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Q2742462 Inglês

Read text VII to answer 28 through 30.

Government of Montenegro launched first round

for offshore production concession contracts

on 7 August 2013.

The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro launched its

first bid round for a production concession contract.

A total of 3,191 square kilometres of offshore area is

Offered, comprising of 13 blocks in the Adriatic Sea.

More information about the Round, data availability, and

overall procedure can be obtained either by contacting

[email protected] or at

(The Economist, September 4th, 2013. Page 86.)

According to the ad

Q2742461 Inglês

Read text VII to answer 28 through 30.

Government of Montenegro launched first round

for offshore production concession contracts

on 7 August 2013.

The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro launched its

first bid round for a production concession contract.

A total of 3,191 square kilometres of offshore area is

Offered, comprising of 13 blocks in the Adriatic Sea.

More information about the Round, data availability, and

overall procedure can be obtained either by contacting

[email protected] or at

(The Economist, September 4th, 2013. Page 86.)

The government of Montenegro is looking for

Q2742460 Inglês

Read text VI to answer from 26 and 27.

This is the first chapter of the mythic Star Wars saga.

Set thirty years before the original Star Wars film, Episode I introduces young Anakin Skywalker, a boy with special powers, unaware that the journey he is beginning will transform him into the evil Darth Vader.

Obi‐Wan Kenobi, the wise old Jedi from the original series, is a determined young apprentice and Palpatine, well known as the evil Emperor, is an ambitious Senator in the Galactic Republic.

It is a time when the Jedi Knights are the guardians of peace in a turbulent galaxy and a young Queen fights to save her people. In the shadows an evil force is waiting for the right moment to strike.

(Reinildes Dias. Reading Critically in English, 3rd ed. UFMG 2002.)

Match columns according to words’ use in context.

1. Saga.

2. Unaware.

3. Strike.

4. Evil.

5. Wise.

6. Journey.

( ) Bad.

( ) Trip.

( ) Attack.

( ) Tale.

( ) Oblivious.

( ) Prudent.

The correct sequence is

Q2742459 Inglês

Read text VI to answer from 26 and 27.

This is the first chapter of the mythic Star Wars saga.

Set thirty years before the original Star Wars film, Episode I introduces young Anakin Skywalker, a boy with special powers, unaware that the journey he is beginning will transform him into the evil Darth Vader.

Obi‐Wan Kenobi, the wise old Jedi from the original series, is a determined young apprentice and Palpatine, well known as the evil Emperor, is an ambitious Senator in the Galactic Republic.

It is a time when the Jedi Knights are the guardians of peace in a turbulent galaxy and a young Queen fights to save her people. In the shadows an evil force is waiting for the right moment to strike.

(Reinildes Dias. Reading Critically in English, 3rd ed. UFMG 2002.)

Anakin Skywalker is

Q2742458 Inglês

Read text V to answer 21 through 25.

Introducing the perfect chemistry between a green technology and a blue world

There is a formula for a healthy new world. That’s why Braskem invested millions in research to become the first company in the world to use Brazilian sugar cane as a natural plastic source, collaborating with the reduction of the GHG emissions. Its commitment to a sustainable development resulted in a benchmark eco‐efficient process that estimulates the markets in which Braskem operates and generates new opportunities.

The world dreamed. Braskem made it happen.

(Newsweek/Issues 2012, Special Edition, cover. Adaptado.)

In “Braskem operates and generates new opportunities”

151: D
152: D
153: B
154: B
155: C