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Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1197401 Inglês
Older and Better     Many people opt ____________ newer homes because they are cleaner, bigger and often have more amenities. But new research shows old houses ____________ old neighborhoods may be better for your health.   University of Utah researchers found that people who live in older, more walkable neighborhoods are ____________ lower risk for overweight and obesity. The study, to be published in the September issue of The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, tracked the body mass index ____________ nearly a half million Salt Lake County residents in Utah. They found that neighborhoods built before 1950 tended ____________ offer greater overall walkability because they had been designed for pedestrians. Newer neighborhoods often were designed primarily to facilitate car travel, the researchers noted.   “It’s difficult for individuals to change their behavior,” said Ken Smith, co-author of the study and professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah. “But we can build environments that promote healthy behavior.”   Dr. Smith and colleagues used census data as well as height and weight information obtained from the drivers’ license records of 453,927 Salt Lake County residents between the ages of 25 and 64. They found that men, on average, weighed ten pounds less if they lived in a walkable neighborhood versus a neighborhood less conductive to walking. The average women weighed six pounds less.   “The data show that how and where we live can greatly affect our health,” Dr. Smith said. “Neighborhoods with higher fractions of residents who walk to work tell us that something beneficial about neighborhood is promoting health.”   The research offers a blueprint for communities on better ways to design new developments to encourage healthful living. And for people shopping for homes, the lesson is to think about not just the house itself but whether the neighborhood is pedestrian-friendly, with sidewalks, bikes and walking paths, low traffic and amenities like coffee shops or convenient stores that are within walking distance.   Last fall, Stanford Medicine Magazine also looked at the effect neighborhoods have on health. Researchers there found that among people who were trying to be more active, living in walkable neighborhoods dramatically improved their odds of exercising for at least two-and-a-half hours week. In one study of people who lived in walkable neighborhoods achieved their goals, compared to just 30 percent of those who lived in pedestrian-unfriendly areas.    Match the words on column 1 with their meanings on column 2: 
Column 1 - Words  1. Amenities  2. Walkable  3. Tracked  4. Conducive 
Column 2 - Meaning  (   ) propitious.  (   ) studied, analyzed.  (   ) places that make life more pleasant.  (   ) suitable for a walk. 
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1197154 Inglês
Older and Better     Many people opt ____________ newer homes because they are cleaner, bigger and often have more amenities. But new research shows old houses ____________ old neighborhoods may be better for your health.   University of Utah researchers found that people who live in older, more walkable neighborhoods are ____________ lower risk for overweight and obesity. The study, to be published in the September issue of The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, tracked the body mass index ____________ nearly a half million Salt Lake County residents in Utah. They found that neighborhoods built before 1950 tended ____________ offer greater overall walkability because they had been designed for pedestrians. Newer neighborhoods often were designed primarily to facilitate car travel, the researchers noted.   “It’s difficult for individuals to change their behavior,” said Ken Smith, co-author of the study and professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah. “But we can build environments that promote healthy behavior.”   Dr. Smith and colleagues used census data as well as height and weight information obtained from the drivers’ license records of 453,927 Salt Lake County residents between the ages of 25 and 64. They found that men, on average, weighed ten pounds less if they lived in a walkable neighborhood versus a neighborhood less conductive to walking. The average women weighed six pounds less.   “The data show that how and where we live can greatly affect our health,” Dr. Smith said. “Neighborhoods with higher fractions of residents who walk to work tell us that something beneficial about neighborhood is promoting health.”   The research offers a blueprint for communities on better ways to design new developments to encourage healthful living. And for people shopping for homes, the lesson is to think about not just the house itself but whether the neighborhood is pedestrian-friendly, with sidewalks, bikes and walking paths, low traffic and amenities like coffee shops or convenient stores that are within walking distance.   Last fall, Stanford Medicine Magazine also looked at the effect neighborhoods have on health. Researchers there found that among people who were trying to be more active, living in walkable neighborhoods dramatically improved their odds of exercising for at least two-and-a-half hours week. In one study of people who lived in walkable neighborhoods achieved their goals, compared to just 30 percent of those who lived in pedestrian-unfriendly areas.    Read these sentences and, according to the text, decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ). 
(   ) People prefer newer homes because they are better for your health.  (   ) The risk of gaining weight diminishes if you live older, more walkable neighborhoods.  (   ) More residents in Salt Lake County live in neighborhoods built before 1950.  (   ) Ken Smith believes that changing one’s behavior is hard to do.  (   ) Teenagers’ data were not taken into consideration in the research carried on by DR. Smith and his colleagues. 
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1196858 Medicina
Na escola alemã de Iridologia, as íris de cor azul, cinza ou verde correspondem a qual biotipologia?
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1196721 Turismo
Tratando-se da elaboração de uma política de desenvolvimento de recursos humanos para a atividade turística de uma região, deve-se:  Priorizar a contratação de colaboradores oriundos de outros países e regiões para garantir mão de obra qualificada, multicultural e domínio de línguas. Investir em programas de qualificação, atendendo às necessidades do mercado de trabalho. Levantar a oferta de instruções, ações de formação profissional e aperfeiçoamento da mão de obra turística. Observar as características do mercado de trabalho, ou seja, que profissionais são absorvidos pelo setor produtivo. Diagnosticar a qualidade da oferta de mão de obra, a característica da população eco¬nomicamente ativa, como grau de instrução, formação específica.    Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1196706 Contabilidade Geral
Ativo, Passivo e Patrimônio líquido são, respectivamente:
801: E
802: D
803: A
804: D
805: C