Questões de Concurso Para cemig-telecom

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Q108611 Inglês
The word sustainable in “Sustainable energy” is an adjective formed by sustain+ the suffix –able. Choose another word from the list below that can form adjectives with the suffix –able.
Q108610 Inglês
The correct expression to complete the sentence “Rees suggests activities __________ involving young children in the food preparation process, teaching them how to set the table, letting them choose some fruits and vegetables of their preference.” Is
Q108608 Inglês
The word additionally in “Additionally, research has shown that” means
Q108607 Inglês
Write True (T) or False (F).

( ) Mothers’ tasks at home are easy because most of them work just part time.
( ) A lot of parents stop trying to teach children good healthy eating habits.
( ) It is better to teach children how to eat well when they are grown ups.
371: B
372: D
373: C
374: A
375: D