Questões de Concurso Para prefeitura de iporã do oeste - sc

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Q1726949 Nutrição
Tipo de fórmula infantil para tratamento da alergia à proteína do leite de vaca, que pode ser oferecida somente após os seis meses de idade nas formas IgE mediadas:
Q1726948 Nutrição
Consequência da sarcopenia em idosos:
Q1726947 Nutrição
Qual a área mínima de um lactário para um estabelecimento assistencial de saúde com até 15 leitos pediátricos?
Q1726946 Nutrição
É muito comum, entre pré-escolares, o desenvolvimento da seletividade alimentar (picky/fussy eating). Qual destes grupos de alimentos é pouco consumido por estas crianças?
Q1726945 Nutrição
Ingestão adequada de potássio para gestantes de 19 a 30 anos:
Q1726944 Nutrição
Tipo de corte mais comum para hortaliças folhosas que serão refogadas em óleo, com temperatura branda e sem adição de água:
Q1726943 Nutrição
Proteína presente no trigo, de estrutura monomérica, que responde pela extensibilidade da massa do pão:
Q1726942 Nutrição
“Descrever a extensão e a magnitude dos distúrbios nutricionais, as frequências relativas entre grupos sob investigação e possíveis tendências temporais [...].”. Esta afirmativa se refere a um dos principais objetivos da:
Q1723858 Português
Analise a frase abaixo: “Você está agindo igual à sua mãe.” O termo destacado é um:
Q1723857 Português
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta encontro vocálico:
Q1723855 Pedagogia
Segundo o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, é dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente:
Q1723854 Pedagogia
Com relação à prática docente, na concepção vygotskyana, pode-se dizer que:
Q1723853 Pedagogia
Segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, com relação às Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias, pode-se dizer que são competências e habilidades a serem desenvolvidas em Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas: I. Utilizar as estratégias verbais e não verbais para compensar falhas na comunicação para favorecer a efetiva comunicação e alcançar o efeito pretendido; II. Utilizar os mecanismos de coerência e coesão na produção, oral ou escrita, em Língua Estrangeira; III. Compreender de que forma determinada expressão pode ser interpretada em razão de aspectos sociais e/ou culturais. Dos itens acima:
Q1723852 Pedagogia
Com relação aos currículos da educação escolar, conforme a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases, pode-se dizer que:
Q1723851 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação, com relação à Organização da Educação Nacional, os docentes devem assumir as seguintes responsabilidades, exceto:
Q1723850 Inglês
Answer question according to the text below.

A scientific paper led by two researchers at Harvard University made a splash this week by claiming that a cigar-shaped rock zooming through our solar system may have been sent by aliens. Oumuamua, Hawaiian for "messenger" or "scout", was first viewed by telescopes in October 2017. It is the first interstellar object known to enter our solar system.
"There is an unexplained phenomena: the excess acceleration of Oumuamua, which we show may be explained by the force of radiation pressure from the sun. However this requires the body to have a very large surface and be very thin, which is not encountered in nature", co-author and Harvard astrophysicist Shmuel Bialy said.
Their suggestion of an alien force at work went viral. But other astronomy experts aren't buying it Asked if he believed the hypothesis he put forward, Bialy pointed: "I wouldn't say I 'believe' it is sent by aliens, as I am a scientist, and not a believer, I rely on evidence to put forward possible physical explanation for observed phenomena."
Their paper was accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
(Fonte: Adapted from
Asked if he believed the hypothesis he presented, Bialy answered that:
Q1723849 Inglês
Answer question according to the text below.

A scientific paper led by two researchers at Harvard University made a splash this week by claiming that a cigar-shaped rock zooming through our solar system may have been sent by aliens. Oumuamua, Hawaiian for "messenger" or "scout", was first viewed by telescopes in October 2017. It is the first interstellar object known to enter our solar system.
"There is an unexplained phenomena: the excess acceleration of Oumuamua, which we show may be explained by the force of radiation pressure from the sun. However this requires the body to have a very large surface and be very thin, which is not encountered in nature", co-author and Harvard astrophysicist Shmuel Bialy said.
Their suggestion of an alien force at work went viral. But other astronomy experts aren't buying it Asked if he believed the hypothesis he put forward, Bialy pointed: "I wouldn't say I 'believe' it is sent by aliens, as I am a scientist, and not a believer, I rely on evidence to put forward possible physical explanation for observed phenomena."
Their paper was accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
(Fonte: Adapted from
According to the text, Oumuamua:
Q1723848 Inglês
Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence bellow: “The noise was loud, so I put my hands ______ my ears”
Q1723847 Inglês
Answer question according to the text below.

As Hannah Campbell happily runs around in the park with her little daughter Milly, passers-by glance in wonder at her running-blade leg. Some kind of accident? Maybe a car crash? A tragedy, whatever it was. They pass on by with no idea that they have just witnessed the only mum in the British Army to lose a limb in a war zone now bravely rebuilding her life. (…) Doctors battled to save her shattered leg through 19 painful operations but in the end she needed a final op to remove it below the knee... and that left her on the brink of death.
Now, 18 months after the amputation, Hannah is happy and smiling as she plays with seven-year-old Milly. Her left leg is gone, but her life is back. “It may be hard to believe, but losing it has enabled me to become a mother again,” says Hannah, who is back down to a fighting-fit 10 stone and will be running in the London Marathon on Sunday.
(Fonte: Adapted from
In the text, the expression “running-blade leg” refers to:
Q1723846 Inglês
Answer question according to the text below.

As Hannah Campbell happily runs around in the park with her little daughter Milly, passers-by glance in wonder at her running-blade leg. Some kind of accident? Maybe a car crash? A tragedy, whatever it was. They pass on by with no idea that they have just witnessed the only mum in the British Army to lose a limb in a war zone now bravely rebuilding her life. (…) Doctors battled to save her shattered leg through 19 painful operations but in the end she needed a final op to remove it below the knee... and that left her on the brink of death.
Now, 18 months after the amputation, Hannah is happy and smiling as she plays with seven-year-old Milly. Her left leg is gone, but her life is back. “It may be hard to believe, but losing it has enabled me to become a mother again,” says Hannah, who is back down to a fighting-fit 10 stone and will be running in the London Marathon on Sunday.
(Fonte: Adapted from
According to the text: I. Hannah Campbel had a serious car accident. II. The doctors could not save her leg, so limb amputation was performed. III. After 18 months, Hannah is happy and smiling as she plays with her daughter.
801: A
802: C
803: B
804: D
805: A
806: B
807: A
808: D
809: B
810: A
811: A
812: C
813: D
814: D
815: B
816: C
817: B
818: C
819: D
820: C