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Q1693603 Pedagogia
Para Libâneo, os objetivos educacionais são uma exigência indispensável para o trabalho docente, requerendo um posicionamento ativo do professor em sua explicitação, seja no planejamento escolar, seja no desenvolvimento das aulas. O autor classifica os objetivos em três níveis de abrangência. Assinale a alternativa correta que corresponda aos três níveis de abrangência dos objetivos educacionais classificados por Libâneo.
Q1693602 Pedagogia
Afirma Libâneo (1994), que a avaliação tem sido tomada como o ato de aplicar provas, atribuir notas e classificar os alunos; sendo, portanto, reduzida à cobrança daquilo que o aluno memorizou. Segundo o autor, a avaliação precisa ser entendida de maneira:
Q1693599 Pedagogia
Sobre o Art. 35, da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases, que preconiza as finalidades do ensino médio, analise as afirmativas e assinale a alternativa correspondente.
I – É uma finalidade do ensino médio a consolidação e o aprofundamento dos conhecimentos adquiridos no ensino fundamental, possibilitando o prosseguimento de estudos. II – É uma finalidade do ensino médio a preparação básica para o trabalho e a cidadania do educando, para continuar aprendendo, de modo a ser capaz de se adaptar com flexibilidade a novas condições de ocupação ou aperfeiçoamento posteriores. III – É uma finalidade do ensino médio a compreensão do ambiente natural e social, do sistema político, da tecnologia, das artes e dos valores em que se fundamenta a sociedade.
Q1693598 Pedagogia
Na perspectiva de Saviane, é uma pedagogia que desloca a questão do intelecto para o sentimento, do lógico para o psicológico, da cognição para os processos pedagógicos, do esforço para o interesse, da disciplina para a espontaneidade, da quantidade para a qualidade; O importante não é aprender, mas ”aprender a aprender”. Saviane está falando de qual pedagogia? 
Q1693597 Pedagogia
Diversos estudiosos e pesquisadores como Luckesi (2003), afirmam que a prática escolar predominante, hoje, se realiza dentro de um modelo de educação que se apresenta como um mecanismo de conservação e reprodução da sociedade. E esse modelo conservador da sociedade implica em três pedagogias diferentes. Assinale a alternativa que corresponda a essas três pedagogias.
Q1693596 Pedagogia
Método de ensino centrado na figura do professor, em uma relação vertical de exposição de conhecimentos e cobrança de conteúdo. Além das aulas expositivas, há provas, pressão por resultados mensuráveis, bem como reprovações de alunos cujos desempenhos se mostraram insatisfatórios. As características descritas são de qual método de ensino?
Q1693595 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa correta que corresponda ao denominado de Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica, idealizada por Dermeval Saviani.
Q1693594 Pedagogia
É um método que estimula a alfabetização dos adultos mediante a discussão de suas experiências de vida entre si, através de palavras ‘geradoras’. Foi aplicado em 1963, há mais de 50 anos. Foi testado pela primeira vez na cidade de Angicos, Rio Grande do Norte. As informações e características acima são de qual método?
Q1693592 Pedagogia
“No diálogo, como método básico, a relação é horizontal; onde educador e educandos se posicionam como sujeitos do ato de conhecimento. O critério de bom relacionamento é a total identificação com o povo, sem o que a relação pedagógica perde consistência”. De acordo com Libâneo, esse entendimento de relacionamento professor-aluno, pertence a qual Tendência Pedagógica Progressista?
Q1693591 Pedagogia
Sobre tendências pedagógicas, suas correntes teóricas e alternativas metodológicas, afirma o autor referência no debate, Libâneo, que estas foram classificadas em Tendências Pedagógicas Liberais (Tradicional, Renovada progressivista, Renovada não-diretiva e Tecnicista) e Tendências Pedagógicas Progressistas (Libertadora, Libertária e Crítico-social dos conteúdos). Assim, de acordo com o autor, assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao entendimento que a Tendência Pedagógica Liberal Tradicional tem sobre o Papel da Escola.
Q1693588 Pedagogia
Paulo Freire, na obra Pedagogia do Oprimido, enfocou seu trabalho tratando a educação como um momento do processo de humanização. Para ele, a construção de uma nova sociedade não poderá ser conduzida pelas elites dominantes, incapazes de oferecer as bases de uma política de reformas. Então, segundo Freire, a construção de uma nova sociedade só poderá ser conduzida pela/pelas/pelos:
Q1693587 Pedagogia
Conforme determina o Art. 4º da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, o dever do Estado com educação escolar pública será efetivado mediante a garantia de:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1239216 Matemática
Dois alunos ficaram encarregados de arrumar todos os livros de uma estante. Um deles arrumou 3/8 dos livros e o outro os 90 livros restantes. A quantidade total de livros na estante é de:
Ano: 2019 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1238917 Administração Geral
O ato de planejar não se resume ao momento de criação do plano. Planejar exige:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1235509 Francês
Catherine Millet, auteure d'« Une enfance de rêve » et directrice de la rédaction d'« Art Press », livre ici son regard sur l'œuvre de Michel Houellebecq alors que paraît « Sérotonine ».
Par Catherine Millet Publié le 03 janvier 2019
Le premier mérite de Michel Houellebecq est d'être un très bon auteur populaire. Lorsqu'on jette un œil à ce que sont devenues depuis quelques années les listes des meilleures ventes de livres publiées par les magazines, cela compense un peu et rassure. Les lecteurs se rendent compte qu'il est le seul à envisager de front les vraies questions qui se posent à notre société et, conséquemment, à eux-mêmes dans leur vie quotidienne. Des questions que beaucoup refusent absolument de voir par culpabilité postcoloniale, moraline devenue religion laïque, et par ce qu'il faut bien appeler « trouille », plutôt que « peur », de mettre au jour des pouvoirs qui, par les voies meurtrières du terrorisme ou par celles, insidieuses, de l'économie, mettent à mal la démocratie. On l'a vérifié lors des polémiques qui accueillirent la sortie de son précédent livre, Soumission (Flammarion, 2015), dont on sait pourtant de quels drames il fut prémonitoire et de quelles lâchetés il continue d'être un excellent outil d'analyse. Est-ce que Houellebecq n'a pas payé alors d'avoir fait le boulot qu'étaient incapables de faire universitaires, journalistes et autres politiciens?
LE MONDE. Par Catherine Millet Publié le 03 janvier 2019.
Dans l'extrait phrase “Les lecteurs se rendent compte qu'il est le seul à envisager de front les vraies questions qui se posent à notre société et, conséquemment, à eux-mêmes dans LEUR vie quotidienne.”, le pronom en gras et souligné a comme référant le mot:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1229522 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:
To exercise or not to exercise ...
Are more young people overweight than in the past and do they exercise enough? We decided to ask four young people what they thought about this problem.
1- HEATHEROHURUOGU, aged 14 from Leeds, tells us what she thinks about keeping fit.   “I know there have been a lot of stories in newspapers about how fat young people are getting, but we're not all sitting at home at a computer eating crisps and chocolate. Some of us do actually realise that keeping fit is quite important. If anybody should be blamed, I think schools and parents are the problem. At my school we have fewer hours of PE lessons than we used to have. The school has decided we need to spend more time preparing for our exams. My mum and dad trust me to take a bus home if I stay late at school for hockey training, but my friend Carly can't come because her parents work and they are worried about her travelling alone.”
2- OLIVER MCKENNA, aged 15, Edinburgh, sees things differently.
“I don't like organised sport or spending my time with guys skateboarding. I love computers – programming them, playing games on them, surfing the Internet and in my free time that's what I do. It's true that I do need to lose some weight, though. Next week, Mum's taking me to a doctor so we can ask about going on a diet. Dad wants me to join the gym he goes to, but I think it's a bit boring working out all the time. In fact, there's a computer game now called Wii. I'm thinking of getting it because you actually do the actions of the games – you know, things like swinging your arm to hit the ball in tennis. That'd be a good way to get some exercise!”
3- REECEWILKINS, aged 13, Swansea, has another view.
“I'm an active person and so are most of my friends. We all like to spend some time on our Nintendos, PlayStations or whatever – all young people enjoy computer games – but we also belong to football teams or some kind of sports club. We don't have to make an effort to be fit – young people like active games. No, our problem is that we eat too much rubbish. In fact, we drink a lot of bad things – sweet, fizzy drinks which are full of sugar and very unhealthy. Also, we all love fast food and often eat hamburgers and chips. If we ate better, I think most of us would lose the extra weight we have.”

4- HANK DARROW, aged 14, London, shares his opinions with us.
“I've spent the last four years trying to lose weight, and it hasn't been easy. My problem started when I was a baby – it wasn't really my fault. You see, I wasn't very interested in food, and so my mum made all kinds of delicious things to get me to eat. Of course, all those tasty foods were very fattening. My mum used to carry a bowl of food everywhere we went and would follow me around the house or playground trying to get me to eat just one more bite. Well, I got used to eating constantly and, by the time we all realised that I had gained too much weight, the damage had been done. Now I follow a special diet – it was hard at first, but once I got used to it, I actually like it.And I look and feel so much better – I don't want to go back to the way I was.”
Taken from: CHAPMAN, Joanne. Laser B1 +. Teacher's book. Macmillan, 2008.
In the sentence: “Some of us do actually realise that keeping fit is quite important” (Heather's opinion), ACTUALLY means:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1229454 Francês
“Si la violence y reste fictive, ele n'y est jamais gratuite puisqu'à tout acte violent correspond une réparation. Les contes mettent les enfants face à de dures réalités, à des violences [...] Ils évoquent AINSI  les vraies violences de la vie pour en transcender le sens.”, le terme en gras et souligné a le même sens de:
(Christine Buisine)
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1229240 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:
To exercise or not to exercise ...
Are more young people overweight than in the past and do they exercise enough? We decided to ask four young people what they thought about this problem.
1- HEATHEROHURUOGU, aged 14 from Leeds, tells us what she thinks about keeping fit.   “I know there have been a lot of stories in newspapers about how fat young people are getting, but we're not all sitting at home at a computer eating crisps and chocolate. Some of us do actually realise that keeping fit is quite important. If anybody should be blamed, I think schools and parents are the problem. At my school we have fewer hours of PE lessons than we used to have. The school has decided we need to spend more time preparing for our exams. My mum and dad trust me to take a bus home if I stay late at school for hockey training, but my friend Carly can't come because her parents work and they are worried about her travelling alone.”
2- OLIVER MCKENNA, aged 15, Edinburgh, sees things differently.
“I don't like organised sport or spending my time with guys skateboarding. I love computers – programming them, playing games on them, surfing the Internet and in my free time that's what I do. It's true that I do need to lose some weight, though. Next week, Mum's taking me to a doctor so we can ask about going on a diet. Dad wants me to join the gym he goes to, but I think it's a bit boring working out all the time. In fact, there's a computer game now called Wii. I'm thinking of getting it because you actually do the actions of the games – you know, things like swinging your arm to hit the ball in tennis. That'd be a good way to get some exercise!”
3- REECEWILKINS, aged 13, Swansea, has another view.
“I'm an active person and so are most of my friends. We all like to spend some time on our Nintendos, PlayStations or whatever – all young people enjoy computer games – but we also belong to football teams or some kind of sports club. We don't have to make an effort to be fit – young people like active games. No, our problem is that we eat too much rubbish. In fact, we drink a lot of bad things – sweet, fizzy drinks which are full of sugar and very unhealthy. Also, we all love fast food and often eat hamburgers and chips. If we ate better, I think most of us would lose the extra weight we have.”

4- HANK DARROW, aged 14, London, shares his opinions with us.
“I've spent the last four years trying to lose weight, and it hasn't been easy. My problem started when I was a baby – it wasn't really my fault. You see, I wasn't very interested in food, and so my mum made all kinds of delicious things to get me to eat. Of course, all those tasty foods were very fattening. My mum used to carry a bowl of food everywhere we went and would follow me around the house or playground trying to get me to eat just one more bite. Well, I got used to eating constantly and, by the time we all realised that I had gained too much weight, the damage had been done. Now I follow a special diet – it was hard at first, but once I got used to it, I actually like it.And I look and feel so much better – I don't want to go back to the way I was.”
Taken from: CHAPMAN, Joanne. Laser B1 +. Teacher's book. Macmillan, 2008.
The sentences below express the ages of the young people mentioned in the text.
Choose the correct sentence.
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1225483 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:
To exercise or not to exercise ...
Are more young people overweight than in the past and do they exercise enough? We decided to ask four young people what they thought about this problem.
1- HEATHEROHURUOGU, aged 14 from Leeds, tells us what she thinks about keeping fit.   “I know there have been a lot of stories in newspapers about how fat young people are getting, but we're not all sitting at home at a computer eating crisps and chocolate. Some of us do actually realise that keeping fit is quite important. If anybody should be blamed, I think schools and parents are the problem. At my school we have fewer hours of PE lessons than we used to have. The school has decided we need to spend more time preparing for our exams. My mum and dad trust me to take a bus home if I stay late at school for hockey training, but my friend Carly can't come because her parents work and they are worried about her travelling alone.”
2- OLIVER MCKENNA, aged 15, Edinburgh, sees things differently.
“I don't like organised sport or spending my time with guys skateboarding. I love computers – programming them, playing games on them, surfing the Internet and in my free time that's what I do. It's true that I do need to lose some weight, though. Next week, Mum's taking me to a doctor so we can ask about going on a diet. Dad wants me to join the gym he goes to, but I think it's a bit boring working out all the time. In fact, there's a computer game now called Wii. I'm thinking of getting it because you actually do the actions of the games – you know, things like swinging your arm to hit the ball in tennis. That'd be a good way to get some exercise!”
3- REECEWILKINS, aged 13, Swansea, has another view.
“I'm an active person and so are most of my friends. We all like to spend some time on our Nintendos, PlayStations or whatever – all young people enjoy computer games – but we also belong to football teams or some kind of sports club. We don't have to make an effort to be fit – young people like active games. No, our problem is that we eat too much rubbish. In fact, we drink a lot of bad things – sweet, fizzy drinks which are full of sugar and very unhealthy. Also, we all love fast food and often eat hamburgers and chips. If we ate better, I think most of us would lose the extra weight we have.”

4- HANK DARROW, aged 14, London, shares his opinions with us.
“I've spent the last four years trying to lose weight, and it hasn't been easy. My problem started when I was a baby – it wasn't really my fault. You see, I wasn't very interested in food, and so my mum made all kinds of delicious things to get me to eat. Of course, all those tasty foods were very fattening. My mum used to carry a bowl of food everywhere we went and would follow me around the house or playground trying to get me to eat just one more bite. Well, I got used to eating constantly and, by the time we all realised that I had gained too much weight, the damage had been done. Now I follow a special diet – it was hard at first, but once I got used to it, I actually like it.And I look and feel so much better – I don't want to go back to the way I was.”
Taken from: CHAPMAN, Joanne. Laser B1 +. Teacher's book. Macmillan, 2008.
Two young people say that they take a lot of exercise. Who are they?
Ano: 2019 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1220898 Educação Física
Muitos profissionais da área de saúde relatam os benefícios fisiológicos e psicológicos da atividade física na redução de estresse. Na psicologia do esporte e do exercício, o termo estresse é definido como:
1361: A
1362: A
1363: B
1364: B
1365: A
1366: E
1367: D
1368: B
1369: D
1370: E
1371: B
1372: A
1373: A
1374: D
1375: C
1376: A
1377: A
1378: C
1379: E
1380: A