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Complete in the gap with the best preposition.
“The aim _____________________ providing cool cleaning water has been conquered.”
Complete in the gap with the best preposition.
“He was not too fond ___________________dancing.”
“Bigwig was about to speak again when Dandelion appeared in the mouth of the hole.” (Richard Adams). Thinking about context, how does it explain the expression “be about”? Choose the best answer below.
Complete in the gap with the best preposition.
“Americans suffer ______________ an ignorance that is not only colossal, but sacred.” (James Baldwin)
Read the news below and answer the following five questions:
A few years ago, competition for places in Dubai’s best international schools was so intense that British expat Jemma Schilbach felt she had to get her two children on the waiting lists for her preferred schools before they were even out of nappies.
Work ended up taking the family away from Dubai for a couple of years. When they returned in 2014, they were relieved to discover there were plenty more schools to choose from, but there was another issue: cost.
Both Schilbach and her husband, who’d previously worked in jobs where companies paid for children’s schooling, were now self-employed, and would need to pay for their children’s education themselves.
Schilbach, 43, who now runs expat community website, enrolled both her children at Foremarke Dubai, which is affiliated with the UK independent school Repton.
She was impressed with the small class sizes and Foremarke’s reputation, but with tuition fees there starting at 65,000 AED ($18,000) a year, it meant the family had to be more careful about spending to ensure they had the money to send their children, aged five and seven, to the school.
“We economize on other costs during the year,” says Schilbach, adding that ordering some household items from the UK and closely watching what the family spends on weekends have helped to save pennies. “In our opinion, the money is better spent on educating our children to a high standard.”
How can it replace “ensure” by the content in the news? Choose the best alternative.
Read the news below and answer the following five questions:
A few years ago, competition for places in Dubai’s best international schools was so intense that British expat Jemma Schilbach felt she had to get her two children on the waiting lists for her preferred schools before they were even out of nappies.
Work ended up taking the family away from Dubai for a couple of years. When they returned in 2014, they were relieved to discover there were plenty more schools to choose from, but there was another issue: cost.
Both Schilbach and her husband, who’d previously worked in jobs where companies paid for children’s schooling, were now self-employed, and would need to pay for their children’s education themselves.
Schilbach, 43, who now runs expat community website, enrolled both her children at Foremarke Dubai, which is affiliated with the UK independent school Repton.
She was impressed with the small class sizes and Foremarke’s reputation, but with tuition fees there starting at 65,000 AED ($18,000) a year, it meant the family had to be more careful about spending to ensure they had the money to send their children, aged five and seven, to the school.
“We economize on other costs during the year,” says Schilbach, adding that ordering some household items from the UK and closely watching what the family spends on weekends have helped to save pennies. “In our opinion, the money is better spent on educating our children to a high standard.”
According to the news, the parents had had occupations in which companies paid for children’s schooling, but now:
Read the news below and answer the following five questions:
A few years ago, competition for places in Dubai’s best international schools was so intense that British expat Jemma Schilbach felt she had to get her two children on the waiting lists for her preferred schools before they were even out of nappies.
Work ended up taking the family away from Dubai for a couple of years. When they returned in 2014, they were relieved to discover there were plenty more schools to choose from, but there was another issue: cost.
Both Schilbach and her husband, who’d previously worked in jobs where companies paid for children’s schooling, were now self-employed, and would need to pay for their children’s education themselves.
Schilbach, 43, who now runs expat community website, enrolled both her children at Foremarke Dubai, which is affiliated with the UK independent school Repton.
She was impressed with the small class sizes and Foremarke’s reputation, but with tuition fees there starting at 65,000 AED ($18,000) a year, it meant the family had to be more careful about spending to ensure they had the money to send their children, aged five and seven, to the school.
“We economize on other costs during the year,” says Schilbach, adding that ordering some household items from the UK and closely watching what the family spends on weekends have helped to save pennies. “In our opinion, the money is better spent on educating our children to a high standard.”
Thinking on the second paragraph, it is true what is written in:
Read the news below and answer the following five questions:
A few years ago, competition for places in Dubai’s best international schools was so intense that British expat Jemma Schilbach felt she had to get her two children on the waiting lists for her preferred schools before they were even out of nappies.
Work ended up taking the family away from Dubai for a couple of years. When they returned in 2014, they were relieved to discover there were plenty more schools to choose from, but there was another issue: cost.
Both Schilbach and her husband, who’d previously worked in jobs where companies paid for children’s schooling, were now self-employed, and would need to pay for their children’s education themselves.
Schilbach, 43, who now runs expat community website, enrolled both her children at Foremarke Dubai, which is affiliated with the UK independent school Repton.
She was impressed with the small class sizes and Foremarke’s reputation, but with tuition fees there starting at 65,000 AED ($18,000) a year, it meant the family had to be more careful about spending to ensure they had the money to send their children, aged five and seven, to the school.
“We economize on other costs during the year,” says Schilbach, adding that ordering some household items from the UK and closely watching what the family spends on weekends have helped to save pennies. “In our opinion, the money is better spent on educating our children to a high standard.”
According to the news, British expat Jemma Schilbach felt:
Read the news below and answer the following five questions:
A few years ago, competition for places in Dubai’s best international schools was so intense that British expat Jemma Schilbach felt she had to get her two children on the waiting lists for her preferred schools before they were even out of nappies.
Work ended up taking the family away from Dubai for a couple of years. When they returned in 2014, they were relieved to discover there were plenty more schools to choose from, but there was another issue: cost.
Both Schilbach and her husband, who’d previously worked in jobs where companies paid for children’s schooling, were now self-employed, and would need to pay for their children’s education themselves.
Schilbach, 43, who now runs expat community website, enrolled both her children at Foremarke Dubai, which is affiliated with the UK independent school Repton.
She was impressed with the small class sizes and Foremarke’s reputation, but with tuition fees there starting at 65,000 AED ($18,000) a year, it meant the family had to be more careful about spending to ensure they had the money to send their children, aged five and seven, to the school.
“We economize on other costs during the year,” says Schilbach, adding that ordering some household items from the UK and closely watching what the family spends on weekends have helped to save pennies. “In our opinion, the money is better spent on educating our children to a high standard.”
How can it understand “expat” according to the context?
Read the text and answer the following three questions:
Playwright, author, activist. The granddaughter of a freed slave, and the youngest by seven years of four children, Lorraine Vivian Hansberry 3rd was born on May 19, 1930, in Chicago, Illinois. Hansberry’s father was a successful real estate broker, and her mother was a schoolteacher. Her father and her mother contributed large sums of money to the NAACP and the Urban League. In 1938, Hansberry's family moved to a white neighborhood and was violently attacked by neighbors. They refused to move until a court ordered them to do so, and the case made it to the Supreme Court as Hansberry v. Lee, ruling restrictive covenants illegal. Hansberry broke her family’s tradition of enrolling in Southern black colleges and instead attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison. While at school, she changed her major from painting to writing, and after two years decided to drop out and move to New York City.
About the text, it is true what we can read in:
Read the text and answer the following three questions:
Playwright, author, activist. The granddaughter of a freed slave, and the youngest by seven years of four children, Lorraine Vivian Hansberry 3rd was born on May 19, 1930, in Chicago, Illinois. Hansberry’s father was a successful real estate broker, and her mother was a schoolteacher. Her father and her mother contributed large sums of money to the NAACP and the Urban League. In 1938, Hansberry's family moved to a white neighborhood and was violently attacked by neighbors. They refused to move until a court ordered them to do so, and the case made it to the Supreme Court as Hansberry v. Lee, ruling restrictive covenants illegal. Hansberry broke her family’s tradition of enrolling in Southern black colleges and instead attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison. While at school, she changed her major from painting to writing, and after two years decided to drop out and move to New York City.
Related to NAACP and Urban League, the text can comprehend that:
Read the text and answer the following three questions:
Playwright, author, activist. The granddaughter of a freed slave, and the youngest by seven years of four children, Lorraine Vivian Hansberry 3rd was born on May 19, 1930, in Chicago, Illinois. Hansberry’s father was a successful real estate broker, and her mother was a schoolteacher. Her father and her mother contributed large sums of money to the NAACP and the Urban League. In 1938, Hansberry's family moved to a white neighborhood and was violently attacked by neighbors. They refused to move until a court ordered them to do so, and the case made it to the Supreme Court as Hansberry v. Lee, ruling restrictive covenants illegal. Hansberry broke her family’s tradition of enrolling in Southern black colleges and instead attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison. While at school, she changed her major from painting to writing, and after two years decided to drop out and move to New York City.
How can we define “real estate broker” as an occupation? Choose the best option.
A necessidade de se construir uma prática educativa inovadora, pautada na construção e reflexão do conhecimento compartilhado, que possibilite agir e transformar a prática docente é o desejo de todos aqueles que estão envolvidos com a Educação. É importante conhecer a realidade em que se vive e olhar os obstáculos como possibilidades de construção do novo. A metodologia utilizada pelo professor é o procedimento que servirá de parâmetro para análise acerca do modelo de prática e o nível de consciência da sua ação.
Dentre as variações Metodológicas da Intervenção na aula está a sequência de atividades, que são maneiras de encadear e articular as diferentes atividades ao longo de uma unidade. Outros pontos importantíssimos para que o professor cumpra o seu papel social e realize a ação didática de modo significativo é:O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) foi instituído pela Lei nº 8.069, no dia 13 de julho de 1990. Ela regulamenta os direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes inspirada pelas Diretrizes fornecidas pela Constituição Federal de 1988, internalizando uma série de normativas internacionais. De acordo com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, marque certo (C) e errado (E) nas afirmações a seguir: crianca-e-do-adolescente-em.html
( ) É dever de todos velar pela dignidade da criança e do adolescente, pondo-os a salvo de qualquer tratamento desumano, violento, aterrorizante, vexatório ou constrangedor (Art. 18).
( ) O capítulo IV do ECA dispõe sobre o direito à Educação, à cultura, ao esporte e ao lazer, destacando a escola, os gestores e os professores como os principais responsáveis por garantir a promoção deste direito.
( ) Cabe, exclusivamente, ao Conselho Tutelar a responsabilidade sobre os casos de maus-tratos, faltas injustificadas e evasão escolar.
( ) De acordo com o Art. 53. a criança e o adolescente têm direito à educação, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho, assegurando-se-lhes: I - igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola; II - direito de ser respeitado por seus educadores; III - direito de contestar critérios avaliativos, podendo recorrer às instâncias escolares superiores; IV - direito de organização e participação em entidades estudantis; V - acesso à escola pública e gratuita próxima de sua residência.
( ) O Parágrafo único do Art. 53 afirma que é direito dos pais ou responsáveis ter ciência do processo pedagógico, bem como participar da definição das propostas educacionais. A sequência correta é:
As tendências pedagógicas podem ser divididas em dois grupos. A pedagogia denominada ________ sustenta a ideia de que a escola tem por função preparar os indivíduos para o desempenho de papéis sociais, de acordo com as aptidões individuais, por isso os indivíduos precisam aprender a se adaptar aos valores e às normas vigentes na sociedade de classes através do desenvolvimento da cultura individual. A pedagogia _________ parte de uma análise crítica das realidades sociais, sustentando implicitamente as finalidades sociopolíticas da educação, são contra o autoritarismo e valorizam a experiência vivida como base da relação educativa e a ideia de autogestão pedagógica, dando mais valor ao processo de aprendizagem grupal do que os conteúdos de ensino.
Os espaços em branco na frase acima se referem respectivamente às tendências:Nos encontros de formação de professores, várias temáticas são discutidas, geralmente com o intuito de ampliar a compreensão sobre questões relativas à aprendizagem escolar e o contexto em que os alunos estão inseridos. O estudo das práticas escolares cotidianas podem revelar as formas particulares com que cada sujeito percebe e interpreta a realidade, ou seja, seus processos de atribuição de significados.
Estudar o cotidiano escolar, nesta perspectiva, significa:Na organização do Estado brasileiro, a matéria educacional é conferida pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB - Lei nº 9.394/96), aos diversos entes federativos: União, Distrito Federal, Estados e Municípios, sendo que a cada um deles compete organizar seu sistema de ensino, cabendo, ainda, à União a coordenação da Política Nacional de Educação, articulando os diferentes níveis e sistemas e exercendo função normativa, redistributiva e supletiva (artigos 8º, 9º, 10º e 11º). No Artigo 11, Inciso V, apresenta textualmente que “oferecer a educação infantil em creches e pré-escolas, e, com prioridade, o ensino fundamental, permitida a atuação em outros níveis de ensino somente quando estiverem atendidas plenamente as necessidades de sua área de competência e com recursos acima dos percentuais mínimos vinculados pela Constituição Federal à manutenção e desenvolvimento do ensino” é de competência do:
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões de 1 a 09.
Acerca das funções morfossintáticas do SE, julgue os itens:
I. Apostar nos seus sonhos é dar-se um voto de confiança - apresenta classificação morfológica de pronome pessoal oblíquo e sintática de objeto indireto.
II. Nunca se deve, mesmo nas inquietações, justificar um erro com outro erro, devemos lutar pelos nossos sonhos. - apresenta classificação morfológica de pronome pessoal oblíquo e sintática de partícula apassivadora.
III. Percebe-se que, em vários segmentos sociais, há um maior cuidado com o bem-estar do outro. - apresenta classificação morfológica de pronome pessoal oblíquo e sintática de índice de indeterminação do sujeito.
Está correto o que se afirma no (s) item (ns)
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões de 1 a 09.
TODOS os termos marcados nos excertos abaixo possuem a mesma função sintática, EXCETO
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões de 1 a 09.
Analise as proposições abaixo, adaptadas do texto:
I. Necessita-se de pessoas que nos incentive a realizar as tarefas necessárias ____ consecução dos nossos objetivos.
II. Dedicar-se ____ tarefas rotineiras e fazê-las com dedicação faz toda a diferença.
III. A melhoria da realidade social nos traz alegria semelhante __________ que advém do nosso próprio sucesso.
Em relação ao uso do sinal indicador da crase, assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência CORRETA que completa as lacunas, de acordo com a norma culta da gramática.