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Q1781516 Pedagogia
“Os objetivos antecipam resultados e processos esperados do trabalho conjunto do professor e dos alunos, expressando conhecimentos, habilidades e hábitos (conteúdos) a serem assimilados de acordo com as exigências metodológicas (nível de preparo prévio dos alunos, peculiaridades das matérias de ensino e características do processo de ensino e aprendizagem).” (LIBÂNEO: 1994)
Segundo o autor, ao elencar os objetivos o professor deve:
I. Observar uma sequência lógica, de forma que os conceitos e habilidades estejam inter-relacionados, possibilitando aos alunos uma compreensão de conjunto. II. Expressar os objetivos com clareza, de modo que sejam compreensíveis aos alunos e permitam, assim, que eles introjetem os objetivos do ensino como objetivos seus. III. Desvincular os objetivos específicos dos objetivos gerais para poder analisar as situações concretas nas quais os alunos estão inseridos.
Quais estão corretos?
Q1781442 Inglês
Instruction: answer the question based on the following text.

Why people are so obsessed with hygge, the cozy Danish lifestyle movement

Adapted from:
Decide whether the statements about the following sentence are true or false:
“Since the word entered the American lexicon, it has become a full-blown, Instagram-worthy lifestyle filled with warm blankets and glowing candles.” (l. 02-04).
( ) Warm blankets and glowing candles are representations of Instagram lifestyle. ( ) The word ‘lifestyle’ is a compound noun. ( ) The underlined phrase is an example of the present perfect verb tense. ( ) The word ‘since’ is used to describe the duration of an action, rather than the moment when the action begins.
Choose the alternative with the correct answers, in order.
Q1781441 Inglês
Instruction: answer the question based on the following text.

Why people are so obsessed with hygge, the cozy Danish lifestyle movement

Adapted from:
Consider the suggested changes to the sentence “But why are people so obsessed with it?” (l. 10-11).
I. But why are people so obsessed about it? II. But why are people obsessed by it? III. But why people obsess over it?
Which ones are correct?
Q1781440 Inglês
Instruction: answer the question based on the following text.

Why people are so obsessed with hygge, the cozy Danish lifestyle movement

Adapted from:
Consider the bold words in the text: it (l. 16); where (l. 19); themselves (l. 21); which (l. 21). Choose the alternative that states what the words refer to, in the order they are mentioned in the text.
Q1781439 Inglês
Instruction: answer the question based on the following text.

Why people are so obsessed with hygge, the cozy Danish lifestyle movement

Adapted from:
Nouns as ‘food’ (l. 06) may be countable or uncountable, depending on the context. The following nouns usually follow the same rule, EXCEPT:
781: C
782: A
783: E
784: C
785: B