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Q1674420 Inglês

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A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

A frase “There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds” significa que:
Q1674419 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

No texto, a palavra mystery, em “mystery species” é um:
Q1674418 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

Segundo o texto, a planta possui uma flor de cor:
Q1674417 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

De acordo com o texto:
Q1674400 História
Durante o curto período no qual Fernando Collor exerceu a presidência brasileira, realizou a tentativa de recuperar a economia marcada por altos índices de inflação, elaborando o Chamado Plano Collor, nomeando como responsável pela pasta econômica a professora Zélia Cardoso de Mello. Nesse sentido, leia e julgue as afirmações a seguir e responda: (__) O ministério da Economia englobou os do Planejamento e da Fazenda, além de secretarias como a Receita Federal. (__) A poupança foi retida para todos aqueles que tivessem depósitos acima de 50.000 cruzeiros novos. (__) Promoveram a abertura do mercado brasileiro ao exterior com a extinção de subsídios do governo. (__) Foi promovida uma reforma administrativa com o fechamento de ministérios, autarquias e empresas públicas. Considerando-se que (V) significa verdadeiro e (F) significa falso, a sequência correta das proposições acima é:
216: A
217: C
218: B
219: D
220: D