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Edital de concurso público para o cargo de policial civil de determinado estado da Federação vedou a possibilidade de remarcação de teste de aptidão física dos candidatos em razão de eventual problema temporário de saúde.
De acordo com o entendimento jurisprudencial do STF, a referida cláusula editalícia
No curso de uma ação de ressarcimento por dano material, uma das partes suscitou a inconstitucionalidade de um dispositivo legal.
Nesse caso, a sentença que julgar procedente o pedido de declaração de inconstitucionalidade
Text 5A7-I
Judge the following item, concerning the vocabulary used in text 5A7-I.
The word “undisputed” (l.30) may be replaced by
unquestioned, without altering the meaning of the sentence.
Text 5A7-I
Judge the following item, concerning the vocabulary used in text 5A7-I.
The phrase unprecedented suffering conveys the same idea
as “untold suffering” (l.6).
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
Smart technologies depend on satellite communication.
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
Digital instruction will guarantee employability.
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
Regular wage-earning workers will soon compete with
machines for jobs.
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
If a country fulfills the requirements for electricity, it will
not be left out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
Modernity nowadays is related, at least in part, to the use
of smart objects in general.
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
The technology which concerns the new Industrial Revolution
revolves around the interaction between humans and artificial
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
Asimov’s mathematician predicts unavoidable misery for
the human race, following the fall of the Galactic Empire.
Text 5A7-I
According to text 5A7-I, judge the following item.
The author of the text is compelled to relate the Fourth
Industrial Revolution to Isaac Asimov’s fictional universe.