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Q2520373 Pedagogia

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The Oral Language axis, according to the BNCC, does not consider the individual characteristics of speakers, such as their pronunciation and intonation, when exploring oral language practices.

Q2520372 Pedagogia

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The progressive pedagogy known as "liberating" emphasizes the transmission of objective and measurable information, subordinating teaching to the science of behavioral change and educational technology.

Q2520371 Pedagogia

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Reading practices in the English language, according to the BNCC, prioritize only the overall comprehension of the text, neglecting the search for specific information.

Q2520370 Inglês

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The early methods of teaching foreign language, including instrumental English, date back to the 16th century and focused primarily on oral communication and everyday situations.

Q2520369 Inglês

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Requests for action or permission cannot be reported in Reported Speech using a subordinate clause with "if" or an infinitive. Therefore a sentence such as "He asked if it would be ok to miss next class" is an incorrect use of reported speech.

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