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Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2018. (Adaptado)

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2018. (Adaptado)
When California police officers approached a Tesla stopped in the centre of a five-lane highway outside San Francisco last week, they found a man asleep at the wheel. The driver, who was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, told them his car was in “autopilot”, Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver assist system.
In a separate incident, firefighters in Culver City reported that a Tesla vehicle parked at the rear of their fire truck as it attended an accident on the freeway. Again, the driver said the vehicle was in autopilot.
When California police officers approached a Tesla stopped in the centre of a five-lane highway outside San Francisco last week, they found a man asleep at the wheel. The driver, who was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, told them his car was in “autopilot”, Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver assist system.
In a separate incident, firefighters in Culver City reported that a Tesla vehicle parked at the rear of their fire truck as it attended an accident on the freeway. Again, the driver said the vehicle was in autopilot.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 07 jun. 2018.
According to the information expressed in the image and data
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Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other possibilities.
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Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other possibilities.
Leia o texto e responda à questão.
Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other possibilities.

According to the information expressed in the image and data, when kids are physically active, we verify that
Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.
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Artificial intelligence and the future of medicine
Right now, the challenges we need to address as we try to bring AI into medical practice include improving the quality of the data that we feed into AI systems, developing ways to evaluate whether an AI system is actually better than standard of care, ensuring patient privacy and making sure not only that AI doesn't disrupt clinical work flow but in fact improves it. But if doctors do their jobs right and build these systems well, much of what we have described will become so ingrained in the system, people won't even refer to it separately as informatics or AI. It will just be medicine.
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Artificial intelligence and the future of medicine
Right now, the challenges we need to address as we try to bring AI into medical practice include improving the quality of the data that we feed into AI systems, developing ways to evaluate whether an AI system is actually better than standard of care, ensuring patient privacy and making sure not only that AI doesn't disrupt clinical work flow but in fact improves it. But if doctors do their jobs right and build these systems well, much of what we have described will become so ingrained in the system, people won't even refer to it separately as informatics or AI. It will just be medicine.
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Artificial intelligence and the future of medicine
Right now, the challenges we need to address as we try to bring AI into medical practice include improving the quality of the data that we feed into AI systems, developing ways to evaluate whether an AI system is actually better than standard of care, ensuring patient privacy and making sure not only that AI doesn't disrupt clinical work flow but in fact improves it. But if doctors do their jobs right and build these systems well, much of what we have described will become so ingrained in the system, people won't even refer to it separately as informatics or AI. It will just be medicine.
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Disponível: Acesso em: 08 out. 2019
According the information expressed in the image and data, Suicide Prevention, we verify that
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Forest fires: the good and the bad
Every year it seems like there’s another disastrous wildfire in the American West. In 2018, nearly 9 million acres were burned in the US alone. Uncontrolled fires often started accidentally by people, rampage and decimate forests. F
or most people, a forest fire is synonymous with disaster. But there are some kinds of forest fires that actually benefit the environment.
A controlled burn is a wildfire that people set intentionally for a specific purpose. Well-thought-out and wellmanaged controlled burns can be incredibly beneficial for forest management—in part because they can help stop an out-of-control wildfire. The technique is called backburning, and it involves setting a controlled fire in the path of the approaching wildfire. All the flammable material is burnt up and extinguished. When the wildfire approaches, there’s no more fuel left for it to keep going, and it dies out.
Controlled burns are also used to prevent forest fires. Even before human involvement, natural, low-intensity wildfires occurred every few years to burn up fuel, plant debris, and dead trees, making way for young, healthy trees and vegetation to thrive. That new growth in turn supports forest wildlife. Forest managers are now replicating this natural strategy when appropriate, starting manageable, slow-burning fires to make room for new life that will help keep the forest healthy in the long term.
The same method is one of WWF’s strategies for maintaining grassland habitats in the Northern Great Plains. Working with partners such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, WWF has intentionally burned hundreds of acres of prairie land to revitalize these key habitats. The fire burns off tall, aggressive vegetation that isn’t as hospitable to wildlife, and makes room for new growth that attracts bison, birds, and prairie dogs.
This doesn’t mean all intentional wildfires are good – far from it. Many of the fires intentionally set for agriculture and land clearing are at best ill-advised, and at worst devastating. Slash and burn fires are set every day to destroy large sections of forests. Of course, these forests don’t just remove trees; they kill and displace wildlife, alter water cycles and soil fertility, and endanger the lives and livelihoods of local communities. They also can rage out of control. In 1997, fires set intentionally to clear forests in Indonesia escalated into one of the largest wildfires in recorded history. Hundreds of people died; millions of acres burned; already at-risk species like orangutans perished by the hundreds; and a smoke and ash haze hung over southeast Asia for months, reducing visibility and causing acute health conditions.
That’s exactly why WWF helps governments around the world crack down on slash and burn deforestation. WWF also works with farmers and companies to stop unnecessary agricultural burns. And when our scientists think fire could be the best solution for revitalizing wild areas, we bring the right experts to the table to study the situation and come up with a plan.
All fire is risky. To minimize that risk as much as possible, controlled burns must be well-considered, wellplanned, and ignited and maintained by trained professionals. The bottom line? Fire can be a tool for conservation, but only when used the right way.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 out. 2019