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Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1208808 Pedagogia
Em seus estudos, Hoffmann afirma que a avaliação, na perspectiva de construção do conhecimento, parte de duas premissas básicas: confiança na possibilidade de os educandos construírem suas próprias verdades e valorização de suas manifestações. Para a autora, a avaliação é
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207606 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
The author defends the idea that
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207499 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
As regards textual organization, the sentence – The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the socalled method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. – is used to ____________ the idea expressed in the previous one.
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207495 Inglês
During the 1980s an alternative model of reading was proposed that puts together the two views, bottom-up and top-down. The result is called an “interactive” model of the process of reading. It stresses the interplay of all meaning-gathering activities which take place during reading. While the basic theoretical work has centered on native or first language readers, the interactive model has been adopted by many second language reading researchers as well.
Interactive theory acknowledges the role of previous knowledge and prediction, but at the same time, reaffirms the importance of rapid and accurate processing of the actual words of the text. According to the interactive model, the reading process works like this: First, clues to meaning are taken up from the page by the eye and transmitted to the brain. The brain then tries to match existing knowledge to the incoming data in order to facilitate the further processing of new information. On the basis of this previous experience, predictions are made about the content of the text, which, upon further sampling of the data, are either confirmed or revised. Essentially, then, the two processes, bottom-up and top-down, are complementary; one is not able to function properly without the other.
(Academic Reading and the ESL/EFL Teacher by Fraida Dubin and David Bycina, in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Marianne Celce-Murcia, editor. Adapted.)
No que se refere ao conceito de tipologia textual, pode-se afirmar que o texto é
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207461 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
In relation to the first two sentences of the text, one can say that
576: B
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578: E
579: C
580: C