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Q122686 Matemática
O texto seguinte é um extrato do testamento do senhor Astolfo:

Deixo 1/3 da quantia que tenho no Banco à minha única filha, Minerva, e o restante à criança que ela está esperando, caso seja do sexo feminino; entretanto, se a criança que ela espera for do sexo masculino, tal quantia deverá ser igualmente dividida entre os dois.”

Considerando que, 1 mês após o falecimento de Astolfo, Minerva teve um casal de gêmeos, então, para que o testamento de Astolfo fosse atendido, as frações da quantia existente no Banco, recebidas por Minerva, seu filho e sua filha foram, respectivamente:
Q122685 Matemática
Considere que os números inteiros que aparecem na tabela abaixo foram dispostos segundo determinado padrão.

                                   Imagem 008.jpg

Se esse padrão fosse mantido indefinidamente, qual dos números seguintes com certeza NÃO estaria nessa tabela?
Q122684 Inglês
          As Information Systems (IS) development becomes more  a function of purchasing packages or assembling components,  with less emphasis on programming, student enrollment in IS  courses at universities continues to decline.
          Sometimes it looks like the IT revolution has moved on  and left many IS researchers [ADVERB].
          For example, according to Nokia, the next generation of computers will be in your pocket. About 1.3 billion mobile phones are sold each year, compared to only 300 million personal computers. An increasing number of these phones come with full-blown operating systems that let users access,   organize, and use much more information than older handhelds. The mobile software market may soon exceed the current  software market for computers, and a wide variety of information  systems will rise on top of all the new software. However, only a relatively small percentage of IS research focuses on the mobile  revolution.
         Actually, many IS programs in business colleges seem  impervious to the wake-up call that information schools provide. Rather, they continue to offer curricula that reflect the past rather  than look toward the future. Little wonder that students, whose degrees are based on a very limited number of traditional courses in one area of study, often fail to meet their employers'  expectations. With little integration across disciplines to prepare  students for the complex problems they will face, organizations
find it necessary to further educate those whom they hire or go  abroad to seek appropriate employees with a wider range of  skills and knowledge.

                                                           (Adapted from

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna [ADVERB], no início do texto, é
946: C
947: B
948: D
949: C
950: E