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Q1725576 Inglês
Read the news below.

While in Pakistan the good news is that the killing of journalists _________________ a merciful reduction, intimidation of the media continues to grow. Identify the best alternative that completes the context.
Q1725575 Inglês
Read the text below and identify the wrong alternative according to the context.

In 1972, a new language course was proposed in Europe which aims to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching. Here the focus was on what the learner needed to understand and express through the target language and not on the accumulation of grammatical items and structures.
Q1725574 Inglês
Read the fragment below.

I. Acquisition is the act of ignoring something especially knowledge, skill etc, by your own efforts, ability or behavior, in order to learn something that is totally new;
II. Learning is gaining knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, from being taught etc;
III. Language acquisition is the process by which the language capability develops in a human.


Identify the correct option according to the context.
Q1725573 Inglês
Read the text below and identify the wrong alternative according to the context.

In general, we may classify language acquisition activities as those in which the focus is on the message, i.e., meaning. These may be of four types:
Q1725572 Inglês
Read the text below.


I. In the Speech Emergence Stage, speech production will normally improve in both quantity and quality. The sentences that the students produce become longer, more complex and they use a wider range of vocabulary.
II. Finally, the number of errors will slowly increase. Students need to be given the opportunity to use oral and written language whenever possible.
III. When they reach the stage in which speech is emerging beyond the two-word stage, there are many sorts of activities which will foster more comprehension and speech.


Identify the correct alternative according to the context.
546: C
547: A
548: C
549: D
550: B