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Ano: 2018 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2018 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1266538 Inglês
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’Hitting women isn’t normal’: tackling male violence in Brazil
A rehabilitation programme for violent men in Espírito Santo is cutting reoffending rates In the state of Espírito Santo, violence against women is rampant. From 2005 to 2012, the state had the highest rate of murders of women in the country. In the years since, it has been in the top five. Nationwide, almost a third of girls and women said in a 2017 survey that they had suffered violence -– ranging from threats and beatings to attempted murder – during the previous year.
The problem permeates all levels of society and it is a huge challenge, says Gracimeri Gaviorno, chief officer of the civil police in Espírito Santo. Gaviorno saw many men reoffend while they waited -– in some cases for years — for their trial, so she decided to do something about it. “You can’t just wait with your arms folded while the justice system takes its time to do something,” she says. In 2016, she worked with psychologists, social workers and other police departments to develop the Homem que é Homem programme to rehabilitate aggressive men.
The programme is voluntary and offered to all men who come into contact with the police for violence against women. For those who complete it, there is no reduction in sentencing, but it can be presented to the judge as a kind of character witness. There are seven courses a year, with four 90-minute sessions a week for five weeks. Everyone arrested for violence against women must attend an introductory lecture.
Ana Paula Milani, a police psychologist involved in running the programme, says: “I start off explaining that hitting a woman isn’t normal and is a crime, and that there is a programme to help them. The majority of men don’t know why they are there, and even after my lecture, some still think it was the woman’s fault.” For every course, around 60 men will come to the first lecture; around 20 agree to participate in the programme and 15 complete it.
Group sessions are run like an AA group. Participants sit in a circle and discussions revolve around gender roles in society. They examine the concept of masculinity -– machismo is rife in Brazil -– and talk about why men are more likely to take drugs and why the male suicide rate is higher. They then discuss how to manage and resolve conflict without resorting to violence. The last meeting is about how to return to having a relationship and how to regain trust. The programme, run by police professionals, has been successful. In its first year, 6% of attendees reoffended; the number fell to 3% in its second year and in 2017, when 73 men completed the course, 2% reoffended. The project has been replicated in three other areas of the state, and there are plans to launch it in two other municipalities.
Gaviorno, who was a finalist in the first awards in Brazil to recognise outstanding contributions to the public sector, is aware that the project plays only a small part in tackling violence against women, which she says continues to be “a huge challenge”. “From the female lawyer who asks for something from the judge and gets it because she is pretty, to the woman who is murdered by her husband, there are a lot of layers of sexism in Brazil,” she says. Until this changes, Gaviorno and her colleagues will have their work cut out.
(Adaptado de: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2018.)
Sobre o texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1266332 Inglês

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5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work

    Since the pace and intensity of contemporary work culture are not likely to change, it’s more important than ever to build resilience skills to effectively navigate your worklife. While working as a CEO I’ve seen over and over again that the most resilient individuals aren’t the ones that don’t fail, but rather the ones that fail, learn and thrive1 because of it.

    Resilience is built by attitudes, behaviors and social supports that can be adopted and cultivated by anyone. Factors that lead to resilience include optimism and the ability to stay balanced and manage difficult emotions. To build resilience skills at work it’s important to understand and manage some of the factors that cause us to feel so stressed at work. Being hyperconnected and responsive to work anytime, anywhere, can be extremely onerous.

    The current and rising levels of stress in the workplace should be cause for concern, as there is a direct and adverse relationship between negative stress, wellness and productivity. Stress that causes us to experience difficulty or unhealthy strain is a major cause for concern as it directly and adversely affects personal and business success. Here are some tips on how to develop resilience and stay motivated:

    Exercise mindfulness – Turn your attention to mental training practices associated with mindfulness to improve your judgment accuracy and problem solving, job performance and cognitive flexibility.

    Compartmentalize your cognitive load – Create dedicated times in the day to do specific work-related activities and not others.

    Take detachment2 breaks – Step away from work for even a few minutes to reset energy and attention. Balancing work activity can promote greater energy, mental clarity, creativity and focus.

    Develop mental agility – Decenter stress: step back, reflect, shift perspectives, create options and choose wisely.

    Cultivate compassion – Create positive work relationships, increase cooperation and collaboration, happiness and well-being to decrease stress.

<> Acesso em: 04.03.2018. Adaptado.

(1) Thrive: prosperar, desenvolver, ter sucesso.
(2) Detachment: descolamento, distanciamento, separação.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sugestão ligada aos benefícios das pausas durante o trabalho.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1266331 Inglês

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5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work

    Since the pace and intensity of contemporary work culture are not likely to change, it’s more important than ever to build resilience skills to effectively navigate your worklife. While working as a CEO I’ve seen over and over again that the most resilient individuals aren’t the ones that don’t fail, but rather the ones that fail, learn and thrive1 because of it.

    Resilience is built by attitudes, behaviors and social supports that can be adopted and cultivated by anyone. Factors that lead to resilience include optimism and the ability to stay balanced and manage difficult emotions. To build resilience skills at work it’s important to understand and manage some of the factors that cause us to feel so stressed at work. Being hyperconnected and responsive to work anytime, anywhere, can be extremely onerous.

    The current and rising levels of stress in the workplace should be cause for concern, as there is a direct and adverse relationship between negative stress, wellness and productivity. Stress that causes us to experience difficulty or unhealthy strain is a major cause for concern as it directly and adversely affects personal and business success. Here are some tips on how to develop resilience and stay motivated:

    Exercise mindfulness – Turn your attention to mental training practices associated with mindfulness to improve your judgment accuracy and problem solving, job performance and cognitive flexibility.

    Compartmentalize your cognitive load – Create dedicated times in the day to do specific work-related activities and not others.

    Take detachment2 breaks – Step away from work for even a few minutes to reset energy and attention. Balancing work activity can promote greater energy, mental clarity, creativity and focus.

    Develop mental agility – Decenter stress: step back, reflect, shift perspectives, create options and choose wisely.

    Cultivate compassion – Create positive work relationships, increase cooperation and collaboration, happiness and well-being to decrease stress.

<> Acesso em: 04.03.2018. Adaptado.

(1) Thrive: prosperar, desenvolver, ter sucesso.
(2) Detachment: descolamento, distanciamento, separação.

Segundo o texto, o crescente nível de estresse no trabalho
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1266330 Inglês

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5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work

    Since the pace and intensity of contemporary work culture are not likely to change, it’s more important than ever to build resilience skills to effectively navigate your worklife. While working as a CEO I’ve seen over and over again that the most resilient individuals aren’t the ones that don’t fail, but rather the ones that fail, learn and thrive1 because of it.

    Resilience is built by attitudes, behaviors and social supports that can be adopted and cultivated by anyone. Factors that lead to resilience include optimism and the ability to stay balanced and manage difficult emotions. To build resilience skills at work it’s important to understand and manage some of the factors that cause us to feel so stressed at work. Being hyperconnected and responsive to work anytime, anywhere, can be extremely onerous.

    The current and rising levels of stress in the workplace should be cause for concern, as there is a direct and adverse relationship between negative stress, wellness and productivity. Stress that causes us to experience difficulty or unhealthy strain is a major cause for concern as it directly and adversely affects personal and business success. Here are some tips on how to develop resilience and stay motivated:

    Exercise mindfulness – Turn your attention to mental training practices associated with mindfulness to improve your judgment accuracy and problem solving, job performance and cognitive flexibility.

    Compartmentalize your cognitive load – Create dedicated times in the day to do specific work-related activities and not others.

    Take detachment2 breaks – Step away from work for even a few minutes to reset energy and attention. Balancing work activity can promote greater energy, mental clarity, creativity and focus.

    Develop mental agility – Decenter stress: step back, reflect, shift perspectives, create options and choose wisely.

    Cultivate compassion – Create positive work relationships, increase cooperation and collaboration, happiness and well-being to decrease stress.

<> Acesso em: 04.03.2018. Adaptado.

(1) Thrive: prosperar, desenvolver, ter sucesso.
(2) Detachment: descolamento, distanciamento, separação.

De acordo com o texto, a resiliência no mundo do trabalho
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1266329 Inglês

eia o texto para responder à questão.

5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work

    Since the pace and intensity of contemporary work culture are not likely to change, it’s more important than ever to build resilience skills to effectively navigate your worklife. While working as a CEO I’ve seen over and over again that the most resilient individuals aren’t the ones that don’t fail, but rather the ones that fail, learn and thrive1 because of it.

    Resilience is built by attitudes, behaviors and social supports that can be adopted and cultivated by anyone. Factors that lead to resilience include optimism and the ability to stay balanced and manage difficult emotions. To build resilience skills at work it’s important to understand and manage some of the factors that cause us to feel so stressed at work. Being hyperconnected and responsive to work anytime, anywhere, can be extremely onerous.

    The current and rising levels of stress in the workplace should be cause for concern, as there is a direct and adverse relationship between negative stress, wellness and productivity. Stress that causes us to experience difficulty or unhealthy strain is a major cause for concern as it directly and adversely affects personal and business success. Here are some tips on how to develop resilience and stay motivated:

    Exercise mindfulness – Turn your attention to mental training practices associated with mindfulness to improve your judgment accuracy and problem solving, job performance and cognitive flexibility.

    Compartmentalize your cognitive load – Create dedicated times in the day to do specific work-related activities and not others.

    Take detachment2 breaks – Step away from work for even a few minutes to reset energy and attention. Balancing work activity can promote greater energy, mental clarity, creativity and focus.

    Develop mental agility – Decenter stress: step back, reflect, shift perspectives, create options and choose wisely.

    Cultivate compassion – Create positive work relationships, increase cooperation and collaboration, happiness and well-being to decrease stress.

<> Acesso em: 04.03.2018. Adaptado.

(1) Thrive: prosperar, desenvolver, ter sucesso.
(2) Detachment: descolamento, distanciamento, separação.

No segundo parágrafo do texto, o trecho “.... can be extremely onerous.” refere-se a
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1266328 Inglês

eia o texto para responder à questão.

5 Ways to Boost Your Resilience at Work

    Since the pace and intensity of contemporary work culture are not likely to change, it’s more important than ever to build resilience skills to effectively navigate your worklife. While working as a CEO I’ve seen over and over again that the most resilient individuals aren’t the ones that don’t fail, but rather the ones that fail, learn and thrive1 because of it.

    Resilience is built by attitudes, behaviors and social supports that can be adopted and cultivated by anyone. Factors that lead to resilience include optimism and the ability to stay balanced and manage difficult emotions. To build resilience skills at work it’s important to understand and manage some of the factors that cause us to feel so stressed at work. Being hyperconnected and responsive to work anytime, anywhere, can be extremely onerous.

    The current and rising levels of stress in the workplace should be cause for concern, as there is a direct and adverse relationship between negative stress, wellness and productivity. Stress that causes us to experience difficulty or unhealthy strain is a major cause for concern as it directly and adversely affects personal and business success. Here are some tips on how to develop resilience and stay motivated:

    Exercise mindfulness – Turn your attention to mental training practices associated with mindfulness to improve your judgment accuracy and problem solving, job performance and cognitive flexibility.

    Compartmentalize your cognitive load – Create dedicated times in the day to do specific work-related activities and not others.

    Take detachment2 breaks – Step away from work for even a few minutes to reset energy and attention. Balancing work activity can promote greater energy, mental clarity, creativity and focus.

    Develop mental agility – Decenter stress: step back, reflect, shift perspectives, create options and choose wisely.

    Cultivate compassion – Create positive work relationships, increase cooperation and collaboration, happiness and well-being to decrease stress.

<> Acesso em: 04.03.2018. Adaptado.

(1) Thrive: prosperar, desenvolver, ter sucesso.
(2) Detachment: descolamento, distanciamento, separação.

Na frase, “I’ve seen over and over again ....”, presente no primeiro parágrafo do texto, o autor refere-se a uma ação que
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1266311 Inglês

Considere a charge.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A charge, referente ao ambiente de trabalho, mostra um chefe sugerindo que seu funcionário

Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1266278 Inglês
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à questão.

The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.

     The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem solving; critical thinking; creativity; people management; coordinating with others; emotional intelligence; judgement and decision making; service orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.

     The ten skills on this list make sense fo r the age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus on creative work, because that is where you are likely to remain employable. Every professional can be creative in the work she does.

     You might have started to realize that you will need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

     In some instances, relearning could be adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell phones as an example. When they first came out, they were used solely as communications devices. Convergence happened, and now our smartphones are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a phone.

     In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills. Here are some of the additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. 

     Learning how to learn. Since skills are constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. 

     Analyzing information. When you take good and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the big ideas, understand, and make sense of information.

     Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend that you combine ideas from the different books that you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas and trends.

Communicating – written and oral. You can combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to communicate them to influencers, who can help you to shape and implement them.

Understanding and leveraging technology. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so you need to understand and keep on top of it.

<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. Adaptado.
De acordo com o texto, algumas habilidades adicionais serão necessárias para os empregos do futuro. A capacidade de fazer anotações detalhadas, selecionar ideias principais, entender e dar sentido às informações refere-se à habilidade de
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1266277 Inglês
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à questão.

The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.

     The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem solving; critical thinking; creativity; people management; coordinating with others; emotional intelligence; judgement and decision making; service orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.

     The ten skills on this list make sense fo r the age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus on creative work, because that is where you are likely to remain employable. Every professional can be creative in the work she does.

     You might have started to realize that you will need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

     In some instances, relearning could be adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell phones as an example. When they first came out, they were used solely as communications devices. Convergence happened, and now our smartphones are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a phone.

     In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills. Here are some of the additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. 

     Learning how to learn. Since skills are constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. 

     Analyzing information. When you take good and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the big ideas, understand, and make sense of information.

     Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend that you combine ideas from the different books that you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas and trends.

Communicating – written and oral. You can combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to communicate them to influencers, who can help you to shape and implement them.

Understanding and leveraging technology. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so you need to understand and keep on top of it.

<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. Adaptado.
Na oração In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills, presente no quinto parágrafo do texto, a expressão will have to indica
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1266276 Inglês
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à questão.

The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.

     The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem solving; critical thinking; creativity; people management; coordinating with others; emotional intelligence; judgement and decision making; service orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.

     The ten skills on this list make sense fo r the age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus on creative work, because that is where you are likely to remain employable. Every professional can be creative in the work she does.

     You might have started to realize that you will need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

     In some instances, relearning could be adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell phones as an example. When they first came out, they were used solely as communications devices. Convergence happened, and now our smartphones are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a phone.

     In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills. Here are some of the additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. 

     Learning how to learn. Since skills are constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. 

     Analyzing information. When you take good and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the big ideas, understand, and make sense of information.

     Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend that you combine ideas from the different books that you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas and trends.

Communicating – written and oral. You can combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to communicate them to influencers, who can help you to shape and implement them.

Understanding and leveraging technology. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so you need to understand and keep on top of it.

<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. Adaptado.
Na oração The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn, presente no terceiro parágrafo do texto, Toffler afirma que, no século 21, serão consideradas letradas as pessoas que souberem
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1266275 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder
à questão.

The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.

     The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem solving; critical thinking; creativity; people management; coordinating with others; emotional intelligence; judgement and decision making; service orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.

     The ten skills on this list make sense fo r the age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus on creative work, because that is where you are likely to remain employable. Every professional can be creative in the work she does.

     You might have started to realize that you will need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

     In some instances, relearning could be adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell phones as an example. When they first came out, they were used solely as communications devices. Convergence happened, and now our smartphones are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a phone.

     In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills. Here are some of the additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. 

     Learning how to learn. Since skills are constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. 

     Analyzing information. When you take good and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the big ideas, understand, and make sense of information.

     Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend that you combine ideas from the different books that you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas and trends.

Communicating – written and oral. You can combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to communicate them to influencers, who can help you to shape and implement them.

Understanding and leveraging technology. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so you need to understand and keep on top of it.

<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. Adaptado.
De acordo com o texto, dentre as dez habilidades apontadas como necessárias para os profissionais prosperarem em 2020, a habilidade que apresenta maior probabilidade para que uma pessoa se mantenha empregada é
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1266274 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder
à questão.

The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.

     The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem solving; critical thinking; creativity; people management; coordinating with others; emotional intelligence; judgement and decision making; service orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.

     The ten skills on this list make sense fo r the age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus on creative work, because that is where you are likely to remain employable. Every professional can be creative in the work she does.

     You might have started to realize that you will need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

     In some instances, relearning could be adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell phones as an example. When they first came out, they were used solely as communications devices. Convergence happened, and now our smartphones are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a phone.

     In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills. Here are some of the additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. 

     Learning how to learn. Since skills are constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. 

     Analyzing information. When you take good and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the big ideas, understand, and make sense of information.

     Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend that you combine ideas from the different books that you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas and trends.

Communicating – written and oral. You can combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to communicate them to influencers, who can help you to shape and implement them.

Understanding and leveraging technology. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so you need to understand and keep on top of it.

<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. Adaptado.
Na frase, The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020…, presente no primeiro parágrafo do texto, a palavra thrive pode ser substituída por
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1266251 Inglês
Analise a charge.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

As expressões I’m not lacking leadership e Everyone else is lacking, para expressar o sarcasmo da charge, demonstram que o profissional em questão
Ano: 2014 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2014 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266224 Inglês
Para responder a questão, considere a tirinha que mostra o diálogo entre o menino Calvin e o seu tigre de pelúcia – e amigo imaginário – Hobbes.

(Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, Acesso em: 04.12.2013)
A contração won’t presente na fala de Calvin (“I won’t get the ‘A’ I deserve!”) é composta pelos termos
Ano: 2014 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2014 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266223 Inglês
Para responder a questão, considere a tirinha que mostra o diálogo entre o menino Calvin e o seu tigre de pelúcia – e amigo imaginário – Hobbes.

(Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, Acesso em: 04.12.2013)
No último quadro da tirinha, os quinze minutos que Hobbes menciona dizem respeito ao tempo que Calvin
Ano: 2014 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2014 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266222 Inglês
Para responder a questão, considere a tirinha que mostra o diálogo entre o menino Calvin e o seu tigre de pelúcia – e amigo imaginário – Hobbes.

(Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, Acesso em: 04.12.2013)
No terceiro quadro da tirinha, Calvin afirma que não conseguirá a nota “A” que ele julga merecer pois
Ano: 2014 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2014 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266221 Inglês
Para responder a questão, considere a tirinha que mostra o diálogo entre o menino Calvin e o seu tigre de pelúcia – e amigo imaginário – Hobbes.

(Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, Acesso em: 04.12.2013)
No segundo quadro da tirinha, Hobbes
Ano: 2014 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2014 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266220 Inglês
Para responder a questão, considere a tirinha que mostra o diálogo entre o menino Calvin e o seu tigre de pelúcia – e amigo imaginário – Hobbes.

(Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, Acesso em: 04.12.2013)
De acordo com a fala de Calvin no primeiro quadro da tirinha
Ano: 2014 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2014 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266204 Inglês

Learning to Speak Brazinglish


Published: November 8, 2013

Brazilians are trying hard to get ready to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

     Despite having a big territory rich with natural scenery, Brazil is not accustomed to many international visitors. The World Tourism Organization, which ranks tourist spending in different countries, puts it 39th on the list, behind much smaller countries like Lebanon, Croatia and Malaysia. Next year, the government expects tourism spending in Brazil to grow by 55 percent, thanks largely to the World Cup. But as that time draws near, the general feeling among my compatriots is one of disbelief (...). The prevailing feeling is captured by the expression “Imagina na Copa ...” — Imagine during the Cup — spoken every time we see a 112-mile-long traffic jam, an overcrowded airport or the rising prices of hotels and flights. If things are already bad, imagine what they’ll be like during the World Cup.

     Such pre-tournament pessimism is common. Last year the British were skeptical about the Olympics, which turned out to be O.K. (...)

    And yet Brazilians are doing what we can to welcome tourists. (...)

( brazinglish.html pagewanted=1&_r=0 Acesso em: 13.02.2014. Adaptado)

O texto afirma que o Brasil

Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266170 Inglês
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Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
O pronome relativo that, em “that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians”, pode ser corretamente substituído, sem alteração do sentido original, por
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