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Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266169 Inglês
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Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
Afirma-se, no terceiro parágrafo, que
Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266168 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
Considere a afirmação: “Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning.”
Um dos efeitos adversos do trabalho excessivo apresentado pelo autor é
Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266167 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
A respeito do autor, o primeiro parágrafo nos informa que ele
Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266166 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
Ao escrever, no início do texto, “I’m having a hard time starting this article”, o autor
Ano: 2017 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2017 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266146 Inglês
Considere o cartum.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
De acordo com o texto do cartum,
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266116 Inglês
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Technology brought us fake news — and it will help us kill it

     “Fake news” - websites disseminating news stories that are false but are believed to be true – was a major feature of the U.S. election season. Some observers believe that it determined the outcome of the election, although there is no way to definitively ascertain its effect on voting.
     Fake news is news that affects the digital universe profoundly. Fake news grew because of the ease of creating and disseminating websites and stories that look and read as credible as real news sites (at least to many people). It is disseminated on social media platforms just because dissemination of information without vetting has always been a feature of those platforms. This was designed to facilitate communication - no one removes a negative comment about a restaurant on Facebook. 
      On the positive side, this means that everyone’s opinion can be disseminated. The awareness of fake news, though, reveals a downside – or perhaps a loophole – of the freedom to post. And fake news may beget1 fake news. Facebook is not the only media company to be an inadvertent host for fake news, but it is by far the largest, with roughly 2 billion users each month.
    Forbes  indicates that the fallout2 from fake news during the election cycle may cause advertisers to pull back from Facebook, as it is less “brand safe” than formerly. If unchecked, fake news could impact the perceived credibility of online sites where fake news runs. Since the election, Facebook has announced plans to refine and increase automated detection of fake news and to make reporting of suspected stories easier for Facebook users. It has also indicated that the current ad system will be changed, to interfere with fake news sites receiving revenue from Facebook.
<> Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado

beget ¹: gerar, criar, produzir.
fallout² efeitos negativos.
A palavra unchecked, presente no quarto parágrafo, é formada por meio da adição do prefixo un- ao termo checked. A alternativa que apresenta uma palavra gramaticalmente correta e formada pelo processo de prefixação, tal como unchecked, é
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266115 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão. 

Technology brought us fake news — and it will help us kill it

     “Fake news” - websites disseminating news stories that are false but are believed to be true – was a major feature of the U.S. election season. Some observers believe that it determined the outcome of the election, although there is no way to definitively ascertain its effect on voting.
     Fake news is news that affects the digital universe profoundly. Fake news grew because of the ease of creating and disseminating websites and stories that look and read as credible as real news sites (at least to many people). It is disseminated on social media platforms just because dissemination of information without vetting has always been a feature of those platforms. This was designed to facilitate communication - no one removes a negative comment about a restaurant on Facebook. 
      On the positive side, this means that everyone’s opinion can be disseminated. The awareness of fake news, though, reveals a downside – or perhaps a loophole – of the freedom to post. And fake news may beget1 fake news. Facebook is not the only media company to be an inadvertent host for fake news, but it is by far the largest, with roughly 2 billion users each month.
    Forbes  indicates that the fallout2 from fake news during the election cycle may cause advertisers to pull back from Facebook, as it is less “brand safe” than formerly. If unchecked, fake news could impact the perceived credibility of online sites where fake news runs. Since the election, Facebook has announced plans to refine and increase automated detection of fake news and to make reporting of suspected stories easier for Facebook users. It has also indicated that the current ad system will be changed, to interfere with fake news sites receiving revenue from Facebook.
<> Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado

beget ¹: gerar, criar, produzir.
fallout² efeitos negativos.
Ainda sobre o Facebook, pode-se afirmar corretamente, com base nos argumentos expostos no texto, que os impactos de fake news
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266114 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão. 

Technology brought us fake news — and it will help us kill it

     “Fake news” - websites disseminating news stories that are false but are believed to be true – was a major feature of the U.S. election season. Some observers believe that it determined the outcome of the election, although there is no way to definitively ascertain its effect on voting.
     Fake news is news that affects the digital universe profoundly. Fake news grew because of the ease of creating and disseminating websites and stories that look and read as credible as real news sites (at least to many people). It is disseminated on social media platforms just because dissemination of information without vetting has always been a feature of those platforms. This was designed to facilitate communication - no one removes a negative comment about a restaurant on Facebook. 
      On the positive side, this means that everyone’s opinion can be disseminated. The awareness of fake news, though, reveals a downside – or perhaps a loophole – of the freedom to post. And fake news may beget1 fake news. Facebook is not the only media company to be an inadvertent host for fake news, but it is by far the largest, with roughly 2 billion users each month.
    Forbes  indicates that the fallout2 from fake news during the election cycle may cause advertisers to pull back from Facebook, as it is less “brand safe” than formerly. If unchecked, fake news could impact the perceived credibility of online sites where fake news runs. Since the election, Facebook has announced plans to refine and increase automated detection of fake news and to make reporting of suspected stories easier for Facebook users. It has also indicated that the current ad system will be changed, to interfere with fake news sites receiving revenue from Facebook.
<> Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado

beget ¹: gerar, criar, produzir.
fallout² efeitos negativos.
A respeito do papel do Facebook na disseminação de fake news, pode-se afirmar corretamente, tendo por base o texto apresentado, que
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266113 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão. 

Technology brought us fake news — and it will help us kill it

     “Fake news” - websites disseminating news stories that are false but are believed to be true – was a major feature of the U.S. election season. Some observers believe that it determined the outcome of the election, although there is no way to definitively ascertain its effect on voting.
     Fake news is news that affects the digital universe profoundly. Fake news grew because of the ease of creating and disseminating websites and stories that look and read as credible as real news sites (at least to many people). It is disseminated on social media platforms just because dissemination of information without vetting has always been a feature of those platforms. This was designed to facilitate communication - no one removes a negative comment about a restaurant on Facebook. 
      On the positive side, this means that everyone’s opinion can be disseminated. The awareness of fake news, though, reveals a downside – or perhaps a loophole – of the freedom to post. And fake news may beget1 fake news. Facebook is not the only media company to be an inadvertent host for fake news, but it is by far the largest, with roughly 2 billion users each month.
    Forbes  indicates that the fallout2 from fake news during the election cycle may cause advertisers to pull back from Facebook, as it is less “brand safe” than formerly. If unchecked, fake news could impact the perceived credibility of online sites where fake news runs. Since the election, Facebook has announced plans to refine and increase automated detection of fake news and to make reporting of suspected stories easier for Facebook users. It has also indicated that the current ad system will be changed, to interfere with fake news sites receiving revenue from Facebook.
<> Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado

beget ¹: gerar, criar, produzir.
fallout² efeitos negativos.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, de acordo com o texto, elementos que podem ser considerados razões para a disseminação ou o aumento de fake news.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266112 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão. 

Technology brought us fake news — and it will help us kill it

     “Fake news” - websites disseminating news stories that are false but are believed to be true – was a major feature of the U.S. election season. Some observers believe that it determined the outcome of the election, although there is no way to definitively ascertain its effect on voting.
     Fake news is news that affects the digital universe profoundly. Fake news grew because of the ease of creating and disseminating websites and stories that look and read as credible as real news sites (at least to many people). It is disseminated on social media platforms just because dissemination of information without vetting has always been a feature of those platforms. This was designed to facilitate communication - no one removes a negative comment about a restaurant on Facebook. 
      On the positive side, this means that everyone’s opinion can be disseminated. The awareness of fake news, though, reveals a downside – or perhaps a loophole – of the freedom to post. And fake news may beget1 fake news. Facebook is not the only media company to be an inadvertent host for fake news, but it is by far the largest, with roughly 2 billion users each month.
    Forbes  indicates that the fallout2 from fake news during the election cycle may cause advertisers to pull back from Facebook, as it is less “brand safe” than formerly. If unchecked, fake news could impact the perceived credibility of online sites where fake news runs. Since the election, Facebook has announced plans to refine and increase automated detection of fake news and to make reporting of suspected stories easier for Facebook users. It has also indicated that the current ad system will be changed, to interfere with fake news sites receiving revenue from Facebook.
<> Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado

beget ¹: gerar, criar, produzir.
fallout² efeitos negativos.
Assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2018 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266089 Inglês

Leia a tirinha que mostra o diálogo do personagem Dilbert (de óculos, sentado ao computador) com o seu chefe.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

<> Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado.

Na última quadrícula, o chefe menciona “habilidades de comunicação” (communication skills) com a intenção de

Ano: 2019 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2019 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266062 Inglês
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The Most Important Skill For 21st–Century Success
By Kevin H. Johnson

The world of work is changing so rapidly, as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation change job requirements. As technologies continue to evolve and business conditions shift, employees must stay in learning mode so their skills don’t lose currency.
It’s one thing to keep up with skills as they’re changing in the here and now. It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all. 
There’s so much uncertainty and ambiguity around the future of work, it doesn’t matter your industry or job function. That’s why, when anyone asks what the next “hot” skill will be, I say it’s the same skill that will serve people today, tomorrow, and far into the future — the ability to learn.   
When people embrace lifelong learning, assimilating new skills isn’t a source of fear and stress — it’s just another part of their career journey. Separating process from outcome will make you a better learner too, as you get less fixated on immediate mastery of a skill and more appreciative of how moving outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person.
A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation. While others scramble to figure out where to go from here, lifelong learners maintain momentum and productivity.
<> Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Adaptado. Original colorido.
Na oração “A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation”, presente no quinto parágrafo do texto, o autor afirma que as pessoas que têm disposição para aprender têm menor chance de
Ano: 2019 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2019 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266061 Inglês
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The Most Important Skill For 21st–Century Success
By Kevin H. Johnson

The world of work is changing so rapidly, as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation change job requirements. As technologies continue to evolve and business conditions shift, employees must stay in learning mode so their skills don’t lose currency.
It’s one thing to keep up with skills as they’re changing in the here and now. It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all. 
There’s so much uncertainty and ambiguity around the future of work, it doesn’t matter your industry or job function. That’s why, when anyone asks what the next “hot” skill will be, I say it’s the same skill that will serve people today, tomorrow, and far into the future — the ability to learn.   
When people embrace lifelong learning, assimilating new skills isn’t a source of fear and stress — it’s just another part of their career journey. Separating process from outcome will make you a better learner too, as you get less fixated on immediate mastery of a skill and more appreciative of how moving outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person.
A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation. While others scramble to figure out where to go from here, lifelong learners maintain momentum and productivity.
<> Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Adaptado. Original colorido.
No texto, a expressão lifelong learning, presente no quarto parágrafo do texto, significa a habilidade de
Ano: 2019 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2019 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266060 Inglês
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The Most Important Skill For 21st–Century Success
By Kevin H. Johnson

The world of work is changing so rapidly, as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation change job requirements. As technologies continue to evolve and business conditions shift, employees must stay in learning mode so their skills don’t lose currency.
It’s one thing to keep up with skills as they’re changing in the here and now. It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all. 
There’s so much uncertainty and ambiguity around the future of work, it doesn’t matter your industry or job function. That’s why, when anyone asks what the next “hot” skill will be, I say it’s the same skill that will serve people today, tomorrow, and far into the future — the ability to learn.   
When people embrace lifelong learning, assimilating new skills isn’t a source of fear and stress — it’s just another part of their career journey. Separating process from outcome will make you a better learner too, as you get less fixated on immediate mastery of a skill and more appreciative of how moving outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person.
A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation. While others scramble to figure out where to go from here, lifelong learners maintain momentum and productivity.
<> Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Adaptado. Original colorido.
Na oração do terceiro parágrafo “... when anyone asks what the next ‘hot’ skill will be”, entende-se a expressão grifada como
Ano: 2019 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2019 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266059 Inglês
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The Most Important Skill For 21st–Century Success
By Kevin H. Johnson

The world of work is changing so rapidly, as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation change job requirements. As technologies continue to evolve and business conditions shift, employees must stay in learning mode so their skills don’t lose currency.
It’s one thing to keep up with skills as they’re changing in the here and now. It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all. 
There’s so much uncertainty and ambiguity around the future of work, it doesn’t matter your industry or job function. That’s why, when anyone asks what the next “hot” skill will be, I say it’s the same skill that will serve people today, tomorrow, and far into the future — the ability to learn.   
When people embrace lifelong learning, assimilating new skills isn’t a source of fear and stress — it’s just another part of their career journey. Separating process from outcome will make you a better learner too, as you get less fixated on immediate mastery of a skill and more appreciative of how moving outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person.
A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation. While others scramble to figure out where to go from here, lifelong learners maintain momentum and productivity.
<> Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Adaptado. Original colorido.
O verbo may, na oração do segundo parágrafo “It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all”, indica
Ano: 2019 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2019 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266058 Inglês
Leia o texto para responder a questão.

The Most Important Skill For 21st–Century Success
By Kevin H. Johnson

The world of work is changing so rapidly, as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation change job requirements. As technologies continue to evolve and business conditions shift, employees must stay in learning mode so their skills don’t lose currency.
It’s one thing to keep up with skills as they’re changing in the here and now. It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all. 
There’s so much uncertainty and ambiguity around the future of work, it doesn’t matter your industry or job function. That’s why, when anyone asks what the next “hot” skill will be, I say it’s the same skill that will serve people today, tomorrow, and far into the future — the ability to learn.   
When people embrace lifelong learning, assimilating new skills isn’t a source of fear and stress — it’s just another part of their career journey. Separating process from outcome will make you a better learner too, as you get less fixated on immediate mastery of a skill and more appreciative of how moving outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person.
A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation. While others scramble to figure out where to go from here, lifelong learners maintain momentum and productivity.
<> Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Adaptado. Original colorido.
Para o autor, devido à contínua evolução da tecnologia e às mudanças constantes no mundo do trabalho, os profissionais do século XXI precisam permanecer em modo de aprendizagem para
Ano: 2019 Banca: FATEC Órgão: FATEC Prova: FATEC - 2019 - FATEC - Vestibular |
Q1266037 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

<> Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Original colorido

Nos quadrinhos, pode-se observar que Alice se sente um tanto quanto decepcionada com a formação do novo líder porque ele

Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266033 Inglês

Disponível em: < legends-pirarucu.html> CELEMENT, Rosa. Acesso em: 31 jul. 16 (Adaptado).

Read the second sentence highlighted in the text (lines 30/31/32) and choose the only CORRECT alternative about the preposition into:
Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266032 Inglês

Disponível em: < legends-pirarucu.html> CELEMENT, Rosa. Acesso em: 31 jul. 16 (Adaptado).

Read the highlighted sentence in the text (lines 3/4/5) and choose the alternative in which the conjunction “even though” could be replaced and keep the same meaning:
Ano: 2016 Banca: UFRR Órgão: UFRR Prova: UFRR - 2016 - UFRR - Vestibular |
Q1266031 Inglês

Disponível em: < legends-pirarucu.html> CELEMENT, Rosa. Acesso em: 31 jul. 16 (Adaptado).

Read the text above and choose the only CORRECT alternative
3321: D
3322: A
3323: B
3324: C
3325: B
3326: D
3327: E
3328: E
3329: B
3330: A
3331: A
3332: E
3333: C
3334: E
3335: B
3336: D
3337: E
3338: A
3339: E
3340: B