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Q1902731 Direito Administrativo
Lucas, servidor público efetivo recém-nomeado para ocupar cargo no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE/RJ), praticou ato irregular que caracteriza infração funcional. José, superior hierárquico de Lucas, abriu processo administrativo, visando apurar a infração e puni-lo.
Com relação a essa situação hipotética, julgue o item que se segue.

A abertura do processo administrativo para a apuração da infração funcional praticada por Lucas configura controle judicial.
Q1902730 Direito Administrativo
Lucas, servidor público efetivo recém-nomeado para ocupar cargo no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE/RJ), praticou ato irregular que caracteriza infração funcional. José, superior hierárquico de Lucas, abriu processo administrativo, visando apurar a infração e puni-lo.
Com relação a essa situação hipotética, julgue o item que se segue.

Eventual punição de Lucas no processo administrativo caracterizará o exercício do poder de polícia administrativo.
Q1902729 Direito Administrativo
Lucas, servidor público efetivo recém-nomeado para ocupar cargo no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE/RJ), praticou ato irregular que caracteriza infração funcional. José, superior hierárquico de Lucas, abriu processo administrativo, visando apurar a infração e puni-lo.
Com relação a essa situação hipotética, julgue o item que se segue.

Lucas obteve estabilidade no serviço público a partir da data de sua nomeação no cargo. 
Q1902728 Inglês
    State and local governments regularly disclose financial information to the public so that the current financial status of the government is recognized publicly. The purpose of such disclosure is to achieve accountability and inform citizens about governments’ financial decisions. Despite the efforts to improve the accessibility and readability of financial information, we do not know whether and how the financial information is processed by citizens. This study investigates how citizens assess the financial condition of governments when different financial information is presented. We conduct an online survey experiment to understand how disclosed financial information shapes citizens’ perceived level of a government’s fiscal stress and their attitudes toward governments’ revenue-raising strategies. We find that citizens prioritize the financial indicators that they are familiar with, such as debt and surplus ratios. While both historical and social reference points play an important role, social reference is more effective in influencing citizens’ perception. We only find limited evidence to support the relationship between citizens’ perception of fiscal stress and their support toward governments’ decisions to raise revenues.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

Based on the text above and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item. 

The study shows that citizens’ perception of disclosed financial information is essentially shaped by fiscal stress. 

Q1902727 Inglês
    State and local governments regularly disclose financial information to the public so that the current financial status of the government is recognized publicly. The purpose of such disclosure is to achieve accountability and inform citizens about governments’ financial decisions. Despite the efforts to improve the accessibility and readability of financial information, we do not know whether and how the financial information is processed by citizens. This study investigates how citizens assess the financial condition of governments when different financial information is presented. We conduct an online survey experiment to understand how disclosed financial information shapes citizens’ perceived level of a government’s fiscal stress and their attitudes toward governments’ revenue-raising strategies. We find that citizens prioritize the financial indicators that they are familiar with, such as debt and surplus ratios. While both historical and social reference points play an important role, social reference is more effective in influencing citizens’ perception. We only find limited evidence to support the relationship between citizens’ perception of fiscal stress and their support toward governments’ decisions to raise revenues.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

Based on the text above and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item. 

In “State and local governments regularly disclose financial information” the verb “disclose” is close in meaning to make something known publicly.  

476: E
477: E
478: E
479: E
480: C