Questões de Concurso Comentadas para auditor de contas públicas

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Q2387710 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
A “foreseeable future” (2nd paragraph) is one that:
Q2387709 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
In the sentence “Emerging technologies like robotic process automation” (1st paragraph), “like” expresses:
Q2387708 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
In “They amass” (1st paragraph), the pronoun refers to:
Q2387707 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
Based on the text, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

( ) Many companies nowadays tend to overlook data gathering.
( ) The accounting profession has managed to resist the impact of technology.
( ) In the study mentioned by the text, full population testing is to be preferred to sampling.

The statements are, respectively:
Q1889604 Direito Empresarial (Comercial)
Na análise do programa de integridade de uma companhia fechada, sem participação de pessoa jurídica de direito público no quadro acionário, foi constatada a ausência de disposição sobre a participação de conselheiros independentes no Conselho de Administração.
Em relação a essa omissão e considerando as disposições da Lei de Sociedades por Ações, é correto afirmar que a ausência da participação de conselheiros independentes:
61: B
62: E
63: D
64: C
65: A