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Q2016753 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Seven secrets to savvy packing before you head off on your holidays

(1º§) 1.Tuck and roll clothes
ITEMS like sarongs and dresses are vulnerable to creasing, but rolling them up and tucking them in tightly is the way to beat wrinkling. Or follow tidying guru Marie Kondo's advice and pack all of your clothes upright, rather than in a pile, so that you can see all of the outfits in your case.

(2º§) 2. Keep hats in shape
WHAT'S a holiday without a hat? If you need to put yours in a suitcase, make sure it's one of the first things you pack, and stuff it! A swimsuit works well as the cossie will keep its shape no matter what you pack it in. Then place small items such as underwear around it.

(3º§) 3. Stuff sandals to keep shape
YOU don't want your sandals to be bent out of shape while en route, so stuff them with a small item such as a pair of socks. That way they will also take up less room in your suitcase. You can also slot the ends of your sandals together to help preserve their shape even more.

(4º§) 4. The rule off three fold
THE rule of three is an effective way to keep smaller items such as T-shirts folded nice and tightly. Think of your T-shirt split into three equal parts down the middle. Fold each side into the centre, fold in half and then again until your item is small and compact.

(5º§) 5. Tie belts around shorts
IF you have a pair of shorts or trousers that have a tie, use it to your advantage. Remove it from the belt loops and once your item is rolled, wrap the tie around as many times as needed before tucking ends in. It will stop clothing unrolling and has the extra benefit of keeping the tie crease-free.

(6º§) 6. Fold up bag and add trinkets
FOLD your bag in half before placing it flat at the bottom of the suitcase. Then add your larger, rolleditems on top of the bag. It will stay as flat as possible and so avoid becoming misshapen. Add smaller items such as jewellery inside your rolled clothes to keep them safe.

(7º§) 7. Sunglasses protection
IF your sunglasses don't come with a protective case, then they need to be protected from being damaged during the journey, it's horribly easy to scratch the lenses. A soft sarong, which is all one fabric, is perfect for this. Pop your sunnies in, roll to the end, and pack it up.
"Fold your bag in half [...]" (6º§) could be translated as:
Q2016752 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Seven secrets to savvy packing before you head off on your holidays

(1º§) 1.Tuck and roll clothes
ITEMS like sarongs and dresses are vulnerable to creasing, but rolling them up and tucking them in tightly is the way to beat wrinkling. Or follow tidying guru Marie Kondo's advice and pack all of your clothes upright, rather than in a pile, so that you can see all of the outfits in your case.

(2º§) 2. Keep hats in shape
WHAT'S a holiday without a hat? If you need to put yours in a suitcase, make sure it's one of the first things you pack, and stuff it! A swimsuit works well as the cossie will keep its shape no matter what you pack it in. Then place small items such as underwear around it.

(3º§) 3. Stuff sandals to keep shape
YOU don't want your sandals to be bent out of shape while en route, so stuff them with a small item such as a pair of socks. That way they will also take up less room in your suitcase. You can also slot the ends of your sandals together to help preserve their shape even more.

(4º§) 4. The rule off three fold
THE rule of three is an effective way to keep smaller items such as T-shirts folded nice and tightly. Think of your T-shirt split into three equal parts down the middle. Fold each side into the centre, fold in half and then again until your item is small and compact.

(5º§) 5. Tie belts around shorts
IF you have a pair of shorts or trousers that have a tie, use it to your advantage. Remove it from the belt loops and once your item is rolled, wrap the tie around as many times as needed before tucking ends in. It will stop clothing unrolling and has the extra benefit of keeping the tie crease-free.

(6º§) 6. Fold up bag and add trinkets
FOLD your bag in half before placing it flat at the bottom of the suitcase. Then add your larger, rolleditems on top of the bag. It will stay as flat as possible and so avoid becoming misshapen. Add smaller items such as jewellery inside your rolled clothes to keep them safe.

(7º§) 7. Sunglasses protection
IF your sunglasses don't come with a protective case, then they need to be protected from being damaged during the journey, it's horribly easy to scratch the lenses. A soft sarong, which is all one fabric, is perfect for this. Pop your sunnies in, roll to the end, and pack it up.
Consider the following assertives:
I.The word "trinkets" could be translated as "bugigangas" (6º§).
II."Rule off" is a phrasal verb (4º§).
III."Belt loops" could be replaced by "Strap tied" (5º§).
Which one(s) is(are) CORRECT?
Q2016751 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Seven secrets to savvy packing before you head off on your holidays

(1º§) 1.Tuck and roll clothes
ITEMS like sarongs and dresses are vulnerable to creasing, but rolling them up and tucking them in tightly is the way to beat wrinkling. Or follow tidying guru Marie Kondo's advice and pack all of your clothes upright, rather than in a pile, so that you can see all of the outfits in your case.

(2º§) 2. Keep hats in shape
WHAT'S a holiday without a hat? If you need to put yours in a suitcase, make sure it's one of the first things you pack, and stuff it! A swimsuit works well as the cossie will keep its shape no matter what you pack it in. Then place small items such as underwear around it.

(3º§) 3. Stuff sandals to keep shape
YOU don't want your sandals to be bent out of shape while en route, so stuff them with a small item such as a pair of socks. That way they will also take up less room in your suitcase. You can also slot the ends of your sandals together to help preserve their shape even more.

(4º§) 4. The rule off three fold
THE rule of three is an effective way to keep smaller items such as T-shirts folded nice and tightly. Think of your T-shirt split into three equal parts down the middle. Fold each side into the centre, fold in half and then again until your item is small and compact.

(5º§) 5. Tie belts around shorts
IF you have a pair of shorts or trousers that have a tie, use it to your advantage. Remove it from the belt loops and once your item is rolled, wrap the tie around as many times as needed before tucking ends in. It will stop clothing unrolling and has the extra benefit of keeping the tie crease-free.

(6º§) 6. Fold up bag and add trinkets
FOLD your bag in half before placing it flat at the bottom of the suitcase. Then add your larger, rolleditems on top of the bag. It will stay as flat as possible and so avoid becoming misshapen. Add smaller items such as jewellery inside your rolled clothes to keep them safe.

(7º§) 7. Sunglasses protection
IF your sunglasses don't come with a protective case, then they need to be protected from being damaged during the journey, it's horribly easy to scratch the lenses. A soft sarong, which is all one fabric, is perfect for this. Pop your sunnies in, roll to the end, and pack it up.
According to the text, one of the first things you pack is (are):
Q2016620 Meio Ambiente
"De olho nas mudanças climáticas, 20 estados brasileiros observaram mais de 100 ameaças que colocam em risco os municípios e os cidadãos. Ao mesmo tempo, apenas sete locais já implementam estudos de vulnerabilidade e cinco se comprometem a reduzir gases do efeito estufa. É isso que demonstrou a pesquisa do CPD Latin America, laboratório de pesquisa sem fins lucrativos que monitora questões ambientais." (
A preocupação com a emissão de gases que favorecem o efeito estufa tem sido cada vez maior em todo o mundo, pois como cita o texto acima, suas consequências colocam em risco toda a humanidade.
Qual dos itens abaixo NÃO representa um impacto deste problema no desenvolvimento humano? 
Q2016619 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
A história do município de Iporã do Oeste conta que os primeiros colonos que chegaram à então chamada Vila Pinhal eram, em sua maioria, imigrantes alemães e italianos, vindos diretamente da europa ou mesmo de algumas localidades do Rio Grande do Sul. Batizada como Pinhal por ter em seu território uma grande quantidade de pinheiros, a localidade teve como principal atrativo para a migração:
371: C
372: C
373: C
374: B
375: C