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Q2422766 Estatuto da Pessoa Idosa - Lei nº 10.741 de 2003

Em conformidade com a Lei nº 10.741/2003 - Estatuto do Idoso, analisar a sentença abaixo:

Os idosos participarão das comemorações de caráter cívico ou cultural, para transmissão de conhecimentos e vivências às demais gerações, no sentido da preservação da memória e da identidade culturais (1ª parte). A participação dos idosos em atividades culturais e de lazer será proporcionada mediante descontos de, no máximo, 50% nos ingressos para eventos artísticos, culturais, esportivos e de lazer (2ª parte). Os meios de comunicação manterão espaços ou horários especiais voltados aos idosos, com finalidade informativa, educativa, artística e cultural, e ao público, sobre o processo de envelhecimento (3ª parte).

A sentença está:

Q2422765 Pedagogia

Em conformidade com a Lei nº 10.436/2002, analisar a sentença abaixo:

Entende-se como Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) a forma de comunicação e expressão em que o sistema linguístico de natureza visual-motora, com estrutura gramatical própria, constitui um sistema linguístico de transmissão de ideias e fatos, oriundos de comunidades de pessoas surdas do Brasil (1ª parte). Devem ser garantidas, por parte do Poder Público em geral e empresas concessionárias de serviços públicos, formas institucionalizadas de apoiar o uso e a difusão da Libras como meio de comunicação objetiva e de utilização corrente das comunidades surdas do Brasil (2ª parte). As instituições públicas e empresas concessionárias de serviços públicos de assistência à saúde devem garantir atendimento e tratamento adequado aos portadores de deficiência auditiva (3ª parte).

A sentença está:

Q2422763 Legislação Federal

De acordo com o Decreto nº 5.626/2005, as instituições federais de ensino devem garantir, obrigatoriamente, às pessoas surdas acesso à comunicação, à informação e à educação nos processos seletivos, nas atividades e nos conteúdos curriculares desenvolvidos em todos os níveis, etapas e modalidades de educação, desde a Educação Infantil até a Superior. Para garantir o atendimento educacional especializado e o acesso, as instituições federais de ensino devem:

I. Ofertar, facultativamente, desde o Ensino Fundamental, tanto o ensino da Libras quanto da Língua Portuguesa, como primeira língua para alunos surdos.

II. Disponibilizar equipamentos, acesso às novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, bem como recursos didáticos para apoiar a educação de alunos surdos ou com deficiência auditiva.

III. Desenvolver e adotar mecanismos alternativos para a avaliação de conhecimentos expressos em Libras, desde que devidamente registrados em vídeo ou em outros meios eletrônicos e tecnológicos.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):

Q2422758 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

The text brings the verb “analysed” (l.13) spelled out according to the British spelling. The fact that this verb, such as other verbs, has more than one acceptable spelling in the English language is considered an example of:

Q2422757 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

The word “not” (l. 6) is an example of:

Q2422756 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

Select the alternative that contains a word that is formed in the same way as “mainland”(l. 26):

Q2422755 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

The words “Although” (l. 25) and “whether” (l. 30) could be replaced, with little or no change of meaning or structure, by the words:

Q2422754 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

According to the text, consider the following items:

I. There was a new study using the skeleton remains of the Anglo‐Saxons.

II. Skulls and skeletons were analyzed in a new study.

III. The number of Anglo‐Saxons that settled in Britain is not debatable.

IV. The Anglo‐Saxons came to Britain before the Romans.

The CORRECT item(s) is(are):

Q2422753 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

Select the alternative that contains the correct title for the text:

Q2422752 Pedagogia

De acordo com VENTURI, a linguagem como um conjunto de hábitos, que vão se formando durante a vida, por ensaio e erro, corresponde à Teoria de Aquisição da Linguagem de:

Q2422700 Geografia

De acordo com PRESS et al., assinalar a alternativa que apresenta um exemplo de rocha sedimentar e um exemplo de rocha ígnea, respectivamente:

Q2422699 Biologia

Assinalar a alternativa que apresenta o único bioma exclusivamente brasileiro:

Q2422698 Geografia

Medindo‐se certa distância em uma carta, foram encontrados 32cm. Sendo a escala da carta 1:50.000, ou seja, cada centímetro na carta representa 50.000cm na realidade, a distância no terreno será de:

Q2422697 Geografia

Segundo AYODE, as altas subtropicais têm sido explicadas como decorrência dos efeitos de um ou mais dos seguintes mecanismos:

I. Acúmulo de ar que se move em direção aos polos, à medida que seja defletido para leste, através da rotação da Terra e da conservação do momento.

II. Mergulho de correntes dirigidas para os polos, por aquecimento radioativo.

III. Necessidade de uma zona de baixa pressão, próxima ao paralelo de 30°, separar aproximadamente zonas diferentes de ventos alísios e ventos de leste.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):

Q2422696 Geografia

De acordo com SCHNEEBERGER e FARAGO, assinalar a alternativa que NÃO apresenta uma característica da globalização:

Q2422695 Geografia

Considerando-se as camadas da atmosfera, sobre a estratosfera, marcar C para as alternativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:

( ) É nessa camada que ocorrem, essencialmente, todos os fenômenos meteorológicos que caracterizam o tempo.

( ) A temperatura aumenta com a altitude nessa camada.

( ) A camada de ozônio está localizada nela.

Q2422694 Pedagogia

Em conformidade com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular: Etapa do Ensino Fundamental: Geografia, são algumas das competências específicas de Geografia para o Ensino Fundamental:

I. Utilizar os conhecimentos geográficos para entender a interação entre sociedade e natureza; exercitar o interesse e o espírito de investigação e de resolução de problemas.

II. Estabelecer conexões entre diferentes temas do conhecimento geográfico, reconhecendo a importância dos objetos técnicos para a compreensão das formas como os seres humanos fazem uso dos recursos da natureza ao longo da história.

III. Desenvolver autonomia e senso crítico para compreensão e aplicação do raciocínio geográfico na análise da ocupação humana e produção do espaço.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):

Q2422691 Pedagogia

Em conformidade com BOYNTON e BOYNTON, sobre a habilidade de monitorar o comportamento dos alunos, analisar os itens abaixo:

I. É um dos instrumentos disciplinares mais poderosos que o professor dispõe, apesar de não ser uma forma de prevenir que problemas disciplinares aumentem.

II. Quando os professores empregam habilidades de monitoramento, comunicam que estão vendo o comportamento inadequado do aluno, que estão preocupados e que é melhor ele parar com esse tipo de comportamento.

III. O uso adequado promove mudanças positivas nos comportamentos dos alunos, apesar de não possibilitar que mantenham a sua dignidade.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):

Q2422690 História

De acordo com PINSKY, em relação às cidades, analisar os itens abaixo:

I. Representam a grande revolução da humanidade.

II. Permitem o trabalho organizado de um grande número de pessoas sob uma liderança que vai adquirindo legitimidade, a ponto de estabelecer sanções para os que se recusam a cumprir as tarefas estabelecidas.

III. Não apenas decorre de um determinado grau de desenvolvimento das técnicas e do conhecimento humano, em geral; também impele a espécie humana a crescer.


Q2422689 História

De acordo com LE GOFF, a respeito do Feudalismo Ocidental, analisar os itens abaixo:

I. Pelo contrato vassálico, uniam‐se senhor e vassalo, mediante a prestação de homenagem.

II. A concessão do feudo, ocorrida do senhor ao vassalo, era realizada em uma cerimônia – a investidura – no ato simbólico de entrega de um objetivo.

III. Anterior ao século XIII, apenas em casos excepcionais acontecia a consignação de feudo mediante ato escrito.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):

21: C
22: A
23: D
24: B
25: E
26: C
27: C
28: A
29: D
30: A
31: D
32: A
33: C
34: A
35: D
36: C
37: E
38: B
39: E
40: E