Questões de Vestibular Sobre inglês

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Ano: 2017 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2017 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268750 Inglês
• Leia o texto e responda às questões:
How has Princess Diana's death changed the Royal Family?
The death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the public's response to it, shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace. It was bloodless. All the royals remain standing. But the power has shifted.
The departure, earlier this month, of the Queen's dedicated senior official Sir Christopher Geidt has meant her eldest son can exert more control over the monarchy's direction of travel.
The comings and goings of courtiers excite those on the inside and leave outsiders cold.
However, recent changes should cheer Prince Charles. The heir who's waited and waited is more content and less anguished.
He's still driven by a desire to deliver change but the royal prophet in the wilderness on climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.
A prince once derided for talking to plants is praised for trying to save the planet.
With each year that passes, his mother will do less and he will do more.
There are fewer clouds on his horizon. It's a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses:
his televised admission of adultery, and his leaked comments about tampons.

Lasting influence

And yet, and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles.
A recent YouGov poll commissioned by the Press Association suggested that the number of people who believe the Prince of Wales has made a positive contribution to the Royal Family has fallen over the past four years, down from 60% to 36%.
This polling took place at a time when it was hard to escape references to Charles's painful past.
Newspapers and television channels have reflected at length on the influence of Diana, Princess of Wales, an influence that stretched from fashion to the British monarchy.
It's been a month of coverage that must have perplexed anyone under the age of 25 and would have confused a visiting Martian.
Charles's many supporters will argue that Diana's adverse impact on his popularity will recede with each passing year. But 20 years on, her influence still registers.(...)

Disponível em: < Acesso em: Agosto de 2017)

Assinale a questão que NÃO possui o mesmo uso do “Genitive Case” como na seguinte parte do texto: “Charles's many supporters will argue(...)”:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2017 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268749 Inglês
• Leia o texto e responda às questões:
How has Princess Diana's death changed the Royal Family?
The death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the public's response to it, shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace. It was bloodless. All the royals remain standing. But the power has shifted.
The departure, earlier this month, of the Queen's dedicated senior official Sir Christopher Geidt has meant her eldest son can exert more control over the monarchy's direction of travel.
The comings and goings of courtiers excite those on the inside and leave outsiders cold.
However, recent changes should cheer Prince Charles. The heir who's waited and waited is more content and less anguished.
He's still driven by a desire to deliver change but the royal prophet in the wilderness on climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.
A prince once derided for talking to plants is praised for trying to save the planet.
With each year that passes, his mother will do less and he will do more.
There are fewer clouds on his horizon. It's a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses:
his televised admission of adultery, and his leaked comments about tampons.

Lasting influence

And yet, and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles.
A recent YouGov poll commissioned by the Press Association suggested that the number of people who believe the Prince of Wales has made a positive contribution to the Royal Family has fallen over the past four years, down from 60% to 36%.
This polling took place at a time when it was hard to escape references to Charles's painful past.
Newspapers and television channels have reflected at length on the influence of Diana, Princess of Wales, an influence that stretched from fashion to the British monarchy.
It's been a month of coverage that must have perplexed anyone under the age of 25 and would have confused a visiting Martian.
Charles's many supporters will argue that Diana's adverse impact on his popularity will recede with each passing year. But 20 years on, her influence still registers.(...)

Disponível em: < Acesso em: Agosto de 2017)

Observe a seguinte frase:
“And yet and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles”.
Uma tradução para o termo grifado “Whatever” no context da frase seria:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2017 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268748 Inglês
• Leia o texto e responda às questões:
How has Princess Diana's death changed the Royal Family?
The death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the public's response to it, shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace. It was bloodless. All the royals remain standing. But the power has shifted.
The departure, earlier this month, of the Queen's dedicated senior official Sir Christopher Geidt has meant her eldest son can exert more control over the monarchy's direction of travel.
The comings and goings of courtiers excite those on the inside and leave outsiders cold.
However, recent changes should cheer Prince Charles. The heir who's waited and waited is more content and less anguished.
He's still driven by a desire to deliver change but the royal prophet in the wilderness on climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.
A prince once derided for talking to plants is praised for trying to save the planet.
With each year that passes, his mother will do less and he will do more.
There are fewer clouds on his horizon. It's a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses:
his televised admission of adultery, and his leaked comments about tampons.

Lasting influence

And yet, and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles.
A recent YouGov poll commissioned by the Press Association suggested that the number of people who believe the Prince of Wales has made a positive contribution to the Royal Family has fallen over the past four years, down from 60% to 36%.
This polling took place at a time when it was hard to escape references to Charles's painful past.
Newspapers and television channels have reflected at length on the influence of Diana, Princess of Wales, an influence that stretched from fashion to the British monarchy.
It's been a month of coverage that must have perplexed anyone under the age of 25 and would have confused a visiting Martian.
Charles's many supporters will argue that Diana's adverse impact on his popularity will recede with each passing year. But 20 years on, her influence still registers.(...)

Disponível em: < Acesso em: Agosto de 2017)

O tempo verbal grifado na seguinte frase “Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace” é o:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2017 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268747 Inglês
• Leia o texto e responda às questões:
How has Princess Diana's death changed the Royal Family?
The death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the public's response to it, shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace. It was bloodless. All the royals remain standing. But the power has shifted.
The departure, earlier this month, of the Queen's dedicated senior official Sir Christopher Geidt has meant her eldest son can exert more control over the monarchy's direction of travel.
The comings and goings of courtiers excite those on the inside and leave outsiders cold.
However, recent changes should cheer Prince Charles. The heir who's waited and waited is more content and less anguished.
He's still driven by a desire to deliver change but the royal prophet in the wilderness on climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.
A prince once derided for talking to plants is praised for trying to save the planet.
With each year that passes, his mother will do less and he will do more.
There are fewer clouds on his horizon. It's a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses:
his televised admission of adultery, and his leaked comments about tampons.

Lasting influence

And yet, and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles.
A recent YouGov poll commissioned by the Press Association suggested that the number of people who believe the Prince of Wales has made a positive contribution to the Royal Family has fallen over the past four years, down from 60% to 36%.
This polling took place at a time when it was hard to escape references to Charles's painful past.
Newspapers and television channels have reflected at length on the influence of Diana, Princess of Wales, an influence that stretched from fashion to the British monarchy.
It's been a month of coverage that must have perplexed anyone under the age of 25 and would have confused a visiting Martian.
Charles's many supporters will argue that Diana's adverse impact on his popularity will recede with each passing year. But 20 years on, her influence still registers.(...)

Disponível em: < Acesso em: Agosto de 2017)

Observe a frase retirada do texto e escolha a opção CORRETA:

“It’s a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses”

Ano: 2017 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2017 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268746 Inglês
• Leia o texto e responda às questões:
How has Princess Diana's death changed the Royal Family?
The death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the public's response to it, shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace. It was bloodless. All the royals remain standing. But the power has shifted.
The departure, earlier this month, of the Queen's dedicated senior official Sir Christopher Geidt has meant her eldest son can exert more control over the monarchy's direction of travel.
The comings and goings of courtiers excite those on the inside and leave outsiders cold.
However, recent changes should cheer Prince Charles. The heir who's waited and waited is more content and less anguished.
He's still driven by a desire to deliver change but the royal prophet in the wilderness on climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.
A prince once derided for talking to plants is praised for trying to save the planet.
With each year that passes, his mother will do less and he will do more.
There are fewer clouds on his horizon. It's a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses:
his televised admission of adultery, and his leaked comments about tampons.

Lasting influence

And yet, and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles.
A recent YouGov poll commissioned by the Press Association suggested that the number of people who believe the Prince of Wales has made a positive contribution to the Royal Family has fallen over the past four years, down from 60% to 36%.
This polling took place at a time when it was hard to escape references to Charles's painful past.
Newspapers and television channels have reflected at length on the influence of Diana, Princess of Wales, an influence that stretched from fashion to the British monarchy.
It's been a month of coverage that must have perplexed anyone under the age of 25 and would have confused a visiting Martian.
Charles's many supporters will argue that Diana's adverse impact on his popularity will recede with each passing year. But 20 years on, her influence still registers.(...)

Disponível em: < Acesso em: Agosto de 2017)

Escolha a alternativa FALSA sobre o texto:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UNIMONTES Órgão: Unimontes - MG Prova: UNIMONTES - 2017 - Unimontes - MG - Vestibular |
Q1268629 Inglês


Eduardo Martins passed off photos of British surfer as himself and some of his war zone pictures were stolen.

Analise as afirmativas a seguir, tendo como base o texto, e assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UNIMONTES Órgão: Unimontes - MG Prova: UNIMONTES - 2017 - Unimontes - MG - Vestibular |
Q1268628 Inglês


Eduardo Martins passed off photos of British surfer as himself and some of his war zone pictures were stolen.

No trecho “Costa Netto, who had been in touch with Martins over plans to stage an exhibition of his work, told the Guardian in an email that he was deeply disappointed.” (Linhas 21-22), o pronome “he” em destaque refere-se a:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UNIMONTES Órgão: Unimontes - MG Prova: UNIMONTES - 2017 - Unimontes - MG - Vestibular |
Q1268627 Inglês


Eduardo Martins passed off photos of British surfer as himself and some of his war zone pictures were stolen.

No trecho “According to the BBC, Costa Netto inadvertently told Martins that suspicions were circulating that he was fake [...]” (Linhas 16-17), podemos identificar verbos que foram empregados no:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UNIMONTES Órgão: Unimontes - MG Prova: UNIMONTES - 2017 - Unimontes - MG - Vestibular |
Q1268626 Inglês


Eduardo Martins passed off photos of British surfer as himself and some of his war zone pictures were stolen.

Segundo o texto, sobre Eduardo Martins, é CORRETO afirmar:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF-TO Órgão: IF-TO Prova: IF-TO - 2017 - IF-TO - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268579 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Charges são produzidas com o intuito de satirizar comportamentos humanos e assim oportunizarem a reflexão sobre nossos próprios comportamentos e atitudes. Nessa charge, a linguagem utilizada pelas personagens em uma conversa em inglês evidencia:

I - a confusão mental do pai ao visitar o filho na cadeia e confundi-lo com outro presidiário.

II - o diálogo entre dois presidiários e um carcereiro a respeito do sistema carcerário no Brasil.

III - a ausência de comunicação no sistema carcerário.

IV - a distração do pai ao visitar o sobrinho preso na cadeia e confundi-lo com outro presidiário.

V - a ausência de comunicação entre pais e filhos.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Ano: 2017 Banca: IF-TO Órgão: IF-TO Prova: IF-TO - 2017 - IF-TO - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268578 Inglês

How English evolved into a global language

        As the British Library charts the evolution of English in a new major exhibition, author Michael Rosen gives a brief history of a language that has grown to world domination with phrases such as "cool" and "go to it".

        The need for an international language has always existed. In the past it was about religion and intellectual debate. With the technologies of today, it's about communicating with others anywhere in the world in a matter of moments.

          Two events, separated by nearly 400 years, show how this need has always been present.

         Firstly, sitting in front of me I have a copy of the celebrated book Utopia, by Sir Thomas More. This particular edition is published in 1629 in Amsterdam, not in English, not in Dutch, but in Latin.

       The second event was a talk I recently had with a German scientist. He said that he knew of scientific conferences taking place in Germany, where all the people attending were German and yet the conference was conducted in English.

 Source: <>

From the text extracts below, the only one in the Present Perfect is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF-TO Órgão: IF-TO Prova: IF-TO - 2017 - IF-TO - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268577 Inglês

How English evolved into a global language

        As the British Library charts the evolution of English in a new major exhibition, author Michael Rosen gives a brief history of a language that has grown to world domination with phrases such as "cool" and "go to it".

        The need for an international language has always existed. In the past it was about religion and intellectual debate. With the technologies of today, it's about communicating with others anywhere in the world in a matter of moments.

          Two events, separated by nearly 400 years, show how this need has always been present.

         Firstly, sitting in front of me I have a copy of the celebrated book Utopia, by Sir Thomas More. This particular edition is published in 1629 in Amsterdam, not in English, not in Dutch, but in Latin.

       The second event was a talk I recently had with a German scientist. He said that he knew of scientific conferences taking place in Germany, where all the people attending were German and yet the conference was conducted in English.

 Source: <>

De acordo com a abordagem do texto, podemos inferir que a alternativa que contém a melhor interpretação para o título (How English evolved into a global language) é:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF-TO Órgão: IF-TO Prova: IF-TO - 2017 - IF-TO - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268576 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão Observe o anúncio e marque V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) nos itens a seguir. Logo após, assinale a alternativa correta.

( ) O anúncio faz a divulgação de vagas de estágio.
( ) O anúncio não exige conhecimento para o preenchimento das vagas.
( ) Para todas as vagas é exigida somente a formação em nível médio.
( ) As vagas de emprego são para uma estação de metrô.
( ) O anúncio informa que são mais de 34.400 lojas em todo o mundo.
Ano: 2010 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: FUVEST
Q1268037 Inglês
Texto para a questão

    As everybody knows, if you do not work out, your muscles get flaccid. What most people don’t realize, however, is that your brain also stays in better shape when you exercise.
    Surprised? Although the idea of exercising cognitive machinery by performing mentally demanding activities – popularly termed the “use it or lose it” hypothesis – is better known, a review of dozens of studies shows that maintaining a mental edge requires more than that. Other things you do – including participating in activities that make you think, getting regular exercise, staying socially engaged and even having a positive attitude – have a meaningful influence on how effective your cognitive functioning will be in old age.
Acessado em 06/07/2009. Adaptado.  
Segundo o texto, o bom funcionamento de nosso cérebro na velhice depende, entre outros fatores,
Ano: 2010 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: FUVEST
Q1268036 Inglês
Texto para a questão

    As everybody knows, if you do not work out, your muscles get flaccid. What most people don’t realize, however, is that your brain also stays in better shape when you exercise.
    Surprised? Although the idea of exercising cognitive machinery by performing mentally demanding activities – popularly termed the “use it or lose it” hypothesis – is better known, a review of dozens of studies shows that maintaining a mental edge requires more than that. Other things you do – including participating in activities that make you think, getting regular exercise, staying socially engaged and even having a positive attitude – have a meaningful influence on how effective your cognitive functioning will be in old age.
Acessado em 06/07/2009. Adaptado.  
O texto informa que
Ano: 2010 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: FUVEST
Q1268035 Inglês
Texto para a questão  

The Economist, March 14th 2009.  
O pronome “another” (L. 3) na sentença “...the chances of finding another...” refere-se a
Ano: 2016 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2016 - UPE - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1267841 Inglês

Leia os textos 6, 7 e 8 e complete as lacunas com verbos auxiliares modais. Atenção para o contexto e o uso da língua, conforme a gramática.

A sequência CORRETA que completa as lacunas dos textos 6, 7 e 8 está indicada na alternativa
Ano: 2016 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2016 - UPE - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1267840 Inglês

Text 3


Care for Elephants

Asian elephants face many threats – especially loss of habitat due to encroaching development, which can lead to conflict with humans. Today the elephant population in Thailand is estimated at only 3,000 to 4,000. Lend a hand with the least fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai. As a sanctuary for orphaned and disabled elephants, some of which have been abused as work animals, the center invites visitors to help feed and bathe the gentle giants, as well as assist with general maintenance around the park.[…]

Text 4


Explore the Badlands

Over the past half million years, erosion has sculpted sediment deposited by the ancient sea that once stretched across the Great Plains into buttes, spires, and pinnacle formations, leaving us the Badlands. Named by the Lakota for its unwelcoming terrain that they believed was riddled with the remains of a mythological horned serpent, the striking landscape inspires awe among visitors today, especially during the magic hours of sunrise and sunset, and under a full moon.[…] 

Text 5


Rescue Sea Turtles

Commercial fishing, coastal development, humans harvesting eggs, marine debris, oil spills: The threats to sea turtles are staggering. Only an estimated one in 1,000 to 10,000 survives to adulthood, which is why conservationists around the world depend on volunteers to give these primordial creatures the best shot possible. Help conduct nightly patrols along the black-sand beaches of Tortuguero National Park on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, one of the most important nesting sites in the Western Hemisphere.[…] 

(In: Places That Will Change Your Life. Produced by National Geographic Partners, Washington, DC: 2016. Adaptado.)

Considerando a gramática e as funções comunicativas da língua, os termos ‘Explore’ and ‘Rescue’, nos subtítulos dos textos 4 e 5, são
Ano: 2016 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2016 - UPE - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1267839 Inglês

Text 3


Care for Elephants

Asian elephants face many threats – especially loss of habitat due to encroaching development, which can lead to conflict with humans. Today the elephant population in Thailand is estimated at only 3,000 to 4,000. Lend a hand with the least fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai. As a sanctuary for orphaned and disabled elephants, some of which have been abused as work animals, the center invites visitors to help feed and bathe the gentle giants, as well as assist with general maintenance around the park.[…]

Text 4


Explore the Badlands

Over the past half million years, erosion has sculpted sediment deposited by the ancient sea that once stretched across the Great Plains into buttes, spires, and pinnacle formations, leaving us the Badlands. Named by the Lakota for its unwelcoming terrain that they believed was riddled with the remains of a mythological horned serpent, the striking landscape inspires awe among visitors today, especially during the magic hours of sunrise and sunset, and under a full moon.[…] 

Text 5


Rescue Sea Turtles

Commercial fishing, coastal development, humans harvesting eggs, marine debris, oil spills: The threats to sea turtles are staggering. Only an estimated one in 1,000 to 10,000 survives to adulthood, which is why conservationists around the world depend on volunteers to give these primordial creatures the best shot possible. Help conduct nightly patrols along the black-sand beaches of Tortuguero National Park on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, one of the most important nesting sites in the Western Hemisphere.[…] 

(In: Places That Will Change Your Life. Produced by National Geographic Partners, Washington, DC: 2016. Adaptado.)

No texto 5, em: ‘Commercial fishing, coastal development, humans harvesting eggs, marine debris, oil spills: the threats to sea turtles are staggering.’, há
Ano: 2016 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2016 - UPE - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1267838 Inglês

Text 3


Care for Elephants

Asian elephants face many threats – especially loss of habitat due to encroaching development, which can lead to conflict with humans. Today the elephant population in Thailand is estimated at only 3,000 to 4,000. Lend a hand with the least fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai. As a sanctuary for orphaned and disabled elephants, some of which have been abused as work animals, the center invites visitors to help feed and bathe the gentle giants, as well as assist with general maintenance around the park.[…]

Text 4


Explore the Badlands

Over the past half million years, erosion has sculpted sediment deposited by the ancient sea that once stretched across the Great Plains into buttes, spires, and pinnacle formations, leaving us the Badlands. Named by the Lakota for its unwelcoming terrain that they believed was riddled with the remains of a mythological horned serpent, the striking landscape inspires awe among visitors today, especially during the magic hours of sunrise and sunset, and under a full moon.[…] 

Text 5


Rescue Sea Turtles

Commercial fishing, coastal development, humans harvesting eggs, marine debris, oil spills: The threats to sea turtles are staggering. Only an estimated one in 1,000 to 10,000 survives to adulthood, which is why conservationists around the world depend on volunteers to give these primordial creatures the best shot possible. Help conduct nightly patrols along the black-sand beaches of Tortuguero National Park on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, one of the most important nesting sites in the Western Hemisphere.[…] 

(In: Places That Will Change Your Life. Produced by National Geographic Partners, Washington, DC: 2016. Adaptado.)

No trechoLend a hand with the least fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai …’ (texto 3), a expressão grifada corresponde, em português, a
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