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Q335759 Direito do Trabalho
Zeus trabalha há dois anos no posto de abastecimento de combustíveis Deuses do Olimpo Centro Automotivo, exercendo a função de frentista, executando o abastecimento de automóveis. Conforme normas de segurança e da medicina do trabalho, Zeus faz jus ao pagamento de adicional de:

Q335758 Direito do Trabalho
Em relação à duração do trabalho, aos períodos de descanso e ao trabalho noturno, conforme legislação trabalhista aplicável, é correto afirmar:

Q335757 Direito do Trabalho
O contrato individual de trabalho caracteriza-se por um acordo bilateral correspondente à relação de emprego formada entre empregado e empregador. Nos termos da Consolidação das Leis de Trabalho, é correto afirmar:

Q335756 Direito do Trabalho
A Constituição Federal do Brasil apresenta, no seu artigo 7o, uma relação de direitos dos trabalhadores que visam à melhoria de sua condição social. Dentre os direitos constitucionalmente previstos aos empregados domésticos, está:

Q335755 Inglês
   Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment 
   Mike Jackson, Steve Crouch and Rob Baxter
   Criteria-based assessment is a quantitative assessment of the software in terms of sustainability, maintainability, and usability. This can inform high-level decisions on specific areas for software improvement.
   Open Source Initiative
   A criteria-based assessment gives a measurement of quality in a number of areas. These areas are derived from ISO/IEC 9126-1 Software engineering − Product quality and include usability, sustainability and maintainability.
   The assessment involves checking whether the software, and the project that develops it, conforms to various characteristics or exhibits various qualities that are expected of sustainable software. The more characteristics that are satisfied, the more sustainable the software. Please note that not all qualities have equal weight e.g. having an OSI-approved open source licence is of more importance than avoiding TAB characters in text files.
   In performing the evaluation, you may want to consider how different user classes affect the importance of the criteria. For example, for Usability-Understandability, a small set of well-defined, accurate, task-oriented user documentation may be comprehensive for Users but inadequate for Developers. Assessments specific to user classes allow the requirements of these specific user classes to be factored in and so, for example, show that a project rates highly for Users but poorly for Developers, or vice versa.
   Scoring can also be affected by the nature of the software itself e.g. for A  one could envisage an application that has been well-designed, offers context-sensitive help etc. and consequently is so easy to use that tutorials aren’t needed. Portability can apply to both the software and its development infrastructure e.g. the open source software OGSA-DAI2 can be built, compiled and tested on Unix, Windows or Linux (and so is highly portable for Users and User-Developers). However, its Ruby test framework cannot yet run on Windows, so running integration tests would involve the manual setup of OGSA-DAI servers (so this is far less portable for Developers and, especially, Members).

                          (Adaptado de:
A palavra que preenche, no contexto, a lacuna A é
906: C
907: E
908: E
909: A
910: E