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Q952151 Pedagogia
Question relate more specifically to the contents of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) and matters of inclusion. All of them are in Portuguese.
Os PCNs definem como seus temas centrais:
Q952150 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
In her book “Teaching Community” (2003), bell hooks claims that educators must work “so that the classroom is not a site where domination (on the basis of race, class, gender, nationality, sexual preference, religion) is perpetuated” and that it should be “a place that is life-sustaining and mind-expanding, a place of liberating mutuality where teacher and students together work in partnership”. This is in agreement with the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) because it promotes the classroom as:
Q952149 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
Thinking of teacher development, it’s good practice for any L2 teacher to:
Q952148 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
According to Motta-Roth (2008), the Critical Genre Pedagogy sees the process of teaching/ learning as situated. That means it’s necessary to contextualize content and syllabus based on educational, cultural, social, and political imperatives, connecting individual experience to social experiences as well as social historic conditions of production, distribution and consumption of texts in society. A good example of genre pedagogy in use can be seen when the teacher proposes:
Q952147 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:

Still in practical terms, focusing on lexical terms may be a challenge for the teacher and the student. Penny Ur (2012, p. 69) alerts teachers to the importance of revising vocabulary instead of testing students on it so as to “consolidate and deepen students’ basic knowledge”. It’s important to focus the revision on single-items as well as items in context, using a wide range of exercises, which means, for example:

I conducting dictations.

II having students brainstorm in groups.

III doing a quick bingo.

IV composing stories together.

V finding collocations on websites or dictionaries.

The alternative that best matches the exercises suggested above with their target language is:

991: A
992: D
993: C
994: B
995: E