudo, combater os expurgos estéticos para narrara história jamais contada.

      A criação literária, porém, que se faz à sombra da comunidade humana, aproximou-me sempre daqueles cujas experiências pessoais eram vizinhas no ato de escrever. Por isso, desde a infância, senti-me irmanada aos jornalistas no uso das palavras e na maneira de captar o mundo. E a tal ponto vinculada aos jornais que nos vinham a casa, já pelas manhãs, que disputava com o pai o privilégio de lê-los antes dele. De aproximar-me destas páginas vivazes que, arrancando-me da sonolência, proclamavam que a vida despertara antes de mim. O drama humano não tinha instante para começar, precedera-me há horas, há milênios.

PINON, Nélida. Aprendiz de Homero. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record,2008,p.81-82,fragmento.

Dos períodos compostos transcritos a seguir, aquele que está estruturado em relações de subordinação e coordenação entre as orações é:
Q519143 Inglês
Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in

Read the following extract, taken from the text, to answer question .

“[_] hungry children are especially vulnerable [...]”.

Choose the noun that has an irregular plural as the word “children”.

Q519141 Inglês
Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in

Read the following extract, taken from the text, to answer question .

“[_] hungry children are especially vulnerable [...]”.

Choose the alternative that presents the simple past forms of the verb highlighted in the sentence above.

Q519140 Inglês
Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in

                               How much food do you need?

      The energy and protein that people need varies according to age, sex, body size, physical activity and, to some extent, climate. On average, the body needs more than 2,100 kilocalories per day per person to allow a normal, healthy life. Extra energy is needed during pregnancy and while breast-feeding.

Choose the alternative that presents the singular form of the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence below.

“These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters [  ]". 

69: A
70: C
71: E
72: B