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Q817406 Inglês
The word ‘help’ (l. 17) may be both a noun and a verb without having to change its spelling. The same may occur to all the words bellow, EXCEPT for:
Q817405 Inglês
The sentence ‘But constant negativity can also get in the way of happiness, add to our stress and worry level and ultimately damage our health.' (l. 02-04) could be paraphrased only by the following:
Q817404 Inglês

Choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined word in the context below:

“But with practice you can learn to disrupt and tame negative cycles.” (l. 13).

Q817403 Inglês

If we add the prefix '-UN’ to some words in English, we can get the opposite of that word, like in ‘unwanted’ (l. 29). In this sense, consider the following words and analyze them:

I. able.

II. happy.

III. fair.

IV. acceptable.

Which of them can be an opposite just by adding the prefix ‘-UN’? 

Q817402 Inglês
Which of the following questions can be answered based on the text?
136: D
137: A
138: B
139: E
140: C