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Ano: 2018 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2018 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa (a Distância) |
Q1302303 Inglês
Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 out. 2018.
According to the information expressed in the image and data, when kids are physically active, we verify that

Ano: 2018 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2018 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa (a Distância) |
Q1302302 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather

    As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of weather more powerful.
    Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state.
    The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia. It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet.
        El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to understand something might be changing.
    The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions.
    And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere.
        Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us, via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado). 

De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica-se que
Ano: 2018 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2018 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q1301486 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather
    As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of weather more powerful.
    Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state.
    The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia.
    It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet.
    El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to understand something might be changing.
    The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions.
    And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere.
    Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us, via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado).
Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos da língua inglesa, presentes no texto, constata-se que
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Medicina - Inglês |
Q1300894 Inglês

Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.

Considerando-se os elementos de escritura e forma da língua inglesa, constata-se que
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Medicina - Inglês |
Q1300893 Inglês

Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.

Considering the linguistics aspects presented in the infographic, we verify that
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Medicina - Inglês |
Q1300892 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão. 

Artificial intelligence and the future of medicine

Washington University researchers are working to develop artificial intelligence (AI) systems for health care, which have the potential to transform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, helping to ensure that patients get the right treatment at the right time.
In health care, artificial intelligence relies on the power of computers to sift through and make sense of reams of electronic data about patients—such as their ages, medical histories, health status, test results, medical images, DNA sequences, and many other sources of health information. AI excels at the complex identification of patterns in these reams of data, and it can do this at a scale and speed beyond human capacity. The hope is that this technology can be harnessed to help doctors and patients make better health-care decisions.

Where are the first places we will start to see AI entering medical practice?

One of the first applications of AI in patient care that we currently see is in imaging, to help improve the diagnosis of cancer or heart problems, for example. There are many types of imaging tests —X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and echocardiograms. But the underlying commonality in all those imaging methods is huge amounts of high-quality data. For AI to work well, it's best to have very complete data sets—no missing numbers, so to speak—and digital images provide that. Plus, the human eye is often blind to some of the patterns that could be present in these images—subtle changes in breast tissue over several years of mammograms, for example. There has been some interesting work done in recognizing early patterns of cancer or early patterns of heart failure that even a highly trained physician would not see.
In many ways, we already have very simple forms of AI in the clinic now. We've had tools for a long time that identify abnormal rhythms in an EKG, for example. An abnormal heartbeat pattern triggers an alert to draw a clinician's attention. This is a computer trying to replicate a human being understanding that data and saying, "This doesn't look normal, you may need to address this problem." Now, we have the capacity to analyze much larger and more complex sources of data, such as the entire electronic health record and perhaps even data pulled from daily life, as more people track their sleep patterns or pulse rates with wearable devices, for example.

What effect will this have on how doctors practice medicine?

It's important to emphasize that these tools are never going to replace clinicians. These technologies will provide assistance, helping care providers see important signals in massive amounts of data that would otherwise remain hidden. But at the same time, there are levels of understanding that computers still can't and may never replicate. To take a treatment recommendation from an AI, even an excellent recommendation, and decide if it's right for the patient is inherently a human decision-making process. What are the patient's preferences? What are the patient's values? What does this mean for the patient's life and for his or her family? That's never going to be an AI function. As these AI systems slowly emerge, we may start to see the roles of physicians changing—in my opinion, in better ways. Doctors' roles may shift from being data collectors and analyzers to being interpreters and councilors for patients as they try to navigate their health. 
Right now, the challenges we need to address as we try to bring AI into medical practice include improving the quality of the data that we feed into AI systems, developing ways to evaluate whether an AI system is actually better than standard of care, ensuring patient privacy and making sure not only that AI doesn't disrupt clinical work flow but in fact improves it. But if doctors do their jobs right and build these systems well, much of what we have described will become so ingrained in the system, people won't even refer to it separately as informatics or AI. It will just be medicine. 

Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.
De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica-se que o trecho
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Medicina - Inglês |
Q1300891 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão. 

Artificial intelligence and the future of medicine

Washington University researchers are working to develop artificial intelligence (AI) systems for health care, which have the potential to transform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, helping to ensure that patients get the right treatment at the right time.
In health care, artificial intelligence relies on the power of computers to sift through and make sense of reams of electronic data about patients—such as their ages, medical histories, health status, test results, medical images, DNA sequences, and many other sources of health information. AI excels at the complex identification of patterns in these reams of data, and it can do this at a scale and speed beyond human capacity. The hope is that this technology can be harnessed to help doctors and patients make better health-care decisions.

Where are the first places we will start to see AI entering medical practice?

One of the first applications of AI in patient care that we currently see is in imaging, to help improve the diagnosis of cancer or heart problems, for example. There are many types of imaging tests —X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and echocardiograms. But the underlying commonality in all those imaging methods is huge amounts of high-quality data. For AI to work well, it's best to have very complete data sets—no missing numbers, so to speak—and digital images provide that. Plus, the human eye is often blind to some of the patterns that could be present in these images—subtle changes in breast tissue over several years of mammograms, for example. There has been some interesting work done in recognizing early patterns of cancer or early patterns of heart failure that even a highly trained physician would not see.
In many ways, we already have very simple forms of AI in the clinic now. We've had tools for a long time that identify abnormal rhythms in an EKG, for example. An abnormal heartbeat pattern triggers an alert to draw a clinician's attention. This is a computer trying to replicate a human being understanding that data and saying, "This doesn't look normal, you may need to address this problem." Now, we have the capacity to analyze much larger and more complex sources of data, such as the entire electronic health record and perhaps even data pulled from daily life, as more people track their sleep patterns or pulse rates with wearable devices, for example.

What effect will this have on how doctors practice medicine?

It's important to emphasize that these tools are never going to replace clinicians. These technologies will provide assistance, helping care providers see important signals in massive amounts of data that would otherwise remain hidden. But at the same time, there are levels of understanding that computers still can't and may never replicate. To take a treatment recommendation from an AI, even an excellent recommendation, and decide if it's right for the patient is inherently a human decision-making process. What are the patient's preferences? What are the patient's values? What does this mean for the patient's life and for his or her family? That's never going to be an AI function. As these AI systems slowly emerge, we may start to see the roles of physicians changing—in my opinion, in better ways. Doctors' roles may shift from being data collectors and analyzers to being interpreters and councilors for patients as they try to navigate their health. 
Right now, the challenges we need to address as we try to bring AI into medical practice include improving the quality of the data that we feed into AI systems, developing ways to evaluate whether an AI system is actually better than standard of care, ensuring patient privacy and making sure not only that AI doesn't disrupt clinical work flow but in fact improves it. But if doctors do their jobs right and build these systems well, much of what we have described will become so ingrained in the system, people won't even refer to it separately as informatics or AI. It will just be medicine. 

Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.
Analisando-se os aspectos linguísticos e estruturais do texto, constata-se que
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Medicina - Inglês |
Q1300890 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão. 

Artificial intelligence and the future of medicine

Washington University researchers are working to develop artificial intelligence (AI) systems for health care, which have the potential to transform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, helping to ensure that patients get the right treatment at the right time.
In health care, artificial intelligence relies on the power of computers to sift through and make sense of reams of electronic data about patients—such as their ages, medical histories, health status, test results, medical images, DNA sequences, and many other sources of health information. AI excels at the complex identification of patterns in these reams of data, and it can do this at a scale and speed beyond human capacity. The hope is that this technology can be harnessed to help doctors and patients make better health-care decisions.

Where are the first places we will start to see AI entering medical practice?

One of the first applications of AI in patient care that we currently see is in imaging, to help improve the diagnosis of cancer or heart problems, for example. There are many types of imaging tests —X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and echocardiograms. But the underlying commonality in all those imaging methods is huge amounts of high-quality data. For AI to work well, it's best to have very complete data sets—no missing numbers, so to speak—and digital images provide that. Plus, the human eye is often blind to some of the patterns that could be present in these images—subtle changes in breast tissue over several years of mammograms, for example. There has been some interesting work done in recognizing early patterns of cancer or early patterns of heart failure that even a highly trained physician would not see.
In many ways, we already have very simple forms of AI in the clinic now. We've had tools for a long time that identify abnormal rhythms in an EKG, for example. An abnormal heartbeat pattern triggers an alert to draw a clinician's attention. This is a computer trying to replicate a human being understanding that data and saying, "This doesn't look normal, you may need to address this problem." Now, we have the capacity to analyze much larger and more complex sources of data, such as the entire electronic health record and perhaps even data pulled from daily life, as more people track their sleep patterns or pulse rates with wearable devices, for example.

What effect will this have on how doctors practice medicine?

It's important to emphasize that these tools are never going to replace clinicians. These technologies will provide assistance, helping care providers see important signals in massive amounts of data that would otherwise remain hidden. But at the same time, there are levels of understanding that computers still can't and may never replicate. To take a treatment recommendation from an AI, even an excellent recommendation, and decide if it's right for the patient is inherently a human decision-making process. What are the patient's preferences? What are the patient's values? What does this mean for the patient's life and for his or her family? That's never going to be an AI function. As these AI systems slowly emerge, we may start to see the roles of physicians changing—in my opinion, in better ways. Doctors' roles may shift from being data collectors and analyzers to being interpreters and councilors for patients as they try to navigate their health. 
Right now, the challenges we need to address as we try to bring AI into medical practice include improving the quality of the data that we feed into AI systems, developing ways to evaluate whether an AI system is actually better than standard of care, ensuring patient privacy and making sure not only that AI doesn't disrupt clinical work flow but in fact improves it. But if doctors do their jobs right and build these systems well, much of what we have described will become so ingrained in the system, people won't even refer to it separately as informatics or AI. It will just be medicine. 

Disponível em: Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.
Considering the ideas expressed in the text, artificial intelligence (AI) systems
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q1300801 Inglês

Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Disponível: Acesso em: 08 out. 2019

According the information expressed in the image and data, Suicide Prevention, we verify that

Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q1300800 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Forest fires: the good and the bad

Every year it seems like there’s another disastrous wildfire in the American West. In 2018, nearly 9 million acres were burned in the US alone. Uncontrolled fires often started accidentally by people, rampage and decimate forests. F

or most people, a forest fire is synonymous with disaster. But there are some kinds of forest fires that actually benefit the environment.

A controlled burn is a wildfire that people set intentionally for a specific purpose. Well-thought-out and wellmanaged controlled burns can be incredibly beneficial for forest management—in part because they can help stop an out-of-control wildfire. The technique is called backburning, and it involves setting a controlled fire in the path of the approaching wildfire. All the flammable material is burnt up and extinguished. When the wildfire approaches, there’s no more fuel left for it to keep going, and it dies out.

Controlled burns are also used to prevent forest fires. Even before human involvement, natural, low-intensity wildfires occurred every few years to burn up fuel, plant debris, and dead trees, making way for young, healthy trees and vegetation to thrive. That new growth in turn supports forest wildlife. Forest managers are now replicating this natural strategy when appropriate, starting manageable, slow-burning fires to make room for new life that will help keep the forest healthy in the long term.

The same method is one of WWF’s strategies for maintaining grassland habitats in the Northern Great Plains. Working with partners such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, WWF has intentionally burned hundreds of acres of prairie land to revitalize these key habitats. The fire burns off tall, aggressive vegetation that isn’t as hospitable to wildlife, and makes room for new growth that attracts bison, birds, and prairie dogs.

This doesn’t mean all intentional wildfires are good – far from it. Many of the fires intentionally set for agriculture and land clearing are at best ill-advised, and at worst devastating. Slash and burn fires are set every day to destroy large sections of forests. Of course, these forests don’t just remove trees; they kill and displace wildlife, alter water cycles and soil fertility, and endanger the lives and livelihoods of local communities. They also can rage out of control. In 1997, fires set intentionally to clear forests in Indonesia escalated into one of the largest wildfires in recorded history. Hundreds of people died; millions of acres burned; already at-risk species like orangutans perished by the hundreds; and a smoke and ash haze hung over southeast Asia for months, reducing visibility and causing acute health conditions.

That’s exactly why WWF helps governments around the world crack down on slash and burn deforestation. WWF also works with farmers and companies to stop unnecessary agricultural burns. And when our scientists think fire could be the best solution for revitalizing wild areas, we bring the right experts to the table to study the situation and come up with a plan.

All fire is risky. To minimize that risk as much as possible, controlled burns must be well-considered, wellplanned, and ignited and maintained by trained professionals. The bottom line? Fire can be a tool for conservation, but only when used the right way.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 out. 2019

Analisando os aspectos linguísticos da língua inglesa presentes no texto, constata-se que
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q1300799 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Forest fires: the good and the bad

Every year it seems like there’s another disastrous wildfire in the American West. In 2018, nearly 9 million acres were burned in the US alone. Uncontrolled fires often started accidentally by people, rampage and decimate forests. F

or most people, a forest fire is synonymous with disaster. But there are some kinds of forest fires that actually benefit the environment.

A controlled burn is a wildfire that people set intentionally for a specific purpose. Well-thought-out and wellmanaged controlled burns can be incredibly beneficial for forest management—in part because they can help stop an out-of-control wildfire. The technique is called backburning, and it involves setting a controlled fire in the path of the approaching wildfire. All the flammable material is burnt up and extinguished. When the wildfire approaches, there’s no more fuel left for it to keep going, and it dies out.

Controlled burns are also used to prevent forest fires. Even before human involvement, natural, low-intensity wildfires occurred every few years to burn up fuel, plant debris, and dead trees, making way for young, healthy trees and vegetation to thrive. That new growth in turn supports forest wildlife. Forest managers are now replicating this natural strategy when appropriate, starting manageable, slow-burning fires to make room for new life that will help keep the forest healthy in the long term.

The same method is one of WWF’s strategies for maintaining grassland habitats in the Northern Great Plains. Working with partners such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, WWF has intentionally burned hundreds of acres of prairie land to revitalize these key habitats. The fire burns off tall, aggressive vegetation that isn’t as hospitable to wildlife, and makes room for new growth that attracts bison, birds, and prairie dogs.

This doesn’t mean all intentional wildfires are good – far from it. Many of the fires intentionally set for agriculture and land clearing are at best ill-advised, and at worst devastating. Slash and burn fires are set every day to destroy large sections of forests. Of course, these forests don’t just remove trees; they kill and displace wildlife, alter water cycles and soil fertility, and endanger the lives and livelihoods of local communities. They also can rage out of control. In 1997, fires set intentionally to clear forests in Indonesia escalated into one of the largest wildfires in recorded history. Hundreds of people died; millions of acres burned; already at-risk species like orangutans perished by the hundreds; and a smoke and ash haze hung over southeast Asia for months, reducing visibility and causing acute health conditions.

That’s exactly why WWF helps governments around the world crack down on slash and burn deforestation. WWF also works with farmers and companies to stop unnecessary agricultural burns. And when our scientists think fire could be the best solution for revitalizing wild areas, we bring the right experts to the table to study the situation and come up with a plan.

All fire is risky. To minimize that risk as much as possible, controlled burns must be well-considered, wellplanned, and ignited and maintained by trained professionals. The bottom line? Fire can be a tool for conservation, but only when used the right way.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 out. 2019

De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica se que
Ano: 2019 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2019 - UEG - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q1300798 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Forest fires: the good and the bad

Every year it seems like there’s another disastrous wildfire in the American West. In 2018, nearly 9 million acres were burned in the US alone. Uncontrolled fires often started accidentally by people, rampage and decimate forests. F

or most people, a forest fire is synonymous with disaster. But there are some kinds of forest fires that actually benefit the environment.

A controlled burn is a wildfire that people set intentionally for a specific purpose. Well-thought-out and wellmanaged controlled burns can be incredibly beneficial for forest management—in part because they can help stop an out-of-control wildfire. The technique is called backburning, and it involves setting a controlled fire in the path of the approaching wildfire. All the flammable material is burnt up and extinguished. When the wildfire approaches, there’s no more fuel left for it to keep going, and it dies out.

Controlled burns are also used to prevent forest fires. Even before human involvement, natural, low-intensity wildfires occurred every few years to burn up fuel, plant debris, and dead trees, making way for young, healthy trees and vegetation to thrive. That new growth in turn supports forest wildlife. Forest managers are now replicating this natural strategy when appropriate, starting manageable, slow-burning fires to make room for new life that will help keep the forest healthy in the long term.

The same method is one of WWF’s strategies for maintaining grassland habitats in the Northern Great Plains. Working with partners such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, WWF has intentionally burned hundreds of acres of prairie land to revitalize these key habitats. The fire burns off tall, aggressive vegetation that isn’t as hospitable to wildlife, and makes room for new growth that attracts bison, birds, and prairie dogs.

This doesn’t mean all intentional wildfires are good – far from it. Many of the fires intentionally set for agriculture and land clearing are at best ill-advised, and at worst devastating. Slash and burn fires are set every day to destroy large sections of forests. Of course, these forests don’t just remove trees; they kill and displace wildlife, alter water cycles and soil fertility, and endanger the lives and livelihoods of local communities. They also can rage out of control. In 1997, fires set intentionally to clear forests in Indonesia escalated into one of the largest wildfires in recorded history. Hundreds of people died; millions of acres burned; already at-risk species like orangutans perished by the hundreds; and a smoke and ash haze hung over southeast Asia for months, reducing visibility and causing acute health conditions.

That’s exactly why WWF helps governments around the world crack down on slash and burn deforestation. WWF also works with farmers and companies to stop unnecessary agricultural burns. And when our scientists think fire could be the best solution for revitalizing wild areas, we bring the right experts to the table to study the situation and come up with a plan.

All fire is risky. To minimize that risk as much as possible, controlled burns must be well-considered, wellplanned, and ignited and maintained by trained professionals. The bottom line? Fire can be a tool for conservation, but only when used the right way.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 out. 2019

According to the ideas expressed in the text, we verify that
Ano: 2018 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2018 - UEG - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q1300667 Inglês

Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

According to the information expressed in the image and data, when kids are physically active, we verify that

Ano: 2018 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2018 - UEG - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q1300664 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather

    As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of weather more powerful.

    Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state.

    The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia.

    It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet.

    El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to understand something might be changing.

    The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions.

    And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere.

    Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us, via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso

em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado)

According to the ideas expressed in the text, we verify that
Ano: 2019 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2019 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q1300228 Inglês
Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Ernesto Miranda, a Mexican immigrant living in Phoenix, Arizona, was identified in a police lineup by a woman, who accused him of kidnapping and raping her. Miranda was arrested and questioned by the police for two hours until he confessed to the crimes. During the interrogation, police did not tell Miranda about his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination or his Sixth Amendment right to an attorney. The case went to trial in an Arizona state court and the prosecutor used the confession as evidence against Miranda, who was convicted and sentenced to 20 to 30 years in prison. Miranda's attorney appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court, which upheld the conviction. Then he appealed to the United States Supreme Court, which agreed to hear it along with four similar cases. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Miranda. This decision gave rise to what has become known as the Miranda Warning.
<>. Acesso em 10.jan.2019.

According to the text,

I. a fundamental right in US law has been named after a Mexican immigrant.
II. Ernesto Miranda was innocent of the crimes he was accused of in 1966.
III. the Supreme Court considered other cases when judging Miranda’s appeal.
IV. Miranda confessed to his crimes and served a 20 to 30-year sentence.
V. immigrants in the US are subject to the same laws as US citizens.

Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.
Ano: 2019 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2019 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q1300227 Inglês
Active Trips: Grab your gear and head into the wilderness with National Geographic! On our active expeditions, you'll venture off the beaten path in spectacular places around the globe, following in the footsteps of National Geographic’s explorers and adventurers. Trek through some of the world's most legendary mountain ranges; go kayaking amid icebergs and calving glaciers; and discover wild and stunning landscapes by foot, horseback, and even dogsled. Whether you find yourself snorkeling with majestic whale sharks, snowshoeing to remote waterfalls, or hiking an ancient pilgrimage route, you’ll experience the unforgettable rush that comes with achieving a personal quest. And we keep our group size to a maximum of 16 so that we can move with agility, interact with local cultures, and enjoy every place we visit in-depth.
<>. Acesso em 02.mar.2019.
Based on the text, one can infer that
Ano: 2019 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2019 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q1300226 Inglês
THE FIRST CHILD OF BOMI AND JER Bulsara, the boy named Farrokh was born on September 5, 1946, in the British protectorate of Zanzibar, an island off the east coast of Africa. The Bulsaras were Paris’s, Zoroastrian descendents of Persians who fled to India to escape Muslim persecution. While Bomi worked as a high-court cashier for the British government, Jer looked after Farrokh, a lively child who took an early interest in music: “Folk, opera, classical, he loved them all,” she later said. “I think he always wanted to be a showman.” When Farrokh was six, Jer gave birth to his sister, Kashmira, but the boy’s happy home life would be short-lived. As Kashmira later said, “I only had a year of him,” referrring to the fact that her older brother was sent to St. Peter’s, a boarding school in India, not far from Bombay. “I was a precocious child,” Farrokh would say many years later, when he was known as Fred Mercury, “and my parents thought boarding school would do me good. It was an upheaval of an upbringing, which seems to have worked, I guess.” Life magazine. Queen. Fev. 2019.

Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2019 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2019 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q1300225 Inglês
Land of changes The southeastern region is changing more rapidly than any other part of the United States - not because the land is new, but because the area´s old, exhausted land is being given new life. The problems of the southeast are best illustrated by a story that goes back a decade before the turn of the century. The tale describes the funeral of a poor man. “They cut through solid marble to make his grave and yet the little marble tombstone they put above him was from Vermont. They buried him in the heart of a pine tree forest, and yet his pine coffin came form Ohio. They buried him beside an iron mine, and yet his nails in his coffin and the iron in the shovel came from Pittsburgh. They buried him in a coat form New York and shoes from Chicago and a shirt from Cincinnati. The South didn’t supply anything for that funeral except the body and the hole in the ground.”
An outline of American Geography. International Communication Agency. USA. 1978.

Based on the text, one can say that

I. the story shows the south had added too many skills to its raw materials.
II. geography has been kind to the Southeastern resources of the United States.
III. the South needs to change more rapidly than other parts of the U.S.
IV. the story told reflects the present southerner socio-economic context.
V. the South did not supply anything to the funeral described in this text.

Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.
Ano: 2019 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2019 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q1300224 Inglês
High Mobility
America's extensive transportation network is an important element in its high level of economic interaction. Goods and people move freely within and between regions of the country. Regional interdependence is great; it ismade possible by these interregional flows. Relative isolation is uncommon, but it does exist.
Nearly 20 percent of all Americans change their residence in any one year. Although much of this residential migration is local in nature, it does result in substantial interregional population movement. Until the last decade of the 19th century, there was a strong westward population shift toward frontier agricultural lands. The focus of opportunity then changed and migration shifted to urban areas. More recently, the U.S. economy has entered what some call a post-industrial phase; employment growth is primarily in professions and services rather than primary (extractive) or secondary (manufacturing) sectors. Such employment is much more flexible in its location, and there has been a more rapid growth in such employment in areas that appear to contain greater amenities.
<>. Acesso em 24.fev.2019.

According to the text,

I. high population mobility rates are rather negative for the economy.
II. lots of people currently migrate towards frontier agricultural lands.
III. people tend to move where jobs are mostly readily available.
IV. most jobs now concentrate on primary and secondary sectors.
V. most residential mobility flows occur at a local or regional level.

Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.
Ano: 2019 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2019 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q1300223 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
<>. Acesso em 25.fev.2019.

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