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Ano: 2009 Banca: FCC Órgão: TCE-SP
Q1221206 Noções de Informática
Embora existentes no Word 2003, alguns itens da barra de ferramentas foram removidos do Word 2007, tais como
Ano: 2009 Banca: FCC Órgão: TCE-SP
Q1221084 Noções de Informática
No Microsoft Word 2007, a remoção do cabeçalho ou rodapé da primeira página é efetuada pela sequência de cliques no mouse em Configurar Página -> Layout -> Primeira página diferente em Cabeçalhos e rodapés, a partir do clique na guia
Ano: 2009 Banca: FCC Órgão: TCE-SP
Q1214020 Banco de Dados
I. a responsabilidade pela organização do sistema de BD, de modo a obter o melhor desempenho no nível da  Empresa;
II. os ajustes finos apropriados, quando da mudança de requisitos.
A responsabilidade do perfil profissional e a técnica de ajuste correspondem, respectivamente, a Administrador de

Ano: 2012 Banca: FCC Órgão: TCE-SP
Q1213141 Engenharia Civil
Um problema importante associado à aplicação prática da análise de sensibilidade em análise de risco é que
Ano: 2009 Banca: FCC Órgão: TCE-SP
Q1212090 Inglês

Information Systems

    As Information Systems (IS) development becomes more a function of purchasing packages or assembling components, with less emphasis on programming, student enrollment in IS courses at universities continues to decline.

    Sometimes it looks like the IT revolution has moved on and left many IS researchers [ADVERB].

    For example, according to Nokia, the next generation of computers will be in your pocket. About 1.3 billion mobile phones are sold each year, compared to only 300 million personal computers. An increasing number of these phones come with full-blown operating systems that let users access, organize, and use much more information than older handhelds. The mobile software market may soon exceed the current software market for computers, and a wide variety of information systems will rise on top of all the new software. However, only a relatively small percentage of IS research focuses on the mobile revolution.

    Actually, many IS programs in business colleges seem impervious to the wake-up call that information schools provide. Rather, they continue to offer curricula that reflect the past rather than look toward the future. Little wonder that students, whose degrees are based on a very limited number of traditional courses in one area of study, often fail to meet their employers’ expectations. With little integration across disciplines to prepare students for the complex problems they will face, organizations find it necessary to further educate those whom they hire or go abroad to seek appropriate employees with a wider range of skills and knowledge.

(Adapted from

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