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Q1787515 Engenharia de Produção
Considere as informações abaixo para responder à questão.

A tabela a seguir apresenta algumas informações a respeito dos 5 produtos fabricados por uma empresa em um determinado período.

Sabe-se, ainda, que as despesas do período totalizaram R$100.000,00 e que não havia estoque no início do período. Os custos de mão de obra direta são variáveis e os custos indiretos de fabricação são fixos. Os produtos demandam o mesmo tempo para serem fabricados. A empresa não tem utilizado plenamente sua capacidade produtiva, ou seja, tem operado com ociosidade.
Qual é o valor do estoque de produtos acabados ao final do período?
Q1787514 Engenharia de Produção
Considere as afirmativas abaixo, de acordo com Iida e Buarque (2016):
1. Em geral, não se aceita colocar a eficiência como objetivo principal da ergonomia, porque ela, isoladamente, poderia justificar a adoção de práticas que levem ao aumento dos riscos, além de sacrifício e sofrimento dos trabalhadores. 2. Novos desafios foram postos para a ergonomia com a difusão da informática, quando foram introduzidos postos de trabalho informatizados e máquinas programáveis em todos os setores de atividades humanas. Daí a ergonomia passou a ocupar-se dos aspectos cognitivos do trabalho: percepção, processamento e tomada de decisões. 3. A maior eficiência do sistema produtivo é uma consequência da aplicação dos princípios e métodos da ergonomia. 4. A satisfação é o resultado do atendimento das necessidades e expectativas do trabalhador, produzindo uma sensação de bem-estar e conforto. Os trabalhadores satisfeitos tendem a adotar comportamentos nem sempre mais seguros e não necessariamente são mais produtivos que aqueles insatisfeitos, pois podem acomodarem-se. 5. Fatores intangíveis no custo-benefício da ergonomia dizem respeito àqueles que não são quantificáveis em termos monetários. Embora sejam mais difíceis de mensurar e produzam efeitos a médio e longo prazos, estes podem ser mais importantes que os tangíveis. É o que ocorre com o aumento do moral, da motivação e do compromisso com o trabalho e a empresa.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q1787513 Inglês

Production bottlenecks are generally considered to be temporary blockades to increased output; they can be thrown up anywhere along the course of a production process. Some are easy to identify and to remedy, while others are devilish.

The bottleneck that is easy to cope................................. is stationary. Work-in-process inventory piles..................... quickly behind it; clearly, little is getting through. Its cause is usually also clear – a machine has broken........................ or key workers are absent or demand has simply outstripped the clear, rated capacity of a machine – and the remedy follows easily. Such bottlenecks often occur........................ service operations, causing customer waits.

More subtle are bottlenecks that shift from one part of the process to another or that have no clear cause. Inventories build up in different places and at different times. Such bottlenecks creep up on management and demand more thorough investigation. Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them. Or, they may be caused by missing parts. They may be caused by new product startup or changes in the mix of products through the factory. In such cases the remedies are less clear-cut, and some analysis is called for.
Study the following sentence:
“Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them.”
1. the word ‘trying’ is being used in the sentence as a continuous verb. 2. the tense used in: ‘were detected, is the passive voice. 3. the word ‘flaws’ means ‘imperfections’. 4. in ‘product’s quality’, the (‘s) indicates possession.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct ones.
Q1787512 Inglês

Production bottlenecks are generally considered to be temporary blockades to increased output; they can be thrown up anywhere along the course of a production process. Some are easy to identify and to remedy, while others are devilish.

The bottleneck that is easy to cope................................. is stationary. Work-in-process inventory piles..................... quickly behind it; clearly, little is getting through. Its cause is usually also clear – a machine has broken........................ or key workers are absent or demand has simply outstripped the clear, rated capacity of a machine – and the remedy follows easily. Such bottlenecks often occur........................ service operations, causing customer waits.

More subtle are bottlenecks that shift from one part of the process to another or that have no clear cause. Inventories build up in different places and at different times. Such bottlenecks creep up on management and demand more thorough investigation. Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them. Or, they may be caused by missing parts. They may be caused by new product startup or changes in the mix of products through the factory. In such cases the remedies are less clear-cut, and some analysis is called for.
Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. ‘…a machine has broken…’ is written in the present perfect tense. 2. The negative form of: ‘a machine has broken...’, is: ‘…a machine doesn’t have broken …’ 3. The words in bold in ”… clearly, little is getting through.” and “…more workers trying to keep pace with production…” are in the present progressive tense. 4. The negative form of “…and the remedy follows easily.” is “and the remedy doesn’t follow easily.”
Choose the alternative which presents the correct ones.
Q1787511 Inglês

Production bottlenecks are generally considered to be temporary blockades to increased output; they can be thrown up anywhere along the course of a production process. Some are easy to identify and to remedy, while others are devilish.

The bottleneck that is easy to cope................................. is stationary. Work-in-process inventory piles..................... quickly behind it; clearly, little is getting through. Its cause is usually also clear – a machine has broken........................ or key workers are absent or demand has simply outstripped the clear, rated capacity of a machine – and the remedy follows easily. Such bottlenecks often occur........................ service operations, causing customer waits.

More subtle are bottlenecks that shift from one part of the process to another or that have no clear cause. Inventories build up in different places and at different times. Such bottlenecks creep up on management and demand more thorough investigation. Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them. Or, they may be caused by missing parts. They may be caused by new product startup or changes in the mix of products through the factory. In such cases the remedies are less clear-cut, and some analysis is called for.
The plural form of the word ‘analysis’, is:
196: D
197: B
198: E
199: C
200: B