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Q966555 Direito Financeiro
Princípios orçamentários existem para permitir que os orçamentos tenham racionalidade, eficiência e permitam a transparência no uso dos recursos públicos. Existem há bom tempo e estão expressos em normas legais e na Constituição Federal. Sendo assim, assinale qual dos princípios seguintes não está corretamente definido.
Q966552 Direito Administrativo
Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q966550 Administração Geral
Uma liderança que é exercida com base na discussão das diretrizes e metas com a equipe de trabalho, porém conduz e orienta a equipe para a obtenção de resultados é chamada de liderança
Q966549 Administração Geral
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre grupo e equipe de trabalho.
Q966548 Administração Geral
Uma espécie de desenho organizacional que mostra, em qualquer tipo de estrutura, quem se reporta a quem e que espaço ocupa na organização é chamado de
Q966547 Administração Geral
Dois dos pressupostos fundamentais para a elaboração do planejamento estratégico são a definição dos princípios que norteiam o comportamento da organização e como ela se vê no futuro. Esses dois elementos aparecem na teoria do planejamento como, respectivamente,
Q966546 Administração Geral

A utilização do filme Tempos Modernos, de Charles Chaplin, para exemplificar a forma como os trabalhadores eram vistos durante quase toda a 1a metade do século passado, o XX, tem sido recorrente para a explicação dessa visão dos trabalhadores como parte da engrenagem das máquinas, sendo “movimentados” por elas na linha de produção. As máquinas é que providenciavam o ritmo e as ações dos trabalhadores, e o grande objetivo era a manutenção e o aumento da produtividade.

Qual teoria da administração é que sustenta essa visão?

Q966545 Inglês

New Public Management Model

        The new public management model, which emerged in the 1980s, represented an attempt to make the public sector more business-like as well as to improve the efficiency of the Government, borrowed ideas and management models from the private sector. It emphasized the centrality of citizens who were the recipient of the services or customers to the public sector.

        New public management system also proposed a more decentralized control of resources. It explored other service delivery models so as to achieve better results, including a quasi-market structure where public and private service providers competed with each other in an attempt to provide better and faster services.

        The Core Themes for the New Public Management were:

1. A strong focus on financial control, value for money and increasing public sector efficiency;

2. A command and control mode of functioning, identifying and setting targets and continuous monitoring of public sector performance;

3. Introducing audits and controls at professional level, using transparent means to review public worker performance, setting benchmarks, using protocols to ameliorate public sector worker professional behaviour;

4. Greater customer orientation and responsiveness and increasing the scope of roles played by non-public sector providers;

5. Deregulating the labor market, replacing collective agreements to individual rewards packages combined with short term contracts;

6. Introducing new forms of corporate governance, introducing a board model of functioning and concentrating the power to the strategic core of the organization.

( Adaptado.)

Os itens numerados do Core Themes for the New Public Management que afetam diretamente as relações de trabalho dos funcionários públicos são:
Q966544 Inglês

New Public Management Model

        The new public management model, which emerged in the 1980s, represented an attempt to make the public sector more business-like as well as to improve the efficiency of the Government, borrowed ideas and management models from the private sector. It emphasized the centrality of citizens who were the recipient of the services or customers to the public sector.

        New public management system also proposed a more decentralized control of resources. It explored other service delivery models so as to achieve better results, including a quasi-market structure where public and private service providers competed with each other in an attempt to provide better and faster services.

        The Core Themes for the New Public Management were:

1. A strong focus on financial control, value for money and increasing public sector efficiency;

2. A command and control mode of functioning, identifying and setting targets and continuous monitoring of public sector performance;

3. Introducing audits and controls at professional level, using transparent means to review public worker performance, setting benchmarks, using protocols to ameliorate public sector worker professional behaviour;

4. Greater customer orientation and responsiveness and increasing the scope of roles played by non-public sector providers;

5. Deregulating the labor market, replacing collective agreements to individual rewards packages combined with short term contracts;

6. Introducing new forms of corporate governance, introducing a board model of functioning and concentrating the power to the strategic core of the organization.

( Adaptado.)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – It explored other service delivery models so as to achieve better results –, o termo em destaque indica
Q966543 Inglês

New Public Management Model

        The new public management model, which emerged in the 1980s, represented an attempt to make the public sector more business-like as well as to improve the efficiency of the Government, borrowed ideas and management models from the private sector. It emphasized the centrality of citizens who were the recipient of the services or customers to the public sector.

        New public management system also proposed a more decentralized control of resources. It explored other service delivery models so as to achieve better results, including a quasi-market structure where public and private service providers competed with each other in an attempt to provide better and faster services.

        The Core Themes for the New Public Management were:

1. A strong focus on financial control, value for money and increasing public sector efficiency;

2. A command and control mode of functioning, identifying and setting targets and continuous monitoring of public sector performance;

3. Introducing audits and controls at professional level, using transparent means to review public worker performance, setting benchmarks, using protocols to ameliorate public sector worker professional behaviour;

4. Greater customer orientation and responsiveness and increasing the scope of roles played by non-public sector providers;

5. Deregulating the labor market, replacing collective agreements to individual rewards packages combined with short term contracts;

6. Introducing new forms of corporate governance, introducing a board model of functioning and concentrating the power to the strategic core of the organization.

( Adaptado.)

According to the second paragraph, one of the traits that characterize the New Public Management System is the
Q966542 Inglês

New Public Management Model

        The new public management model, which emerged in the 1980s, represented an attempt to make the public sector more business-like as well as to improve the efficiency of the Government, borrowed ideas and management models from the private sector. It emphasized the centrality of citizens who were the recipient of the services or customers to the public sector.

        New public management system also proposed a more decentralized control of resources. It explored other service delivery models so as to achieve better results, including a quasi-market structure where public and private service providers competed with each other in an attempt to provide better and faster services.

        The Core Themes for the New Public Management were:

1. A strong focus on financial control, value for money and increasing public sector efficiency;

2. A command and control mode of functioning, identifying and setting targets and continuous monitoring of public sector performance;

3. Introducing audits and controls at professional level, using transparent means to review public worker performance, setting benchmarks, using protocols to ameliorate public sector worker professional behaviour;

4. Greater customer orientation and responsiveness and increasing the scope of roles played by non-public sector providers;

5. Deregulating the labor market, replacing collective agreements to individual rewards packages combined with short term contracts;

6. Introducing new forms of corporate governance, introducing a board model of functioning and concentrating the power to the strategic core of the organization.

( Adaptado.)

. No trecho do primeiro parágrafo – make the public sector more business-like as well as to improve the efficiency –, a expressão destacada indica
Q966541 Inglês

New Public Management Model

        The new public management model, which emerged in the 1980s, represented an attempt to make the public sector more business-like as well as to improve the efficiency of the Government, borrowed ideas and management models from the private sector. It emphasized the centrality of citizens who were the recipient of the services or customers to the public sector.

        New public management system also proposed a more decentralized control of resources. It explored other service delivery models so as to achieve better results, including a quasi-market structure where public and private service providers competed with each other in an attempt to provide better and faster services.

        The Core Themes for the New Public Management were:

1. A strong focus on financial control, value for money and increasing public sector efficiency;

2. A command and control mode of functioning, identifying and setting targets and continuous monitoring of public sector performance;

3. Introducing audits and controls at professional level, using transparent means to review public worker performance, setting benchmarks, using protocols to ameliorate public sector worker professional behaviour;

4. Greater customer orientation and responsiveness and increasing the scope of roles played by non-public sector providers;

5. Deregulating the labor market, replacing collective agreements to individual rewards packages combined with short term contracts;

6. Introducing new forms of corporate governance, introducing a board model of functioning and concentrating the power to the strategic core of the organization.

( Adaptado.)

De acordo com o primeiro e o segundo parágrafo, o novo modelo de gestão pública
Q966540 Noções de Informática
Uma mensagem de correio eletrônico está na Caixa de Saída do Microsoft Outlook 2010, em sua configuração original. Isso significa que
Q966538 Noções de Informática
Em um novo documento, usando o Microsoft Word 2010, em sua configuração original, um usuário pressionou CTRL+ENTER 10 vezes. O documento ficou com 11
Q966537 Noções de Informática

Tem-se a seguinte planilha, criada no Microsoft Excel 2010, em sua configuração padrão. Considere que apenas as células A1 e A6 estão selecionadas. A seleção foi feita com o usuário tendo clicado com o botão principal do mouse primeiro sobre a célula A1, e depois pressionado a tecla CTRL e, com a tecla mantida pressionada, o usuário clicando com o botão principal do mouse sobre a célula A6

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Assinale a alternativa que indica o resultado correto, quando o usuário clica sobre o ícone destacado, do grupo Número, da Guia Página Inicial.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q966536 Noções de Informática

Tem-se o seguinte conteúdo editado no Bloco de Notas do Microsoft Windows 7, em sua configuração original.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

As informações de nome, idade e cidade são separadas por um TAB. Assinale a alternativa com o procedimento correto para substituir todas essas separações por um ponto-e-vírgula, considerando o preenchimento do campo Localizar na janela Substituir, acessada através do atalho CTRL+H, apresentada a seguir, e que o campo Substituir por terá o ponto-e-vírgula e será clicado no botão Substituir Tudo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q966535 Matemática
Entre o conjunto de dados: { 4, 5, 8, 8, 10, 13}, a soma da média, com a mediana e com a moda é:
Q966534 Estatística
Escolhido um quartel da polícia, retirou-se uma amostra aleatória simples de 50 soldados para saber a opinião sobre determinado procedimento. Segundo essa amostra, é correto concluir que é representativa
Q966533 Matemática
Dentre os bebedores de cerveja, sabe-se que 1/3 preferem a marca A. se três deles são escolhidos ao acaso, a probabilidade de que nenhum deles preferem a marca A é :
Q966532 Matemática
No conjunto de dados { 3, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8} o valor da variância amostral é:
541: C
542: E
543: C
544: D
545: B
546: C
547: D
548: E
549: A
550: C
551: D
552: B
553: A
554: B
555: A
556: D
557: B
558: D
559: C
560: A