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Q1075402 Engenharia de Software
Choose the alterantive that best fills the blanks in the folowingdefinition:
“The _____________ serves to define the beginning and the end of a project. Forexample, when an organization identifies an opportunity to which it wouldlike to respond, it will often authorize a needs assessment and/or a feasibility study to decide if it should undertake a project. It will determine whether the feasibility study is treated as the first project phase or as a separate, standalone project.”
Q1075401 Engenharia de Software
De acordo com a QFD (quality function deployment), assinale a alternativa referente à descrição a seguir.
"Esses recursos vão além da expectativa dos clientes e demonstram ser muito satisfatórios quando presentes. ” 
Q1075400 Inglês
Considere o seguinte texto para responder a questão.

Advanced Merging in GIT

    Merging in Git is typically fairly easy. Since Git makes it easy to merge another branch multiple times, it means that you can have a very long lived branch but you can keep it up to date as you go, solving small conflicts often, rather than being surprised by one enormous conflict at the end of the series. 

     However, sometimes tricky conflicts do occur. Unlike some other version control systems, Git does not try to be overly clever about merge conflict resolution. Git’s philosophy is to be smart about determining when a merge resolution is unambiguous, but if there is a conflict, it does not try to be clever about automatically resolving it. Therefore, if you wait too long to merge two branches that diverge quickly, you can run into some issues.

Scott Chacon and Ben Straub - Pro GIT – Everything you need to
know about GIT. Apress, 2018 -Page 267.

Based on the text, it is correct to say about Merging in GIT that:
Q1075399 Inglês
Considere o seguinte texto para responder a questão.

Advanced Merging in GIT

    Merging in Git is typically fairly easy. Since Git makes it easy to merge another branch multiple times, it means that you can have a very long lived branch but you can keep it up to date as you go, solving small conflicts often, rather than being surprised by one enormous conflict at the end of the series. 

     However, sometimes tricky conflicts do occur. Unlike some other version control systems, Git does not try to be overly clever about merge conflict resolution. Git’s philosophy is to be smart about determining when a merge resolution is unambiguous, but if there is a conflict, it does not try to be clever about automatically resolving it. Therefore, if you wait too long to merge two branches that diverge quickly, you can run into some issues.

Scott Chacon and Ben Straub - Pro GIT – Everything you need to
know about GIT. Apress, 2018 -Page 267.

The first word of the second paragraph is grammatically defined as a conjunction, which is also known as:
Q1075398 Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados
Durante a programação de um sistema, é possível usar uma estrutura que utiliza a metodologia denominada de FIFO (First In First Out), sendo que o primeiro que entra é o primeiro que sai, em que os elementos são atendidos sequenciados ou utilizados conforme armazenados. Essa estrutura denomina-se 
491: B
492: C
493: C
494: C
495: E