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Q2793881 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the

government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

No parágrafo 13, a palavra however, pode ser traduzida como:

Q2793865 Legislação Federal

Leia as alternativas a seguir e, no que concerne a Resolução nº 1.025, de 30 de outubro de 2009, que dispõe sobre a Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica e o Acervo Técnico Profissional, aponte a incorreta.

Q2793863 Legislação Federal

De acordo com o estabelecido na Resolução nº 1.025, de 30 de outubro de 2009, que dispõe sobre a Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica e o Acervo Técnico Profissional, marque V para os itens verdadeiros e F para os falsos e assinale a alternativa que faz a relação correta de cima para baixo.

( ) É facultado ao profissional, brasileiro ou estrangeiro, registrado no Crea, que executou obra, prestou serviços ou desempenhou cargo ou função no exterior, requerer a inclusão desta atividade ao seu acervo técnico por meio do registro da ART correspondente, desde que tenha sido realizada após sua diplomação em curso técnico de nível médio ou de nível superior nas profissões abrangidas pelo Sistema Confea/Crea.

( ) O registro da ART efetiva-se após o seu cadastro no sistema eletrônico do Crea e o recolhimento do valor correspondente. O início da atividade profissional sem o recolhimento do valor da ART ensejará as sanções legais cabíveis.

( ) No caso da constatação de lacuna no preenchimento, erro ou inexatidão dos dados da ART, preliminarmente o Crea notificará o profissional e a pessoa jurídica contratada para proceder às correções necessárias no prazo de trinta dias corridos, contados da data do recebimento da notificação.

( ) A baixa da ART por falecimento do profissional será processada administrativamente pelo Crea mediante apresentação de cópia de documento hábil ou de informações acerca do óbito.

( ) O cancelamento da ART deve ser requerido pelo profissional, pela pessoa jurídica contratada ou pelo contratante, e ser instruído com o motivo da solicitação. O Confea decidirá acerca do processo administrativo de cancelamento da ART.

Q2793860 Legislação Federal

De acordo com o estabelecido na Resolução nº 218, de 29 de junho de 1973, qual alternativa aponta competência de forma equivocada?

Q2793858 Legislação Federal

À luz da Lei no 4.076, de 23 de junho de 1962, que regula o exercício da profissão de geólogo, aponte a alternativa errada.

Q2793856 Direito Urbanístico

Responda às próximas duas questões em consonância com a Lei nº 10.257, de 10 de julho de 2001, que regulamenta os arts. 182 e 183 da Constituição Federal e estabelece diretrizes gerais da política urbana.

“A Lei municipal específica, baseada no plano diretor, poderá delimitar área para aplicação de operações consorciadas. Poderão ser previstas nas operações urbanas consorciadas, entre outras medidas”, as elencadas nas alternativas a seguir, com exceção de:

Q2793854 Direito Urbanístico

Responda às próximas duas questões em consonância com a Lei nº 10.257, de 10 de julho de 2001, que regulamenta os arts. 182 e 183 da Constituição Federal e estabelece diretrizes gerais da política urbana.

Não é correto o que se afirma na alternativa

Q2793852 Legislação Federal

À luz da Lei nº 6.835, de 14 de outubro de 1980, que dispõe sobre o exercício da profissão de Meteorologista, qual alternativa é incorreta?

Q2793850 Legislação Federal

As próximas duas questões versam sobre a Lei nº 6.664, de 26 de junho de 1979, que disciplina a profissão de Geógrafo.

Analise as alternativas e marque a incorreta.

Q2793849 Legislação Federal

As próximas duas questões versam sobre a Lei nº 6.664, de 26 de junho de 1979, que disciplina a profissão de Geógrafo.

As atividades profissionais do Geógrafo, sejam as de investigação puramente científica, sejam as destinadas ao planejamento e implantação da política social, econômica e administrativa de órgãos públicos ou às iniciativas de natureza privada, se exercem através de, exceto:

Q2793839 Direito Administrativo

A Lei nº 9.784, de 29 de janeiro de 1999, estabelece normas básicas sobre o processo administrativo no âmbito da Administração Federal direta e indireta, visando, em especial, à proteção dos direitos dos administrados e ao melhor cumprimento dos fins da Administração. Em consonância com essa lei, analise as assertivas a seguir e marque a alternativa incorreta.

Q2793836 Legislação Federal

A Lei nº 9.873, de 23 de novembro de 1999, estabelece prazo de prescrição para o exercício de ação punitiva pela Administração Pública Federal, direta e indireta. Com base nessa Lei, assinale a alternativa correta:

Q2793761 Direito do Consumidor

As próximas duas(2) questões referem-se à Lei nº 8.078, de 11 de setembro de 1990, que dispõe sobre a proteção do consumidor.

O produto é defeituoso quando não oferece a segurança que dele legitimamente se espera, levando-se em consideração as seguintes circunstâncias relevantes, exceto:

Q2793758 Direito do Consumidor

As próximas duas(2) questões referem-se à Lei nº 8.078, de 11 de setembro de 1990, que dispõe sobre a proteção do consumidor.

Atribua C para a assertiva correta e E para a errada, depois marque a alternativa que traz a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

( ) No caso de fornecimento de produtos in natura, será responsável perante o consumidor o fornecedor imediato, exceto quando identificado claramente seu produtor.

( ) Consumidor é toda pessoa física ou jurídica que adquire ou utiliza produto ou serviço como destinatário final. Equipara-se a consumidor a coletividade de pessoas, ainda que indetermináveis, que haja intervindo nas relações de consumo.

( ) Fornecedor é toda pessoa física ou jurídica, pública ou privada, nacional ou estrangeira, bem como os entes despersonalizados, que desenvolvem atividade de produção, montagem, criação, construção, transformação, importação, exportação, distribuição ou comercialização de produtos ou prestação de serviços.

( ) Serviço é qualquer atividade fornecida no mercado de consumo, mediante remuneração, inclusive as de natureza bancária, financeira, de crédito e securitária, salvo as decorrentes das relações de caráter trabalhista.

( ) O direito de reclamar pelos vícios aparentes ou de fácil constatação caduca em: trinta dias, tratando-se de fornecimento de serviço e de produtos não duráveis; sessenta dias, tratando-se de fornecimento de serviço e de produtos duráveis.

Q2793757 Legislação Federal

Em conformidade com a Lei nº 6.496, de 7 de dezembro de 1977, que institui a "Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica" na prestação de serviços de engenharia, de arquitetura e agronomia; autoriza a criação, pelo Conselho Federal de Engenharia, Arquitetura e Agronomia - CONFEA, de uma Mútua de Assistência Profissional, responda às próximas duas questões.

Analise as alternativas e assinale a que está em desacordo com a Lei nº 6.496/77.

Q2793752 Legislação Federal

Em conformidade com a Lei nº 6.496, de 7 de dezembro de 1977, que institui a "Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica" na prestação de serviços de engenharia, de arquitetura e agronomia; autoriza a criação, pelo Conselho Federal de Engenharia, Arquitetura e Agronomia - CONFEA, de uma Mútua de Assistência Profissional, responda às próximas duas questões.

É correto afirmar que são verdadeiros apenas quais dos seguintes itens?

1. Todo contrato, escrito ou verbal, para a execução de obras ou prestação de quaisquer serviços profissionais referentes à Engenharia, à Arquitetura e à Agronomia fica sujeito à "Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica" (ART).

2. Os mandatos da Diretoria Executiva terão duração de dois anos, sendo gratuito o exercício das funções correspondentes.

3. Os membros da Diretoria Executiva somente poderão ser destituídos por decisão do CONFEA, tomada em reunião secreta, especialmente convocada para esse fim, e por maioria de 2/3 (dois terços) dos membros do Plenário.

4. O valor pecuniário das prestações assistenciais variará até o limite máximo constante da tabela a ser aprovada pelo CONFEA, nunca superior à do Instituto Nacional de Previdência Social (INPS).

5. A ajuda farmacêutica, sempre reembolsável, ainda que parcialmente, poderá ser concedida, em caráter excepcional, desde que comprovada a impossibilidade momentânea de o associado arcar com o ônus decorrente.

Q2790101 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

O texto ainda precisa passar pela aprovação do(a):

Q2790098 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

Segundo o texto, a lei obriga empresas como Google e Facebook a

Q2790096 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

O texto levou __________ para ser aprovado.

Q2790093 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder às próximas cinco(5) questões:

House of Representatives Approves Civil Right Framework for the Internet in Brazil

03/26/2014 - 09H08

1 After two years and seven months of struggles, negotiations and intense lobbying, the House of Representatives approved late on Tuesday (25) the main text in the Civil Right Framework for the Internet. The text now goes for Senate approval.

2 The proposal is like a Constitution, with established principles, guarantees, rights and duties in the web. Deputies removed all suggested changes.

3 The Civil Right Framework for the Internet became controversial because of contrary interests from the government, telecommunications companies, Internet sites, Federal Police and Public Ministry, in addition to consumer protection entities.

4 With so many fronts involved and far from a consensus, the issue blocked the vote and other proposals at the House of Representatives for five months.

5 In recent weeks, the government gave in when it came to the priority points and negotiated positions, releasing funds for works sponsored by Congressmen in the budget in an attempt to empty the huge number of allies in the House and move forward with the discussion at hand, considered vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage.


6 The greatest resistance to the text was brought by PMDB, the political arty advocated changes in terms of web neutrality-a term used to indicate that the connection speed cannot vary according to the program or website accessed by the user.

7 It is a popular measure for users, but contested by telephone companies since they would like to sell packages according to the level of consumption of each user.

8 With this, telcos are required to maintain consumption out of the equation. Thus, users can navigate whenever they want in the limit of their data and speed package.

9 The Brazilian Executive Power accepted to set standards for regulatory neutrality and established a presidential decree that will detail the concept of neutrality, without much change in the content. Behind the scenes, the move was interpreted as an honorable PMDB exit.

10 Another modification sponsored by the government in order to avoid a defeat in the House was the removal of the requirement for nationalization of data users storage centers. That was one of the measures advocated by President Dilma Rousseff as a way to respond to news of U.S. spying against Brazilian authorities.

11 The original version stated that an Executive decree would regulate the obligation of companies like Google and Facebook to keep user data storage structure in the country.

12 To do this they would have to replicate in the country a structure that is similar to other countries including the United States. According to the government the measure would give greater protection to data from the country.

13 It was decided, however, that the data will be submitted to Brazilian law. The project aso rejects contractual terms of any program that does not offer the user an alternative to appeal to the Brazilian forum if an user finds problems with the provision of services in Brazil.

14 For months, technology companies have been lobbying Congress to overturn the requirement, with the argument that would represent exorbitant spending.

15 Even without ensuring the implementation of data centers in the country, the president wants to use the framework as an international flag, to defend web communication, confronting allegations of violations of her electronic and telephone communications by the American security agency.

16 The government will work to accelerate the vote on the proposal in the Senate since the project is vital to strengthen Dilma Rousseff discourse against espionage. In April, Brazil will host the international conference on Internet governance, and the government wants to introduce the new law during the event.

Fonte: Acesso em: 17/05/2014

O texto refere-se a(o) (s):

1: A
2: D
3: A
4: D
5: C
6: D
7: C
8: B
9: A
10: D
11: A
12: B
13: A
14: D
15: B
16: C
17: B
18: A
19: D
20: C