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Q3110047 Matemática
Considere as matrizes A e B, ambas do tipo 3x3. A segunda linha de A e a terceira coluna de B são mostradas, respectivamente, a seguir.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Se A é a inversa de B, o valor de x é: 
Q3110046 Matemática
O polinômio P(x) = x4 + x2 + ax + b  é divisível por (x + 1)2 . Portanto, o resto da divisão de P (x) por (x + 2) é igual a: 
Q3110045 Matemática
Uma reta t tangencia uma circunferência no ponto T. Considere nessa circunferência a corda TP, cujo comprimento é igual a 30 cm. Se a distância do ponto P à reta t é igual a 9 cm, a medida do raio da circunferência, em cm, corresponde a: 
Q3110044 Matemática
Seja N = 83 x 3m x 134. Se N possui 350 divisores positivos, o valor de m é: 
Q3110043 Matemática
Em uma urna existem bolas pretas, vermelhas e azuis. Admita como verdade que:

• a probabilidade de uma bola escolhida ao acaso ser preta é igual ao triplo da probabilidade de a bola ser vermelha.
• a probabilidade de uma bola escolhida ao acaso ser azul é 3/4 da probabilidade de a bola escolhida ser preta.

Dessa forma, escolhendo-se consecutivamente duas bolas dessa urna, com reposição, a probabilidade de que as duas bolas tenham a mesma cor é de: 
Q3110040 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Leis de iniciativa do Prefeito Municipal estabelecerão o plano plurianual. as diretrizes orçamentarias e os orçamentos anuais, respeitada a Constituição Federal e a legislação federal aplicável. Ainda, no que concernem as disposições acerca dos orçamentos, é vedada a:
Q3110039 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
Leia o trecho: “O território de Campo Novo do Parecis foi trabalhado em duas direções pelos serviços de linha telegráfica”.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 out. 2024.

As duas direções citadas no trecho acima foram a(ao):
Q3110038 Conhecimentos Gerais
O Cerrado brasileiro enfrenta um dilema nacional: por um lado, desempenha um papel crucial no sucesso econômico do país, especialmente por meio das exportações; por outro, a região é alvo de críticas devido às mudanças causadas pela intervenção humana, resultantes do manejo predominante da terra. Nesse contexto, uma estratégia para promover o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor primário no Cerrado seria a(o): 
Q3110037 Português
Leia o texto a seguir:

Zelensky se recusa a receber secretário da ONU em Kiev após visita à Rússia

Guterres viajou na quinta-feira ao território russo para encontro com Putin

    O presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelensky, se recusou a receber em Kiev o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, após sua participação na reunião de cúpula dos Brics na Rússia, informou uma fonte da presidência da ex-república soviética.
    "Depois de Kazan, (Guterres) queria visitar a Ucrânia, mas o presidente não confirmou sua visita (...) pela humilhação da razão e do direito internacional em Kazan", declarou a fonte, que pediu anonimato, à AFP.
    Kazana é a cidade russa que recebeu o encontro de cúpula dos Brics, que teve o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, como anfitrião.
   Guterres viajou na quinta-feira à Rússia para um encontro com Putin à margem da cúpula, que aconteceu de 22 a 24 de outubro.
    O secretário-geral da ONU repetiu a Putin que "a invasão russa da Ucrânia" é uma "violação" do direito internacional, segundo um comunicado divulgado por seu porta-voz.
    O Kremlin não fez comentários sobre as discussões entre os dois representantes.

Fonte: Acesso em 28/10/2024
“Kazana é a cidade russa que recebeu o encontro de cúpula dos Brics, que teve o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, como anfitrião” (3º parágrafo). O termo destacado introduz uma oração subordinada:
Q3110036 Português
Leia o texto a seguir:

Zelensky se recusa a receber secretário da ONU em Kiev após visita à Rússia

Guterres viajou na quinta-feira ao território russo para encontro com Putin

    O presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelensky, se recusou a receber em Kiev o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, após sua participação na reunião de cúpula dos Brics na Rússia, informou uma fonte da presidência da ex-república soviética.
    "Depois de Kazan, (Guterres) queria visitar a Ucrânia, mas o presidente não confirmou sua visita (...) pela humilhação da razão e do direito internacional em Kazan", declarou a fonte, que pediu anonimato, à AFP.
    Kazana é a cidade russa que recebeu o encontro de cúpula dos Brics, que teve o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, como anfitrião.
   Guterres viajou na quinta-feira à Rússia para um encontro com Putin à margem da cúpula, que aconteceu de 22 a 24 de outubro.
    O secretário-geral da ONU repetiu a Putin que "a invasão russa da Ucrânia" é uma "violação" do direito internacional, segundo um comunicado divulgado por seu porta-voz.
    O Kremlin não fez comentários sobre as discussões entre os dois representantes.

Fonte: Acesso em 28/10/2024
No título do texto (“Zelensky se recusa a receber secretário da ONU em Kiev após visita à Rússia”), o verbo em destaque está flexionado no:
Q3110035 Português
Leia o texto a seguir:

Zelensky se recusa a receber secretário da ONU em Kiev após visita à Rússia

Guterres viajou na quinta-feira ao território russo para encontro com Putin

    O presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelensky, se recusou a receber em Kiev o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, após sua participação na reunião de cúpula dos Brics na Rússia, informou uma fonte da presidência da ex-república soviética.
    "Depois de Kazan, (Guterres) queria visitar a Ucrânia, mas o presidente não confirmou sua visita (...) pela humilhação da razão e do direito internacional em Kazan", declarou a fonte, que pediu anonimato, à AFP.
    Kazana é a cidade russa que recebeu o encontro de cúpula dos Brics, que teve o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, como anfitrião.
   Guterres viajou na quinta-feira à Rússia para um encontro com Putin à margem da cúpula, que aconteceu de 22 a 24 de outubro.
    O secretário-geral da ONU repetiu a Putin que "a invasão russa da Ucrânia" é uma "violação" do direito internacional, segundo um comunicado divulgado por seu porta-voz.
    O Kremlin não fez comentários sobre as discussões entre os dois representantes.

Fonte: Acesso em 28/10/2024
No trecho “O presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelensky, se recusou a receber em Kiev o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, após sua participação na reunião de cúpula dos Brics na Rússia, informou uma fonte da presidência da ex-república soviética” (1º parágrafo), o termo em destaque faz referência à participação de uma determinada autoridade na cúpula dos Brics. Essa autoridade é:
Q3110034 Português
Leia o texto a seguir:

Zelensky se recusa a receber secretário da ONU em Kiev após visita à Rússia

Guterres viajou na quinta-feira ao território russo para encontro com Putin

    O presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelensky, se recusou a receber em Kiev o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, após sua participação na reunião de cúpula dos Brics na Rússia, informou uma fonte da presidência da ex-república soviética.
    "Depois de Kazan, (Guterres) queria visitar a Ucrânia, mas o presidente não confirmou sua visita (...) pela humilhação da razão e do direito internacional em Kazan", declarou a fonte, que pediu anonimato, à AFP.
    Kazana é a cidade russa que recebeu o encontro de cúpula dos Brics, que teve o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, como anfitrião.
   Guterres viajou na quinta-feira à Rússia para um encontro com Putin à margem da cúpula, que aconteceu de 22 a 24 de outubro.
    O secretário-geral da ONU repetiu a Putin que "a invasão russa da Ucrânia" é uma "violação" do direito internacional, segundo um comunicado divulgado por seu porta-voz.
    O Kremlin não fez comentários sobre as discussões entre os dois representantes.

Fonte: Acesso em 28/10/2024
Com relação aos gêneros do discurso, o texto pode ser classificado como um exemplo de:
Q3110033 Português
Leia o texto a seguir:

Zelensky se recusa a receber secretário da ONU em Kiev após visita à Rússia

Guterres viajou na quinta-feira ao território russo para encontro com Putin

    O presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelensky, se recusou a receber em Kiev o secretário-geral da ONU, António Guterres, após sua participação na reunião de cúpula dos Brics na Rússia, informou uma fonte da presidência da ex-república soviética.
    "Depois de Kazan, (Guterres) queria visitar a Ucrânia, mas o presidente não confirmou sua visita (...) pela humilhação da razão e do direito internacional em Kazan", declarou a fonte, que pediu anonimato, à AFP.
    Kazana é a cidade russa que recebeu o encontro de cúpula dos Brics, que teve o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, como anfitrião.
   Guterres viajou na quinta-feira à Rússia para um encontro com Putin à margem da cúpula, que aconteceu de 22 a 24 de outubro.
    O secretário-geral da ONU repetiu a Putin que "a invasão russa da Ucrânia" é uma "violação" do direito internacional, segundo um comunicado divulgado por seu porta-voz.
    O Kremlin não fez comentários sobre as discussões entre os dois representantes.

Fonte: Acesso em 28/10/2024
A leitura do texto permite concluir que:
Q3108930 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

No trecho: “They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line”, o phrasal verb em destaque tem como definição:
Q3108929 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

Os falsos cognatos podem ser uma armadilha para quem está aprendendo um novo idioma, pois podem causar confusão e erros de tradução. Por isso, é importante conhecer os falsos cognatos, para evitar constrangimentos ou confusões. Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, o falso cognato é:
Q3108928 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

Dentre as frases abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, a que contém um verbo no "present continuous" é:
Q3108927 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

Dentre as frases abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, a que contém um verbo no modo imperativo é:
Q3108926 Inglês


Making homework count

By Stephanie Hirschman

October 8, 2024

Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.

Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.

Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.

The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.

It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.

It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.

Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.

An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.

The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.

Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.

Adapted from:

Acesso em 25/10/2024

No trecho: “Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students…”, a preposição onto foi usada para expressar:
3141: B
3142: B
3143: C
3144: A
3145: C
3146: D
3147: B
3148: C
3149: D
3150: A
3151: D
3152: A
3153: B
3154: A
3155: C
3156: C
3157: B
3158: A
3159: B
3160: C