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Q1765621 Inglês

Which option best completes the paragraph below?

As with the Anglo-Saxon and Norman settlers of centuries past, the languages spoken by today’s ethnic communities have begun to have an impact on the everyday spoken English of other communities. For instance, many young people, regardless of _________ ethnic background, now use the black slang terms, nang (‘cool,’) and diss (‘insult’ — from ‘disrespecting’) or words derived from Hindi and Urdu, such as chuddies (‘underpants’) or desi (‘typically Asian’). Many also use the all-purpose tag-question, innit — as in statements such as you’re weird, innit. This feature has been variously ascribed to the British Caribbean community or the British Asian community, although it is also part of a more native British tradition - in dialects in the West Country and Wales, for instance — which might explain why it appears to have spread so rapidly among young speakers everywhere.

Q1765620 Inglês
Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas. My teacher and my mother have very different styles. One is a good athlete _____ the other prefer listen to the music everyday.
Q1765619 Inglês

Complete each sentence using where/whom/whose/who and choose the right answer below:

I - He doesn´t know the name of the dog to.........Ispoke yesterday night.

II - A house is a place.......people live togheter.

III - A humorista is a person.......believes that all the people are happy.

IV - An elephant is an animal........children are also very big.

V - The place........we spent our days was really wonderful.

Q1765618 Educação Física
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) aponta três elementos comuns às práticas corporais. São eles:
Q1765617 Educação Física

Analise as afirmações a seguir:

“A aprendizagem dos alunos de Educação Física, para que possa ser significativa, impõe que os “conteúdos” sejam analisados e apresentados de modo a estruturarem uma rede de significações”.


“Conteúdo”, não é informação que se acumula, mas ferramenta com a qual se aprende a aprender e, por saber aprender, conseguir se transformar” (Selbach, 2010 – adaptado).

A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta

671: B
672: C
673: A
674: B
675: A